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Not on Label (self-released)
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# 29 Jerome Joy#8 Sabordage Dedicated To My Friend Didier Moulinier LOSP
1 Oblique
1 Drumpelveer (Oscar Wagemans and Carel Lanters)
1 Hangar 1 Enciro
1 - End Of The Wild Frontier Warworld
1 - Wilde Gier V2 Schneider
1/2 Live 1/2 Japanese
100 Per Cent Unofficial Bret Hart
1000 veins Yeht Mae
122 Actualites Minute 122 Actualites Minute 123456789 Factor X
14-15 Carel Lanters
15 Nov 84 / Waar Was je Piotr Rypson / Tom Winter
17 10 78 Henryk Gajewski 1812, poeme Pierre Jouvet
19 7 83 Vittore Baroni 1916 Fortunato Depero
1968 / 78 / 84 Artificial Music a piece for Rod Vittore Baroni
1974-1976 Cabaret Voltaire
1979 Jesse Glass
1980 Glass Orchestra
1983-85 Yuzuru Syogase
1983... And She Told Me I Was Die Idetemp
1986 Die Gehirne
1986-88 Tropenkeller
1988 Gench
1988 Radiotron 1993 - 1996 R.I.P. Lunus
1994 Mystery Hearsay
1999 Peter Trachsel
1st Ray Abel 1st Demo Alternative
1st Demo---No Manners Icons
1st Edition Die Hornbachs 1X2 XX1 X21 X21 X Eva M Cuchulain
2 Actual Size
2 Hangar
2 Mashed Potato Boutique 2 Oblique
2 Mißbildungen
2 - Midnight Industry Warworld
2 22 81 3 24 81 Tony Hey Lon Spigelman Turk Le Clair
2 Kantaten / Piri Für Oboe Solo Isang Yun
2 Takte Später EA80
20 Years In Blue Movies And Yet To Fake An Orgasm Gum 20-10-83 Loft Last Few Days / Laibach 2031 A.D. Nightcrawlers
21st Century Fux Zark
24 Pieces For Chamber Orchestra Tom Furgas
26 3 81 Ron Crowcroft 2nd Demo 81 Alternative
2nd Jefferson Blythe Triptic Of A Pastel Fern
3 The Death & Beauty Foundation
3 - Soundings Audio Players
3 - Trench Mouth Warworld
3 Demos 1981 ABC
3 Etudes Marc Pira
3 Pissing in the Rain 3 Men Pissing In The Rain
3 Poems and Songs Klaus Groh with Andrey Dudek Dürer
3 Poems and Spontaneaous Music Klaus Groh with Andrey Dudek Dürer
3 Sound Poems Klaus Groh
3 To 1 Katharsis
3-Track Demo Joey Benjamin Zark 3.32”/1.53” Philip Johnson
3/17/89 Live Ruston, Louisiana Research and Development
30 Minutes A Measure of Time Gregor Knauer
30/31.V 1992 Andrzej Dudek-Dürer
350 Internal Music Electrodub
4 Katharsis
4 pieces Steven Berkowitz
4 Pieces Art Simon
4 Pieces Music Klaus Groh
4 Poems Klaus Groh
4 Sound Poems By Klaus Groh Klaus Groh
4 Soundpoems for Rod Klaus Groh
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4. Electronics Live-Festival (Jugendradio DT64) Various
5 - Metamorphisis Warworld
5 Days in Hell Milovan Srdenovic
5 Lectures Klaus Groh 5 Stücke aus der Bühnenmusik zu G. Büchners Josef Anton Riedl
5-30 / Mail-Box Friends Keith Bates
5XOD - 5ive Ximes Of Dust 5ive Ximes Of Dust
6 No' Marro Warworld
6 Song pop Cassette Un-Film
6-21-82 Lon Spiegelman with Michael Moilett, Richard Meade, Angelika Schmidt, Linda Spiegelmann
6W Transistor Works at 2Ghz Philip Loarie
7 Track Demo Tape Le LuLus 7/83 Boston / BRT Radio Belgium Sleep Chamber & This heat
72x108 Idid Idid
77 78 Downers
79/80 Truss + Instruments (Truus de Groot)
7DAYS/6PIECES Marie Kawazu / Action Main / Dieter Hebben
8 Pints in Liverpool This Shrinking Feeling
8-18-82 Lon Spiegelman / Richard Meade / Steve Durland Ray Zone / Lin Osterhage, / Doung Knott
8/9/79 at the Bristol Musicians Co-Operation Webit (William Pryor, Lou Gare, Dave Rawley)
800717 Galen Herod
81 Another
82 Schadstoff
82 83 (Atonal 82 / 83) Head Resonance Company
82-83 Fahrenheit 451
84-85 Heavy Mental 8402 Gravity Craze
88-Otto-Otto Morandi Conspiracy / Sergio Morandi
8901 Gravity Craze
9 Views Larry Ruhl
90 mins of Tor Sauna Deck 1 (Peter North)
92-93 the Story so far Leom Avenue :Garista: :$oviet:France: Zoviet France =HI+Live '83= Das Heinrich-Mucken-Saalorchester
A Dark Sea Snow Music
A Bold Clam Embalming Prose In Cannes
A Cast of Shadows Michelle Musser
A Collection Of Folk Songs, Poetry, And Noise Izabella
A Collection of Stiff Kittens Bright too late
A Dark Hour From History Steve Brenner & Pete Gulch (Nightcrawlers)
A Day in the Office / Bubble Dub Hase und Igel / Kajco Design
A Demo Steve Hartsoe
A Great Way to Die He is dead Jim
A Hang the Voice Hideg Roncs
A L'aide d'un lame de rasoir Pouppee Cassee A la bajonetta; Canzone rumorista; Miniera di carbone; Coro di campane, suonanti in segno di sagra il cognome Jacobson (aus Fortunato Depero
A Less Troubled God Elitalgam
A Letter To Rod 29 7 86 Pete Horobin
A long week in Houston Rick Crane
A Mari Usque Ad Mari David Keyes
A Measure of Time Kwashiorkor
A Median Section Sagittal Suture
A Mummified Person... Paul Burwell
A New race shall Prosper.... Paradox
A Noise Supreme / Depression and Ideal PBK / Vidna Obmana
A propos Rene Schmid
A Retrospective Vol.2 Joy Division
A Scary Halloween Various
A Selection from..... Lieutenant Murnau (Vittore Baroni)
a selection of Master-Reels Muslimgauze
a series of Master-Tapes by Robert I Gillham Projects (NCP, Aconite, Gravity Craze, Random Valency...) Robert I Gillham
A Slight delay Van Kaye & Ignit a sound source for death Deaf Machine / Instant Cold Commando A Subtle Buoyancy of Pulse The Tape Beatles
A Tyranno Saurus Mr. Devo
A Walk Through Voice Garden Enno Stahl
a Whale of a Tale Jaws of the Flying Carpet A&T Compilation 1 Various
Aanklacht A4 abd-ru-shin (Sohn der Sonne) Janus
Abfall / Garbage Din A Testbild
Abgas Abgas Above The Clouds Neal Davis Abracax Réseau D'Ombres
Abschied Klischee
Abschied von der Männlichkeit Mixreflex
Absolute Animal Sphinx abstrict tac
Absurdity / To Call Out in the Black Le Legendary Poptones / Zlatko
ABT 409 ABT 409 Accoy Accoy Accusation Susan Stone Acoustic Metal Music Peter Van Riper Activiti Spoon Naj
Advance Sampler Exile
Adventure In Algiers Peter Tedstone Aerosons, 1982 (opening section), computer and vocal synthesis. Leo Küpper Afraid to go to sleep Tom & Merty Band Afrikan. Klavierkonzerte (1 + 2) Julius
Again Inside Ben D.T.
Against The Dark Trees Beyond A Blaze Colour Agenda The Committee
Agentien Jeremy Clarke
Ah Ha Hilmar Fredriksen
Ah, Squid Screamin' Popeyes
Aha Anne Gillis Aiair / Ferumen I Naj
Aid & Comfort / Achilles & The Terrorist Kwashiorkor
Aiwaz Thelema Aiwaz
Alexandria Johan Cornelissen
Alien Marches Phobos
All Symptoms Go! Virullex
All the Presidents Men Swamp Surfers
All The Truth At Once John Wiggins
All things to all man Idid Idid
All Trees Allotropes
Alle Fluchtwege Versperrt Kein Plan
Alle haben gekotzt nur ich nicht Crapscrapers Allerscheinheiligenblümchen Ewald Spiss
Alone After Dark Nightcrawlers Alone Together Neal Davis Also... Dish Bouffant Jellyfish
Alto Sax Wally Shoup
Alto Saxophone Improvisation Steve Hitchcock
Amber Peter Tedstone
Ambiguous Orchestra Ambiguous Orchestra
Ame Triste A Gethsémani
American CIty Anthem & works by Bob Davis Bob Davis
American City Anthems Bob Davis Amos Isidore Isou
Amour Accro Guilty Beau'Dhy
Ampeg Stud Masters of the Obvious (M.O.T.O.) Amsterdam 1-12-83 / Den Haag 30-11-83 Laibach Amsterdam 29-9-84 / Atonal 12-12-86 Nocturnal Emisssions & Bring Philip
Amsterdam Paradiso 24.9.80 / OGWT 1985 / Rare Tracks Cabaret Voltaire An Anna Blume (voce dell'autore, registrazione del 1931) Kurt Schwitters An ideal world Shadowplay
An Sample of Bruce Atchison 1987-1991 Bruce Atchison
Anästhesie G Park
Anagenic John Wiggins
Anak Gentlemaniac Gentlemaniac
Ananas Kontrollchaos Anastigmatic Aperture Stigma
and all it's Devils here! Evan Cantor And Then, or Somewhat Later Oxymora
Android Paul Kelday
Angebigue Anne Gillis
Angelic Passages Joey Benjamin Zark Anger Land
Angst Und Ekstase Poison Dwarfs
Angstpop 1983 S.P.K.
Anima Mundi Janus
Animals And Other Stories Jay Allison
Animation Festival - a Christmal Festival Animation Festival
Anniversary Tape / Mating Song of the Planets Bob Davis and G.P. Skratz
Anomie MK Ultra
Another Time, Another Place Paul Kelday
Antagonismen - Live 13.5.1997 Pierre Henry
Antagonismes - WDR III / 10.12.1996 Pierre Henry
Anthea Idee Du Femelle
Anthology 1978-87 Donald Campau
Anthroart Jürgen Kramer Anti Christ Demo 82 Alternative
Anti Reagon Tanz Various
Anticipation Band Of Holy Joy
Ants Irrit Dy Um Swab Sound Horror
Any But Pretty Wolfsheim
Apocalypse Think Temenos
Apollo Theatre 1984 Diamanda Galás
Apostasia Buy Lt Murnau Amok
Appearus Tonitus Spartacus Dance Approach to Zero Ora
April 20, 1978 Tommy Mew
APROPOS 6.5.88 Christoph Ruettimann
Apropos Tape Pete Horobin
Aquarium Rave Up Dave Fuglewicz
Archeologias Geert Ysbrandt Hendricks
Architecture Merz Galen Herod Architexture Architexture
Archive No.1 Undercurrent
Archives Sismoid
Are Im Galen Herod
Are you ready for Tennis Emilio Morandi
Are You The One Thats Getting Fucked Pandemonium Arena 5/2/84 and 26/5/84 Tuxedomoon
Arf-Niks Volume 3 K. D. Schmitz
Arf-Niks Volume 4 K. D. Schmitz
Armaghedon Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Art Crimes Ben Allen
Art for Peter's Sake The Beyond Art Hospital Gerard Leckey
Art is a Prison Horacio Zabala
Art is for the Rich Uncle Don Milliken
Art Work and Music a.m.a.s. Artfoot Radio - Over the Edge KPFA 8-10-81 Various
Arthur C Clarke introduces the wonderful world of electronic music by NCP No Commercial Potential (NCP) Artifact Idee Du Femelle
Artlegal Das X Reiz
Artzien Various
As Diamond Clearness Luisa Cividin, Maurizio Marsico, Roberto Taroni
As The Earth Burns Dudeman Guise
Ascending Rehersals Part 1-3 Galen Herod Asphasis; Espansione 1; Omaggio a Tommaso Ottonieri; Espansione 2; Il Giorno onescomparve il nonno; Escamotage Porta, Pietro
Aspion Jack Marlow Assault 050682 S.P.K.
Assault Live Action Tuwat
Assembling One Klaus Groh Assertive Disipline The Happiest Place on Earth
Assorted with Asmus Tietchens,Vidna Obmana,PBK PBK
At Ajanta Cinema, Derby Throbbing Gristle
at Henryk Gajwski home / Talk About Art Jürgen Olbrich / Henryk Gajewski / Piotr Rypson
At Last! Nukli
At Leeds Fan Club / Scala, London / Oundle School Monte Cazazza At The 4th St. Cage 1/83 John Bender
at The Africa Centre The Casual Labourers
Atalanta Robert Ashley
Athomspheres & Movements Chris Watson
Atomblitz von Links Shark Attack
Atomique Tape Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Atonal 1983 Psychic TV
Aua - Loop Sprung Aus Den Wolken
Audio Art Richard Kostelanetz
Audio Distracting Noises Tony Bradley
Audio Document Of 1987 Sound Experiment Worldwide Random Manifestation Unit
Audio Performance 3-10-89 Guy Bleus
Audio Pieces by Mogens otto Nielsen 1972-1986 Mogens Otto Nielsen
Audio-Art 1-3 Gaby Meier
Audio-Mailart to Rod Summers Henryk Gajewski with Tomasz Lipinski
Audiofonie Stefano Barban
Audition Coloree Roy G. Biv Auf-Schlag Günter Müller
Augen Blicke Nachtfahrt
Aumann, Stadtoberinspek Die Anarchistische Gummizelle
Aural Fixation Carlo Pittore
Aural Fixation Guy Sherman
Aus Liebe zu Deutschland RGW (Reiner Größen Wahn)
Austrian Radio Special Throbbing Gristle
Auto Stimulations Glitch
Autofick - Live in Tübingen Zimt Autofonia Massimo Toniutti Autofonia - (Il Clangore Della Propria Voce Nell'Orecchio) Massimo Toniutti Automobil Raoul Hausmann
Autumn 1992 Tristis
Autumn Chronicles Twice Violet Wire (David Moore)
Available now Souvenir de Paris
Avoidance Techniques Pea Soup awkward / nondescript tac
B.K.A. 10¹º Watts (Cass, Album) 1/2 Japanese
Baba Oemf in Bimhuis Concert Hangaar 5
Bachanal Elephant Bangs Train
Back and Forth Skinny Puppy
Backbeat Jack Kerouac and William S. Burroughs
Bad Impressions The Two Johnnys
Bad Taste In My Mouth DK
Ballhaus Tiergarten 17-2-85 Atonal 85 Test Department
Banal Fixation John Bartles banda sonora original del videofilm "Cuestiones de Internado" / sonorization del poema "Arrecife" Francisco Lopez
Bankside / Greenwich 1993 Bow Gamelan Ensemble
Bardo Thos-Grol Sigillum S
Barracks 5 Galen Herod Basic Pain Procedure Nitzer Ebb
Basic Tendencies Mike Richmond
Baumann / Koek Baumann / Koek
Be Yourself... Artis the Spoonman
Beacon Star Chuck Larrieu
Bear Ears And Other Songs Joyce Lightbody
Beat Rail Cabaret Voltaire
Beat Rail 1976 Cabaret Voltaire
Beat World Cabvolt Cabaret Voltaire
Beim ersten mal tuts immer weh Sugalo
Beliebte Melodien Aus Deutschem Süden Various
Belmonde Sings Piaf Regicide Bureau Bergen Belsen Grüsst Various
Berlin 4-81 Pionier Seriös
Berlin Horse Naked Pygmy Voles
berlin independence days Various
Bern Porto Carlo Pittore Berserker Amra/Arma
Best of Volume... I Throbbing Gristle
Better Music through Electronics Ron Slabe & Trivision
Better Than Nothing The Hello
BEYOND PANIC Gen lecture Hull May 1980 Genesis P-Orridge
Beyond the Pain Barrier Mesh Beyond The Perimeters Paul Kelday
Beyond the Tenth Omnia Opera
Big Ball in Town / Pentatone For Caro (1974-76) Bob Davis Big Band Theory Merz
Big Bully Doug Harrison
Big Enough to Disappear Moris Tepper
Big Foot Gargantua Big Grumpy Adults Greg Horn
Bigger than Jesus Kalahari Surfers
Bilabial Fricative Bret Hart
Bindu Ariel Kalma
Biohazard/Isolation Shame, Exposure
Birds - Battery Operated Gen Ken Montgomery
Birmingham 26-5-83 Test Department
Bis Ins Erinnern. Experimentelle Improvisationen 1995 Beumer, Isabeella
Bite the Wax Tadpole Galen Herod
BKA Live Chaotenbunker Bande Krimineller Anfänger
Black & White / Angry Frozen Grin
Black Habits Big Joey
Black Water Delirium Dust That Collects Blackbird in Balcony Rod Summers
Blame It On The Government/Carol Wants An Oboe In 3D Malcolm Ryder / Chuck Ryder Bland-Out in Britain Adultery Blank Crowd Blank Crowd
Blank Tape with Cigarette Burn Buster Cleveland
Blasrohr- Und Saitenmusik Hans-Karsten Raecke
Blinded Too Long Drama
Blois 11-11-86 Andrzej Dudek-Dürer
Blood Hook Blood Hook
Bloomsday - Ulysses James Joyce
Blowhole / Big Joey Blowhole / Big Joey Blue Roy G. Biv
Blue Diner James St. Vrrain
Blue Dolphins Dream Fatigue Blue Fuse Ron Geesin Blue Fuse Ronna Cohen
Blue Gene Tyranny Robert Sheff
Blut Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Blut & Liebe Rosengarten Blut im Stuhl Das Anuskabinett Bochum Zwischenfall 24.11.93 (with Boyd Rice) Death in June
Body Odors Daniele Ciullini body of a crow The Happiest Place on Earth
Bold Made by Passion
Bolt! Masters of the Obvious (M.O.T.O.)
Bombarded with Flowers Tom Burris / Bombarded with Flowers
Bombs from Heaven Early Garage Grunge Vol.2 Hermanos Guzanos Bonn Rheinterassen 22-07-83 Nocturnal Emissions
Book of Alchemy Loren Nerell
Book of Changes Nukli
Bootleg No.1 Brave New World Tom Winter Boots Primitiv
Boundari to Insanity 5 / The Last Perception / Growing Rotation Maeror Tri Box & Or Machine Sponge
Boxing Simplified Thousand Pieces
Boyd Rice Boyd Rice
Brakes 'N' Mistakes S.B.O.T.H.I. (Swimming Behavior Of The Human Infant) brakes'n'mistakes S.B.O.T.H.I. (Swimming Behavior Of The Human Infant)
Break in 84 Hearts and Chips
Breaking Single David Jackman Breakthrough Chop Shop Bremen, 30.5.83 Lounge Lizards
Bricolage Fernando Matamores
Bring me a Bottle / The Princessgarden Jürgen Olbrich
Brise-Glace / Et Sie Toute Entiere Maintenant Luc Ferrari Broccoli June Harvest Doc Wör Mirran Bruits Et Paroles Michel Poivert
Brutal RItual Bondage and Godwin "Ogooue Mbwanoi" BRB
Bürger Der Neuen Zeit "Im 4.Reich" Jeremy Clarke
Building Plans and Schemes Guy Bleus
Buis September 1980 Diederick Van Kleef Burning for Burning Suspirium
Butch (a story of stray weaather...) Adriaan Mol Buuhndahmaging Suzuki Shunya (z.B.u.ä.)
By Technique The Answer c.o. / material Naj
Cabbalero Aristeo
California Zen Romances Larry Wendt / Stephen Ruppenthal
Campaign Death Squad Canada Various
Canal Street 15 Lawrence Kucharz
Cancer Myth / the Lovely Crown German Shepherds Caos Totale Tim Berne
Capri-Fischer / Bananen Valie Export / Monsti Wiener
Capricorn Flakes Mark Harrington
Carcinosi Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.) Careless Talks Cost nothing Bourbonese Qualk Carnival Of The Animals/Karneval Der Tiere (1988) Richard Kostelanetz
Carol for Savages One Last Fling Cassandwhich Various
Cassee La Radio Joachim Mogarra
Cassette recording 1977 Tom Griswold
Cassette Rein Und Raus B.G.S.
Caution: Contents under Pressure Bob Zark Cava XI.XI.86 Massimo Toniutti
Cava XI.XI.86 (Impianti Luoghi E Impalcature) Massimo Toniutti
CB 09 Rafael Flores
Celebrate Fro Change Omnia Opera Cellos Peter Rudolfi Centuries Paul Kelday
Cerebal Rejuvinator Canwll Corfe
ceremonies of elemend ceremonies of elemend
Champagne In Mozambique Ingleton Falls
Chance Dying Swab Sound Horror
Chance vs Casuality Cabaret Voltaire
Change Kelly Smith Change Music Klaus Groh
Changez Les Blockeurs The New Blockaders
Chansons des Malcontentes Mandodroid Chant with Rattle; Horse-Songs; Old man Beaver's Blessing Song. Jerome Rothenberg
Chapter Eleven Robert Turman
Charlottenburger Neger Sprayers
Chciago 11-1-84 / Wrek 84 Hunting Lodge & Jarboe
Check My Boogman Bouffant Jellyfish
Cheek-a-Bomba Influenza Prods
Chemical Engeneering John Bartles & Zimermann Telegram Chez Renée Absent Music
Childrearing Lon Spiegelman, Michael Mollette, Neal Taylor
Ching the Mob Chnyid Bardo New 7th Music
choda charona choda charona
Choking on the Fumes Hernia Retraction Accordion Chop - N - Hop Nightcrawlers
Christ Child / Enemy Razors
Christmas '84 Various Christmas Album Philip Johnson
Christmas Album Chris Wind
Christmas Card / The Spring Larry Wendt
Chronology Rasta Robert
Cinematics 1 - Sultan in Oman / Gorgons & Gargoyles (with Blair Petrie) Stefan Tischler
Cinematics 2 & 4 - In Florette's Room / The Blue Pill Stefan Tischler
Cinematics 3 & 5 - Invisible Cities / City of Dark Stefan Tischler
Circles in the Air Diederick Van Kleef Circular Thoughts Daniel Goode
Clarendon London 11-7-86 Leather Nun
Claus Böhmler zeigt Claus Böhmler
Cleaning Up My Life Johan Cornelissen
Cleopatra Mechanischer kulturkreis Clockdreams Scott Duncan
Close Cassette Radio Tape 1 Various
Close Cassette Radio Tape 2 Various
CMRS OPEA Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Cobweb Adorned Raymond Scott Woolson
Coiffure Anna Moor
Coin / Dirt Caroliner Cold Allgrena
Colette Interview with Colin Naylor 26-7-1975 Coum Transmissions
Collaborations Gen Ken Montgomery Collage No. 1+2 Justin Saragoza
Collage Resonance Ton Bruynèl
Collages & Leitmotiv Tamarix
Collective Sounds Harlan
Cologne 26-11-86 Andrzej Dudek-Dürer Color Anxiety Color Anxiety Colors on the Wind Montage
Colossal Youth Young Marble Giants
Colour Harmonies Keith Barnard
Colour these Bears Milovan Srdenovic Com. SA Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Come and See Timothy Gilbert
Coming Home Hymn
Company Paul Van Oevelen
Company of Killers Company of Killers
Compilation Kwai-Dan
Compilation Submittal 1989 Sterile Womans Icy Majesty
Complete Control Jeff Van Auken Complete Sensory Deprivation The Adventures of Twizzle
Complicity 59 Reasons
Composite No.2 Dominic Alleluia
Compositions 1977 Boyd Rice & Javier Escovedo
Compositions II - Composition of Words is Music Carel Lanters
Compost One Raymond Scott Woolson
Compuspeak June 21 1986 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Computer Music No.1 Lawrence Ball
Computermuziek for Gitar Diederick Van Kleef
Computers S.P.A. Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.) Concert at Great American Music Hall, January 26, 1984. THE BOBS
Concerto 2-3 Carel Lanters
Concerto en Vivo ENEP Voldarepet
Concocting Chaos / Spurt Ditties Tara Cross
Concocting Chaos / Spurt Ditties (2nd version) Tara Cross
Confessions of a Shit Addict Leslie Singer
Confusion In Brains Notausgang
Confusion Or Control State Of Confusion (SOC)
Conney Island Nic Thompson
Conrad und Sohn Conrad Schnitzler
Consequenz (with Wolf Sequenza) Conrad Schnitzler
Contempora Conrad Schnitzler
Contingent Contagions Death & Taxes
Contra Puntal Poetry Dennis Williams
Conventional Sounds The Ordinary
Conversation Piece 77 Betty Danon Conversations Stuart Brisley
Conversations / Dialogues Richard Kostelanetz
Convex Conrad Schnitzler
Copenhagen 7-12-84 Psychic TV Cops Of Matter Metgumbnerbone
Couldn't She get drowned Where's Lisse? Couldn't She Get Drowned? Various Courtesy of the Haste Society K.H. productions Cozmik Riddum Abner Malaty CQS Tex and the Happy MME Theatre
Crack the Cranky Children The Josef Boys
Cracker Jack Dave Zack as Cracker Jack Kid
Crappy Appleton Pain Clinic Creative Energy Neal Davis
Creeping Jenny Dave Fuglewicz
Cri Primal Cri Primal
Cross Mod Ona Muk
Crossings Port Said & Anton Tibbe
Crypiece Bob James Cryptosphere Goricon Nightcrawlers Crystal Loops Nightcrawlers
Culture Bunker Kranioklast
Culturecide - Pik'N'Pak - Live Houston 12-15-85 Culturcide
Curiooddity Screamin' Popeyes
Currents Marc Barreca Cuts From Beyond(X) Hermanos Guzanos
Cuts off your balls Blastov
CV for Rod Vittore Baroni
Cyberbilly Poleswipe Backyard Possum Trot Cybersun 231 Nightcrawlers
Cybonesie CYBE
Cyfrol Y Cewri yr anhrefn
Cyra Rainer Steinkraus
D'un Porte Yves Bouliane D.C. Deadcore Asbestos Rockpyle
d.i.e.c. 1 Audiopeste
D.O.T. Douglas Theriault
Daac Andrew Chalk DAAC Ora
Dada Event - La Mesa Casa 16 February 1977 Boyd Rice & The Young Americans & Steve Hitchcock
Dada For Ever Vittore Baroni
Dadaland Klaus Groh
Daemoni, Etiam Vera Dicenti, Non Est Credenum Clystere
Dafka 1 Der Alternde Fan
Dalai Lama Dr. Phil
Dance Decayed / Dance Decade '78-'79 Cabaret Voltaire
Dance Naked/Thrust! Dance Naked
Dances with Downers Slim the Drifter
Dancing About Architecture David Prescott / Minoy
Dancing on Glass (Live 81 and BBC 77) Siouxsie & The Banshees Dancing Queen NO
Danger of Infection Eyeless in Gaza
Danish mail Art Carsten Schmidt Olsen
Danses grotesques Rhinoceros
Dark 1 David Prescott
Dark 2 David Prescott Dark 3 David Prescott
Dark 4 David Prescott
Dark 5 David Prescott
Darker Side of American Politics Mike Kane
Darkness in West Beri Beri
Das Audoquartett Das Audoquartett
Das Funk Ist Verboten Greg Horn
Das Geschenk Maria Zerfall
Das Lawinenthal Ewald Spiss
das Todesantlitz Giancarlo Toniutti Date Boe Primitiv
Dave Oz Zack October 84 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
De-Haunting the Body House The Ululating Mummies Dead Goldfish don't give you any smalltalk A Major European Group
Deaf Child Deafchild DEBRIS, SOLI Willem Wander van Nieuwkerk
Deceit La Kammerzofe
December 1983 Poems John M Bennett Decision Sixty Crap (Philip Johnson) Deconstruction Of The Art Of Violoncello Playing Doug Carroll
Deeper Patrick Kelly
Defect The Fixtures
Deine Zukunft - Dein Sterne - Kriegsrevue Ronald Reagan
Demo Wig Torture
Demo Neon
Demo Bombed Bodies
Demo Bullwix
Demo This Shrinking Feeling
Demo Gabble Ratchet
Demo Just Like Dad
Demo Gay Dogs
Demo G Rither
demo Ignite
Demo King of Filk
demo Moforage
Demo Severe Tire Damage
demo The Horse Falls Demo Manowar
Demo 38th Parallel
Demo Madame Sadie (MME Sadie)
demo Kloot Per W
Demo Pocke Öhrström
Demo Stress
Demo '94 Resist Control
Demo 1 Gabble Ratchet
Demo 12/80 Screamer (pre Slime)
Demo 1980 Religious Overdose
Demo 1983 - Oversoul Situations Laxative Souls (LXSS)
Demo 1984 Influenza Prods
Demo 1990 Eden
Demo 2 Gabble Ratchet
Demo 3 Gabble Ratchet
Demo 4 Gabble Ratchet
Demo 82/84 Triebtäter
Demo 83 Die Grabräuber
Demo 85 Konsumterror
Demo 87 Kommunity FK Demo 9-24-84 Enstruction
Demo 94 Loop B
Demo Dogs The Patricios
Demo Tape Gruppo Mazzarolli
Demo Tape Conrad Praetzel
Demo Tape P4
Demo Tape Minóy
Demo Tape Twelve Cubic Feet
Demo Tape 1989 Joey Benjamin Zark
Demo Tape 1991 Cosmo Drum
Demo Tape 1993 Joey Benjamin Zark
Demo Tape 1994 NOX
Demo Tape for Rod Ron Crowcroft
Demo Tape for Thom Holmes Unovidual
Demo with Maghthea Unovidual
Demo Zero Memoria Zero
Demo-Tapes Jan.1984 The Room 101
Demonstration Revenge of Nephthys Demonstration Kubist Tier
Demonstrations 1984-85 Art Deco
Demos Soft Cell Demos Robert I Gillham
Demos & Live OHL
Demos (Western Works Demos 1977 - 1979) Cabaret Voltaire
Demos 1983 Hunting Lodge
Demos and Disco Sex Crimes Robert I Gillham Demos D.V.S.C. Robert I Gillham
Demos Jihad E Sazandegl Konstruktivits Denver/Boulder 86 Thessalonians
der 7. Versuch der 7. Versuch
Der Akteur to VEC Der Akteur
der Erste Versuch Konrad Der Gefasste Raum Achim Wollscheid
Der Kunstmundwerker führt sich auf Norbert Koschitz
Der Liebe Auf Der Spur (as Mekanik DK) Mekanik Destrüktiw Komandöh (M.D.K.)
Der Mord Fällt Aus EA80
Der Oberdada Der Akteur
Der Tanzende Rülpser (Markus Schwill) Death Pact International
Der Weltbeste Moloko Plus Moloko Plus
Derbegriffderangst Stefan Hetzel
Destination Bret Hart
Destroy It Frans De Waard
Details Laurent Pernice
Detroit 7-14-84 / Brixton 8-29-84 Hunting Lodge & In the Nursery
Deutsche Zentraldruckerei Ton DZD (Deutsche zentraldruckerei)
Deutschsongs Gerry Garstein
Deux Demos Attrition
Deventer Weeshus 24-2-86 Swans
Devices Nurse With Wound
Devil Box Of The Gods The Mumbles
Dialetica Rafael Flores Diaro (Technique) Dave Baird
Dicembre 1980 Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.) Dick Higgins, Dick Higgins
Die 11000 Ruten Fleischlego
Die Aggressiven Stuhlbeine Die Aggressiven Stuhlbeine
Die Erste Delle Für Die Neue Welle Schweine Im Weltall Die Evangelien Richard Kostelanetz Die Haut Die Haut Die Haut Die Haut Die Herzen sind zu Head Resonance Company Die Johannistänzer Agonie Und Wahnsinn & Seine Excellenz
Die Kleenex Spielen Kleenex
Die Kraft der Natur Planstudio Siepmann ( Ulla und Gerd Siepmann)
Die neuen Lämmer - the gregarious child Der Akteur
Die Popelgang Die Schlaffen Affen
Die Schlimmen Finger Die Schlimmen Finger
Die Stumme Handschrift Lied an der Freude (Andy Giorbino)
Die Tape Reste 1981-1985 No. 1 Standpunkt Die Wende Christian Walter
Different Drift Aptosians
Digi-Taal Jim Wafer
Dikke Mannen Dull Schicksal
Dimuro House Dino Dimuro
Dining by the Light of a Collapsing Star Pat Kinsella
Dinner Music for the Bulemic - the One Which Bret Hart
Dipping Into Color The Manufacturing of Humidifiers Direct Contact Peter Van Riper
Direct out of / not Be for any Andrzej Dudek-Dürer
Dirt & Roll Joe Shmoe
Dirty Crows - Music Licked Clean John Bartles Disorganism Thread Distant Aged Dread Jonkari Alex Nu-Jetson Distant Strings David Gilden Diving for Pearls Again Various
Djingel Mark Lane / Klinik
Do My Wild Romance The Barking Boys and The Yes Girls
Do not let me Fall Dorothy Iannone Do The Cage John Bender
Dog Town Road John Bartles
Dogz2Ratz Phil Rhoden
Dom Königslutter 1981 - 12 tiny pieces for recreation Head Resonance Company
Doppio Senso Latosegreto
Dordrecht 82 Carel Lanters
Dort wo du bist bin ich auch Ruedi Schill
Dosis 5: Leben Ist Gesund Didaktische Einheit
Dosis 6 Didaktische Einheit
Dosis 7 Ich will nicht mehr denken Didaktische Einheit
Dosis 7A-MXYZPTLK - die Reise von Berlin nach Berlin im Boot Didaktische Einheit
Dosis 8 - Körper Intelligenz Euer Trüber Spass Tötet Didaktische Einheit
Dot to Dot Live 10.2.88 Legendary Pink Dots Down among the Zenman Various
Down Wind and Out of Tyme Paul Jorgensen Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde 1&2 Osiris
Dr. Mongo Tari-bubu And The Love Grenade (John Herron) Dr. Mongo Tari-bubu And The Love Grenade (John Herron)
Dragons Never Win / Millions stand behind you Ben Allen
Dramatico Linea Tactica
Drapes of Rain - Live Lhasa and Anti-Club 1985 Paper Bag
Dream Glop Dave Fuglewicz
Dream Weapon Mike Shannon
Dreaming of Kaleidoscopes Chris Wind
Dreammakers Surkus
Dreams Must Be Made By Muscle - Running for Cover is No Solution Metropolie Trans
Dreams Without Dreamers Michelle Musser Dreemin Uv Th Nite Luddites
Dreikalamari Dreieier
Dressed Up Animals Dressed Up Animals
Dreun Metgumbnerbone
Drift - Elektronische Musik By Klang Klang (John Di Stefano)
Drifting Dave Fuglewicz Drum Dance and Song Schlaflose Nächte & Einstürzende Neubauten
Dub It Up Moose Stylee! Dub Allup Dubois The Dolt Swinebolt 45
Duchthings Leonhard F. Duch
Ducks and Covers Hermanos Guzanos
Duo I-XVIII The Militant Musicians Pond
Duvet Nic Thompson
Dwarsklanken Peter Sterk
Dysfunctional Frank Peck
Dziecko Autorem - Child as Author Henryk Gajewski E Sudden Infant
e Pluribus Moto Masters of the Obvious (M.O.T.O.) E.T.A. Factor X
Eagan Urges Kwashiorkor
Early Garage Grunge Vol.1 - Sleazeweazles Hermanos Guzanos
Early Garage Grunge Vol.III - Panchos Arena Hermanos Guzanos
Early Stuff Volume 1 Dave Fuglewicz
Early Stuff Volume 2 Dave Fuglewicz
Earth Zero Krel
Eat Lunchmet Eddy & Pokey Eat The Rich Alternative
Ecoline The Visior
Edelmetall Edelmetall
Edewecht Concert - Metaphysical Telepathic Piano Music Andrzej Dudek-Dürer Effenaar 3/10/80 Tuxedomoon
EG 1 Esplendor Geometrico
Eighteen Eighty Eight (1888) Canwll Corfe
ein achtel Mettwurst und Bumskopf Der Akteur
Ein dreckiges Leben Downers Eindhoven 2-12-83 Last Few Days EINDHOVEN 2-12-83 Last Few Days
eine Erinnerung S.Y.P.H. & Nacht und Nebel
Eine Kleine Nichtmusik Scott Downey
Eine Musikalische Reise durch den Keller Die Ichs
einsam in trüben tagen gehört einsam in trüben tagen gehört
Eklectrik Orgaztra Zendik Farm
Ekwinocks Random Bob
El Asesino / El Enano Bulbo Radiqueo / Javier Cinca El Mudo Azul Francisco Lopez El Raxo Del luna 1&2 Osiris
El Sueno / Piel Luis Mesa
Electric Ballroom 26-10-79 Joy Division
Electric Ballroom Thur. 18th Aug. 83 Cabaret Voltaire
Electric Vacumm J.D. Wilburn
Electro Acoustic Studies IV Stephen Rieck
Electron Sorcerer Robert Lawrence
Electronic Meditations Mark Sullivan Electronic Music Ian Boddy
Electronic Music from the Rainbow Isle Don Slepian
Electronic Realizations Terry J Ward
Electronic Skunk Fire Dave Fuglewicz
Electronically Engeneered Laonia Jonkari Alex Nu-Jetson
Electrophonic Karl Rehn Elektronische Musik Compos Mentis Elektronische Musik John Di Stefano Elevator Music Small Cruel Party
Elusive Management The Hope Thieves
Embryotomi I.M.C.P.
Emergency Provision Imminent Starvation Empathy Empathy
End-Los Bruno Bussmann
Endless Enemies Yeht Mae Endless Loop Chop Shop
Endometrio Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Endometrio Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Endometrio Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Energy Beings Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Englands Newest Hit Makers Your Mom Too / Leslie Singer
Environmental Fetus Productions
Epidemic / Disappointed In Love Kwashiorkor
Epigènesi Giancarlo Toniutti
Epiphaies Richard Kostelanetz
Equilibrium Promo From Nursery to Misery
Equlibrium From Nursery to Misery
Erde 80 Christof Glowalla Eremit Kadef
Erfahrungswerte Hans C.
Erpsongs 1984-85 Ozric Tentacles Erradication Time Magog Universal
Erster Grössenwahnsinn Ludger Andreas
Es Gruesst Santrra
Escape the Sanctuary The Third State
Espejos Aristeo
Ett Figurklippt Träd. Stenpelare Stod Pa Underliga Ställen No Festival Of Light & PWCCA/Demogorgon
Europa Delicias Alberto Moral & Acme
Euy Semantics Could Vanish
Eve of Dawn Peter Tedstone
Eve of Departure Port Said
Even the Dead have Fingerprints Schuster Evening Repose Nightcrawlers
Ever Widening Circles of Remorse Ned Sublette / Lawrence Weiner & The Persuasions Every Thursday @ Anomalous - Music @ 8:30 - Uh, Listen Jerman & friends, Jeph
Evicted Kwashiorkor
Evil Throbbing Buzz Greg Horn
Excerpts from "Forbidden" Konstruktivists
Exercises in Style Bright too late Exo Various
Exorcism Rosengarten
Exoterica Blackhumour experience The Traz
Experiences Sonoras Sebastian Gandera
Exposed to Control Paul van de Vliet / Joke van Kerwijk
Exposition Nadine BAL 10.11.1989 Alain Neffe
Expositions 2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11 Hot Bip
Extra Bidoche Musique
Extract from Slow Music/Untitled (one off) David Jackman
Extrem Musik A La Ping Pong Phase 1 A La Ping Pong
Eye Talk Augustus My God I have it Magnús Pálsson
Eyes without Blood - Columbia USA Oct.1981 Diamanda Galás
Fabulous Feast of Flowering Light / Rehearsal 8 5 85 The Death & Beauty Foundation
Factory Fun Vol. I Sly
Fährt ins Land Der Böse Bub Eugen
Fährt Vor Der Böse Bub Eugen
Fallowfield T-Shirt COllection 1979 Rod Summers
Familiar Oddities Dr. Phil
Fandangos Audio Raul Marroquin Fartles & Ferg Peter Tonks
Fasst Mich Nicht An ! Gerry Garstein Fatman Crossing Tee Vees Fausse Conscience Neva
Favourite Fairytales For Juvenile Delinquents Band Of Holy Joy
Favourite Fairytales For Juvenile Delinquents Band Of Holy Joy
Feb. '85 David Myers
Fed X! Various
Feed Your Head Magic Mushroom Band FeedInk.4: conversations in magnetic tape Various FEM DIRTOE Gai Saber
Fetisch Park Fetisch Park
Fetish Tape Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
FFM 11-10-80 Throbbing Gristle Fick dich selbst Theo Rehtisch Ficka E-605
Fifteen Minutes With Jerry Woodsford Kane Fifth Philip Johnson
Fight for Glory Scaffold
Film at Eleven Blank Stairs
Film Ideas Vol.2 Coum Transmissions Final Academy 29.9.82 / Brixton 30.9.82 23 Skidoo / Last Few Days Final Alternative Relation F:A.R.
Finding Grace Bret Hart fine pattern S.A.S.W. First Circle Various
First Contact Irsol
First Steps Jim Raddatz
First Strike Various
First Tape half of second Tape Ben Allen Fishes of the Philippine Seas Alison Knowles Fitzcarringo's Log Bob Blaize & Dave Clark & Walter Drake & Jeph Jerman & Ray Stewart & Steve Beckner
Flambe on 12th Street the 12th st. Academy Band
Flesh and Steel Society Kühe Im Nebel
Fletcher Henderson Masters of the Obvious (M.O.T.O.) Flexisound Various Flight Over Asia Paul Kelday
Flipping Out / Reading Difficulties Michael Gibbs Floating Memories Aube / Napalmed Flowers For Funerals Flowers For Funerals
Flu Influenza Prods
Flüstern & Schreien Feeling B
Fluid & Firm / Alles Oder Nichts Fabrik
Flux Flux (german Band) Flux Robert Turman
Flux Extended Remix Robert Turman
Fluxus Alain Gibertie
Flyer / Requiem David Jackman
Flying Hormones Bob Davis and Barney Jones
FM John E FM Skoptzies/Attrition
Folk Music Jazz Music 28 4 79 Ron Crowcroft
Follow - Mod Komposities Stichting Ruimte
Folly Fool
Fonteinfilm Eddy Fontaine
Food for the Mood Galen Herod
for Amelia Chris Wind
For Minoy Hypnogaga For the Moment John Di Stefano For The Raven Metgumbnerbone
for VEC Wietold Popiel
Force of Habit Demo EP M. Standish
Foreign Insight Aaron Winsor
Foreign Ritual Mesh
Forgotten Souls Venus Fly Trap
Forward over Graves System Collapse
Fou Tapis Fractured Pieces of the Resinous Glaze Abner Malaty
Fragile Shoreline Mike Brooks
Fragmentos Anton Jodra
Fragments Luney Tunes
Frau Frau - Frau Sein Ulrike Rosenbach
Frauenkalender / Konventionell Marianne Eigenheer Free Reign JEEM
Freewheel To Freedom Carl Matthews
Frenetic Schlagers Gertie Bauer und die Jungs Frequencies / Ambient Psychophysicist
Friandise Avril '85 Bob & Nev
Friends of Musical Furniture Gordon Forster
Frische Luft Multiple Magenta Frisches Blut für Berlin Gudrun Gut & Mark Eins
Frischwärts Viermal Die Frischen
Fröhliche Eiszeit Fröhliche Eiszeit Frogs 3 Felix Hess Frogs 5 Felix Hess
From another side Marc O Dope
From Beyond The Weeds
From Cumming going to The Closet From Malaga to Cairo Carlos Lomas
from Ron to Rod Summer 81 Ron Crowcroft
From the Heart's Grave Evidence
From the Pole to the Equator Keith Ullrich and Charles Anderson From the Upper Cerebrum Electric Impulses From the Upper Cerebrum
Frozen In Amber Frozen In Amber (Kris T. Force)
Fünf Menschen Unter Monstern (Tape 2) Knochen=Girl
Fugit Hose B.C.
Full Use of Nothing Ferial Confine Funky Jazz BBL Futter Für Das Fellchen Ewald Spiss
Futura Calpestato Inter Nos Fylkingen 10.10.1990 / Burning Water TAG
Gäste aus Ungarn Peter Handke
Gaestebud Ruminate II HI3ORON
Gaia, La Terre Pierre Perret Gaia, La Terre Pierre Perret Gambake Testkard 225
Ganglife Fight for Freedom
Garage Sound No 1 Tom Pettings Hertzattacken Garderie Des Songes End Of Orgy
Gargolye No.28 Various
Gazza November Honeymoon Productions
Geen Verzamelelpee This Time Gefühls-Inflation / Wütende Traurigkeit Rolf Jungklaus
Geile Scheibe Reiner Zufall Geile Tiere Geile Tiere Geisterfahrer (Demo) Geisterfahrer
Gemischtwarenhandlung Hirn mit Ei
Gen Ken & Equipment Gen Ken Montgomery
Gene P Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Gene X Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Generalmania Gentlemaniac
Genocidio 20 Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.) Gerard Leckey Gerard Leckey
Germain Hubert Ales Germain Hubert Ales
German Suppression Fiction
Geschichten aus dem Treppenhaus Texte & Zeichen Kobinat
geschriebene, hörbare Texte / Stück für zwei Stimmen... Renzo Schneider / Anna Sträuli
Gespräch Max Wechsler / Peter Roesch Get Away From It All With The Army Alternative
Get it Cheap Tea For Two Get Political & Such Paradox
Get Unique Larry Ruhl
GG Allin And His Illegitimate Kids GG Allin
Gift In Athen Wolfgang Hertz
Gig Dig Kassettensampler Köln am Rhein Various
Gilman St. Project Nov. 20th 1987 Iao Core
Gimme Printemps Remo Tobs
Give me more Sisters Sisters of Mercy Glacial Erratics Volume 1 No Commercial Potential (NCP) Glacial Erratics Volume 2 No Commercial Potential (NCP) Glacial Erratics Volume 3 No Commercial Potential (NCP)
Glacial Erratics Volume 4 No Commercial Potential (NCP) Glacial Erratics Volume 5 No Commercial Potential (NCP)
Glacial Erratics Volume 6 - Recent Play No Commercial Potential (NCP) / Various
Glad Corp Glad Corp
Glad to be human Galen Herod
Glasgow Tramway 11-5-91 Brith Gof
Glos Miroslaw Rajkowski
Go Dog Phil Rhoden
Go Fuck Yourself! John Bartles
Go Tell It On The Mountain Roberta Eklund
God - Family - Country Sucking Chest Wound
God is love Solomonoff & Von Hoffmannstahl
Godzilla Meets the Housemaid The Folkoffs goes Disco Primitiv
Golden Hour Stefan Ettlinger
Gradeaus Nach Unbekannt Überhaupt
Grains are Seeds The Dawn Assembled Dreams
Grammar Concrete 1-4 Klaus Groh Greatest Hits Acker and the Nice Boys
Greatest Hits Gen Ken Greatest Shits DZ Lectric
Greatest Tits Influenza Prods
Green is the Colour Anatol Sucher
Gref Schwulenwurst Hirn mit Ei
Gregorian Chant Ausgeburt des Dada Der Akteur Grenoble 1989 The Anti Group (T.A.G.C.)
Grey like Fighter Planes Ken Hunt
Gross Panda Sprayers Ground Your Ears! Vol.5 (Impulsive Music Electronical Created) Ulrich Blume Guitar 6 / A Collection Of Love Songs The Herzliyya Boardwalk String Sextet
Gulag Galen Herod
Gumption John Callaghan H AIN`T TA ILL IN Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock / FACTOR X
Ha ha schreit Dr. Faustroll Peter Pan Habitation Dan Lander Hafre John V. Hagar The Womb Hagar The Womb
Haissa ! Saft ! Aissa Saved
Halbtoll In Die Ewigkeit Halbtote Kreaturen
Half Term Report Robert I Gillham
Halli-Galli Tanzmusik Deutscher Kaiser
Halloween Day Massacre Joe Shmoe Halloween's Day Massacre John Bartles Hallucinatory Executions Nightcrawlers
Halta - Pause Robert Fischer
Hamburg Jack Wright
Hamburg Markthalle 29.3.1984 Fad Gadget
Hamburg Markthalle 82 S.P.K.
Hammersmith Palais 28-10-86 the Residents Hang'r Various Happy People Happy People
Hard Hearing #10 "Gravity Reversed" James Boring
Harzreise im Winter Janos Urban
Head A Taste of Red
Headbutt Noise System Headbutt Noise System
Headlines Mr. Devo
Headwound Dogmachine
Hearings in the Perimeter Steve Bissinger
Heart Breaking Culturcide
Heart of the Waxflower The Cardinal of Splendour Heaven Clock DVA
Hectafat Mactown Strip Heinrich Mucken Hits The World Featuring: Previously Unreleased Material Das Heinrich-Mucken-Saalorchester
Helgoland 23.7.83 Die Tödliche Doris
Helion Patrick H Murphy Heliotroupe Heliotroupe Hellcows Hellcows
Hellow Carel Lanters
Hellside Angst
Hhhard Sigillum S
Hi, How Are You? (The Unfinished Album) Daniel Johnston
Hidden Pictures Nightcrawlers
Hiding Under The Sun Ásta Ólafsdottir
Hier Sind Die... U.E.D.L. and Spiel 77
Himmlischer Frieden Perestroika Combo Hindustani and Remorse John Hudak
Hinten Schweiger
Hipbone Hipbone
History - the Strength Of Metal In Motion Test Department
History live 1982-1983 Test Department Hitler's Trousers After The Blast The Adventures of Twizzle
Hits 83 Tollwut
HLJOD 1990 Finnbogi Pétursson
HLJOD 1991 Finnbogi Pétursson
HLJOD 1992 Finnbogi Pétursson
Hodshon Skeletal Resonance (Frederic B. Hodshon)
Hörbeispiele Gerhard Stebner
Hörzeit 1 Various Hokmah Nistarah Esoterica Landscapes 7
Hollywood Songs & other Pieces Vittore Baroni
Homo Sapiens Magisch Theater
Homo Terra Incognita Homo Terra Incognita
Hopfenland Tape - Live The Nikoteens
Hormigas Francisco Lopez Hors D'Oeuvres Nightcrawlers
Horus - Work in Progress Jean Louis Houchard
Hostile Witness Katharsis
Hot bip Philippe Laurent
Hotel of flashes Fever Heroes
House Of Dogs Gargoyle Mechanique How Dare You Alternative
How to Love the Rotting Cadaver No.9 Various
Hradschin L'Akstremaunçió
Hradschin L'Akstremaunçió Hum 4 Kathi Gene Avery Human Daniel Menche
Human Kull Death Pact International
Human punx and pogopigs der 7. Versuch
Human Remains Soft Disgust Human Scab Human Scab
Hurra, Hurra, Titanic Ulrich Bogislav
Hybryds Special 1994 Hybryds
Hypathia New 7th Music Hyperspace Mental Anguish Hypno-Seizure Cyrnai and Dan Joseph
Hypnoskull Hypnoskull
I Ovens Van Ondank
I - arriere garde Pavel Petasz
I - Kamermuziek Muziekkamer
I am an artist Leonhard F. Duch I am Not I Suspirium
I and II Lon Spiegelman / Ginny Lloyd I did look John Hudak
I dream of Jeannie Various
I forgot my ears Diederick Van Kleef
I Hate my Job One Last Fling
I Like Noise Vittore Baroni I Love Me / Friendly American The Bronte Sisters I Love Vance Vance Orchestra I Love You (say it with bricks) Lawrence Salvatore
I recall Sin Noble Deeds
I Tamsa Wejdas
I'll Buy the Toast The Folkoffs
I'm Better Now Bob Jordan
I.B.M. Album Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
ich und die Wirklichkeit Various
Icon Kevin O'Neill
Ideologica Mente Fernando De Filippi
Ihre großen Erfolge 1983-85 Die Gehirne
II - In his own hands Boris Dzaneck
II - Popmuziek Muziekkamer
II - Taking Views from an Aeroplane Bombarded with Flowers
II The Age of Hayley Sasha
III Boris Dzaneck
III Intrinsic Action
III - Film Muziek Muziekkamer
III - No Back Steps Sasha
III 1982 Brygada K Illuminador Aristeo
Im Elektrischen Feld Schwingend Innere Mission: Vision
Im Grenzbereich zum Unsichtbaren Kapella Diffusa
Im Osten Nichts Neues Sieg Oder Sibirien
Imaginary Journeys To Sunset Cord of Life
Immer Laut Hören Nachbarn Stören Kosmonautentraum
Impact Vraxoin
Impasse C10 Rafael Flores
Impressions Greg Truckell
Impressions Mesh
Impressions of the City Andrew D. Rath
Improvie Au Tic Tac Julien Blaine
Improvisations Silent Tongues In a Foreign Land Marc Barreca
in Art Vivant 14 Joseph Beuys
In Bewegung Thomas System
In Conversation with Janice and Linda Lon Spiegelman / Turk Le Clair
In Der BRD 81-84 Kosmonautentraum
In der Gruft 86 Null Acht Fünfzehn
In der Maschinenhalle ZDL
In Flux Flux (british Band)
In My dead's sister Memory Music from 84-86 John Berndt
In Paradiso 1982 Modern English In the Field / Spit Blood and Die AR/TE
In The Generative Cell Galen Herod In The Mind Of A Monster Mark Solotroff
In the Mood Solomonoff & Von Hoffmannstahl In the Rain it Rains Everyday Various In The Sea Ellen Fullman
In the Thicket Peter Gullerud
Incredible Mellow Summer Tape The Silly Pillows and Dan Fioretti Indeterminate Poem 1. Read by Eileen Adams, Jeanne Lee, Reed Cooper, D. R. Hazolton, Ruth Franklin Rawlinson, Andrew Indian Circle Peter Van Riper
Indian Ocean Port Said Individu Neva
Industrial Music Complex - Radio Free Europe Peter Saucier Industrial Sponge Frank Gunderson
Industrial Strength #1 Dave Fuglewicz
Industrial Strength #2 Dave Fuglewicz Industrial Tape Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Industriale / Amoeba Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Industrieuse - Originaux Philippe Laurent
Infangible Ubaldo Giacomucci
Information, the new Sugar Mike Vargas
Informátor 00II Various
Infosynth Ray Abel
Injustice Mesh Inom Ett År En Halvkokt I Folie INRI Various
Inside my Room / Inside another Room Robin Crozier Insidous Sun Treacherous Jaywalkers
Instant Carcinoma Rotterdams Vivisectie Orkest Instill / On the Move Dislocation
Intensive Treatment
Inter Dada 1984 Lon Spiegelman
Interact Peter Tedstone
Interceptions Terry Day
Interference - Repetition Poem Paulo Bruscky
Interval Extraparliamental Expansive Nicola Frangione
Intervalles / Tom Phillips Tom Phillips / Intervalles
Intervention '87 Carl Matthews
Interview on WZBC radio 21.4.84 Psychic TV Interview with Charles Dreyfuss 1975 Dick Higgins Interview with George Maciunas by Dreyfus, Charles. New York, 1975 George Maciunas
Intimate Experience Purple People Eaters
Intimations Of Immortality Kevin O'Neill
into a Kleenex BagG
Into the Big Black Box BRD 1983 Sprung Aus Den Wolken Into The Pleasure Negativ Person
Into the Vision Todd Clark Intonarumore Aviar Dro Invention No. 2 Justin Saragoza Invisible Men F/i Invocation of the will Rasmussen & Henrik G.H.
Invocations Head Resonance Company Invocations ( German Opening, 1984) Richard Kostelanetz
Ionosphere Peter Tedstone Ireos Réseau D'Ombres
Irgendwann Irgendwo Live Ratinger Hof Mittagspause
Islands Kevin O'Neill Isole Alessandro Fogar
Israel 1987 (Demo) Paradox (Eli Tagam)
It's Just everything The Intuitive Bikers
it's Love David McKulle & Trinity
Its Early Days Dave Jones
IV - Haley Delight Sasha IX Mercantan IZ Zona Industriale
Jaap de Groot Speelt de melkboerenhondesonate Jaap de Groot Jack & The Rippers Jack & The Rippers
Jacksonian March Various
Jane Bond And The Undercover Men Jane Bond And The Undercover Men
January 1979 John M Bennett
January 1983 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra) January 1995 59 Reasons January 24 1985 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Japanese Twins and White Man Ernesto Gusella
Je t'aime bien-two step... Anouk Gressot and Philippe Deleglise
Jester of Chaos Jester of Chaos Jesus Suck Jesus and the Mary Chain
Jesus Wept Sorry for Laughing
Jigsaws and Crosswords the 49th Parallel
Jingle for Discord Andrew Darlington
JJJ Interview Throbbing Gristle
John's True Accusation John Wright Johnny Larssen / Martin Howard Naylor Johnny Larssen & Martin Howard Naylor Johnstones Play S Minóy Journey to New World Osiris
Joypopping Moonpump
Judgement: 4 Tracks By Katharsis Katharsis Jul 80 Brio Burgess
July 29 1984 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra) July 84 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Jump Out Remix Sprung Aus Den Wolken
Jun 80 Diederick Van Kleef
June 15th 1980 Idid Idid
June 19 1979 Tohei Horicke with Geoffrey Cook / Audio Players
June 1982 John M Bennett
June 4 Student Nurse
Jungle Cookies Eugene Chadbourne
Jungle People Ruggero Maggi
Just A Little Screw Third Force
Just say Noh Noh TV JUSTICE IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL Gypznik K T C O C Lividity (Andrew Liles) K'Bye The Pinheads
K7 Pour La Relaxation Pierre Perret K9K7. Hahamandad Kabelbrand + Stuttgart Schwarz Kabelbrand & Stuttgart Schwarz
Kabuki Mater Dolorosa Kämping Sex Campingsex
Kalckreuth Keks Gen Ken Montgomery
Kali Deadline Paranoia
Kapella Diffusa Kapella Diffusa
Karl-Marx-Stadt Underground Klänge Various
Kartenzauberkinderspiel Ingeborg Luescher
Katastrophentheorie Katastrophentheorie
Kate Cincinnati Ono
KBF Knut Baltz Formation Knut Baltz Formation
Kedavi Kedavi
Kein Kiel Various
Keizai AATO Le Mot & Kino
Ken Manage Wolfsheim
KHÜ 9 byzKHÜmnieg Kilburn National Ballroom 13.3.86 Psychic TV
Kill A Queer Saprophytes
Kill Each Other - Live Eagles Lodge Thronton 44-11-86 Swans
Kill the Pädogogue Greater Than One
Kinderkampf Die Müslies
Kinderlieder Robert I Gillham
Kings Of Punk Poison Idea
Kissed By The Muse The Kissin Cousins Kitai Kia Portafekas
Klangbilder Ka Moser
Klangreise Fredi Alberti
Klarinet Diederick Van Kleef
Km. Piccolo Cardine Massimo Toniutti Know Control Arthur Harrison & Rupert Chappelle
Knows U Nik Kerless Parsons
Kölner Lesung 1988 Friederike Mayröcker Koenig der Wildniss Fritz Balthaus
Kombination Kombination
Kong Kong
Konstruktivists Clock DVA Konzert für einen Gefrorenen See (für Milan Knizak) Julius
Konzert In Der Kunsthalle Bern Kowald Trio mit Peter Kowald, Luigi Trovesi und A.R. Penck
Kopfkrieg Maria Zerfall
Korean Chaos #2 Bret Hart
Kozorozashi Regicide Bureau KPFK 24.02.80 Los Angeles Boyd Rice / NON / Monitor
Krang Music Kraang (John Murphy as Kang, Krang, Krang Music, Kranng, Rkang )
Krankhafte Phantasien Krankhafte Phantasien
Kred Galen Herod Kretec Music De Yximalloofabriek
Krue Von Nidda Live Betrayal
Kryzys Henryk Gajewski
Kubus/Ceto Ewald Spiss
Kühe im Nebel are Back Kühe Im Nebel
Kühe im Nebel presents Cygnes D'acid Various
Kugelrund Tanz der Gartenzwerge
Kurze Improvisationen Din A Testbild Kurze Paranoia Glatze des Willen Kyon Tem Oph Ab
KZ 36 II Various L'Horizon Tuméfié Naxos
L'immagine allo spechio Hermin & Unforgettable Nail
La Cassette Noire Clair Obscur
La Dada Book Lon Spiegelman et al
La Douleur Germain Hubert Ales
La Gaia Morte Giovanni Fontana
La Machina / La Fantasia Romano Peli La Met, poeme lettriste. Jacqueline Tarkieltaub
La Musique Electronique Face
La Revolution d'abord et toujours 1348
Lacy Slices The Silly Pillows
Lag Phase E-Coli (Wolfgang Wiggers) Lamasara Idee Du Femelle Lamu Idee Du Femelle Landscapes Of War White Cross
Las Artes del Fenix Jacky Schreiber
Lashtal original Mixes Current 93
Last + from +++ Diederick Van Kleef Last Chants Paul Kelday Last Horseman John Hudak
Last Pleasure Happy Straps
laughing inside Part Form
Laut & Phonemlich fuenf lautgedichte Beumer, Isabeella
LCD Music Garbage Display
Le Boche Ho. Turner
Le livre sonore / öe Sonosaure Pierre-Andre Arcand
Le Mot Magique / Just Blow your Mind till the End Muriel Olesen and Gerald Minkhoff
lecture at Hull (Beyond Panic) Genesis P-Orridge
Lee, Linda, Lon 3-2-80 Lon Spiegelman Legends and Myths Paul Steve Korsmo & Rick Brandenburg
Leichester 5-13-86 / Hammersmith 4-28-85 / Peel Sesssions 5-19-86 Sonic Youth
Lemmethink Lemming Sisters Lemon Fresh/Thisness P.S. Bingo / The Pinetones
Les Colonnes d'Hercule Les Colonnes d'Hercule
Les Hommes De Fini Unforgettable Nail
Les Pieces pour le Nouveau Monde Steven Van Handel Les Valseuses Suspirium
Les Vampyrettes Les Vampyrettes
Let us deliver your messages Rising Shit
Let's You Lose Only One Night Of Sleep C46 Little Dougie
Letter from Henryk Gajewski Henryk Gajewski
Letter to Caro L Pete Horobin
Letter to Rod Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra) Letters and Vocals for Frieder - Nov.81 Throbbing Gristle & Genesis P-Orridge
Licht EA80
Lieb Mich / Versteh Mich / Vergiss Mich / Lösch Mich (Aus) Kauf Mich Hör Mich Küss Mich Liebe Tod & Teufel Die Schlaffen Affen
Lieber Egoldt MAF (Mut Aus Flaschen) / Mach III
Liederen uit de Hemel Jaap Blonk
Liest Konrad Beyer Herbert Fritsch Life Assault International Not On Label Con-Dom Self-released - none Various
Life on This Earth Galen Herod
Life System / Post Chants Rosie Thompson
Like Minds James St. Vrrain
Limacon Galen Herod
Limbo Trains Mr Liquorice
Limited Choices in Equal time Dan Lander Limited edition Haters
Line Of Eloquence Head Resonance
Linear Functions Kris Mc Kuen
lingual music Lily Greenham
Links Wo Das Herz Ist (as Off Band und die Waffelschmiede) Off Band
Lionise He is dead Jim
Liquid Audion Dave Fuglewicz
Liquid of Sea is Time Nicola Frangione Liquid Passion Aube Listen - Live In Concert Nightcrawlers
Listening World David Brown
Litter: A: Tour Enno Stahl
little sky country No Such Animal
Live PIL (Public Image Limited)
Live Ear Food
live Frieder Butzmann & Pezzali & Steven
Live Frustrierte Konsumenten Live Life is Busy
live Sankai Juku Live Twice a Man
Live Sigmund und sein Freund
Live Nic Thompson
Live Pete Horobin / Acrobat
Live Omnia Opera
Live Toxic Shock
Live & Proberaum Planlos Live - Pumpe Kiel 25/6/1991 40 Sekunden ohne Gewicht
Live / Demos 1980-83 Soft Cell
Live 04.03.84 Mohave Wüste USA / Live 06.03.84 San Francisco Einstürzende Neubauten Live 08.04.82 Sudhaus Regensburg Wirtschaftswunder
Live 1.Dec 1989 Haters / Beequeen
Live 11.10.87 Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg Laibach
Live 12-19-81 Vision of Control
Live 14.10.82 Stuttgart OZ Palais Schaumburg
Live 1981 Westdeutsche Christen
Live 1983 Laibach
Live 1983 Echo And The Bunnymen / Echo & The Bunnymen
Live 1983 - Le Plan K the Residents
Live 1985 Willi Sodom & Die Gomorras
Live 1986 Galen Herod
Live 1987 Chumbawamba Live 1991 thru 1993 Smegma Live 1993 Sigillum S
Live 2 6 1980 Mekanik Destrüktiw Komandöh (M.D.K.)
Live 20-6-1982 Palais Schaumburg
Live 24-8-1984 AZ Cafe Freiburg Willi Sodom & Die Gomorras
Live 27 04 1982 Malaria! Live 28.4.82 Laibach
Live 29 7 1980 Geile Tiere
Live 3-8-82 Siouxsie & The Banshees
Live 30-4-1982 Liaisons Dangereuses
Live 7-14-84 Composite Hall Hunting Lodge
Live 8-7-90 Igneous It
Live 81 Acrobats
Live 81-83 Slime
Live 82 Liaisons Dangereuses
Live 83 E-605 LIVE 84 Bande Berne Crematoire
Live Acklam Mall (support to Einstürzende Neubauten) The Death & Beauty Foundation
Live Amsterdam 1986 Bourbonese Qualk Live Amsterdam Paradiso 28-8-83 Sisters of Mercy
live an der Mauer Arbeit Arbeit Arbeit
Live and Studio Idiot-Savant Live and Studio 11.26.82 Fetus Productions & Crawling Chaos
Live Arnhem de Doos 9-2-86 Chris and Cosey
Live Arsenal 18-1-82 Frieder Butzmann
Live At 10, Martello St, Hackney, London Throbbing Gristle With Albrecht D.
Live at Abbey Road, San Diego 1978 / Demos The Screamers
Live at Acme John M Bennett and John Wiese
Live at Berkeley Keystone 25.10.80 Cabaret Voltaire
Live at Bradford University 29.05.82 Cabaret Voltaire Live at Bukbuk,Palkzeit,V & Eucalypta The Midas Music
Live At Cabaret Voltaire 1978 NON & the Young Americans
Live at Castle Querfurt 1995 Inkubus Sukkubus
Live at Cecil Protection
Live at Ed Video May 29, 1983 Ray Cinovskis and Brian Roche (G.A.V.E)
Live at Final Academy (Brixton, Ritzy) 01.10.82 Cabaret Voltaire
Live at Hallamshire Hotel 7th of June and 5th of October 1980 Naked Pygmy Voles
Live at Hammersmith Palais 2.12.84 / Peel Session 25.6.81 Cabaret Voltaire
Live at ICA Gallery London 30.12.1980 Cabaret Voltaire
Live at Leeds 8.9.79 / Live at Clarendon / KJFC Int Cabaret Voltaire
Live at Leeds Futurama 08.09.1979 Cabaret Voltaire
Live at Leicester University 19.06.82 Cabaret Voltaire Live at London Y.M.C.A. 03.08.79 Cabaret Voltaire Live at Los Angeles Sokol Hall 29.10.80 Cabaret Voltaire Live at Manchester University 03.10.81 Cabaret Voltaire
Live at Melkweg Van Kaye & Ignit & Liaisons Dangereuse
Live at North London Polytechnic 25.09.81 Cabaret Voltaire Live at Nottingham August 1983 Cabaret Voltaire
Live at Nottingham Rock City 26.05.82 Cabaret Voltaire
Live at Osaka Bottom Line 25.03.82 Cabaret Voltaire Live at Palo Alto Keystone 26.10.80 Cabaret Voltaire Live at Paradiso Amsterdam 24.09.1980 Cabaret Voltaire & Eric Random
Live at Paradiso Amsterdam 9 12 83 Cabaret Voltaire Live at Paradiso, 1982 Nico (Christa Päffgen) Live At Q.Bo' Test Department Live at Retford Porterhouse 30.05.80 Cabaret Voltaire
Live at Rock Week Plus London I.C.A. 30/12/80 Cabaret Voltaire
Live at San Diego / San Francisco The Screamers Live at Sheffield Lyceum 27.08.82 Cabaret Voltaire
Live at Spectro 1981 Ian Boddy
Live at Spectro 1982 Ian Boddy
Live at Staches 5 1 86 Chris and Cosey
Live at the Ad-Lib Club, Nottingham 26/01/1982 Metamorphosis Live at the Dan Cinema Tuxedomoon
Live at the Hacienda July 7, 1982. Liaisons Dangereuses Live at the IEMA Festival, N.Y. Nightcrawlers Live at The Venue, London 08.06.82 Cabaret Voltaire Live at Warehouse Liverpool 12.06.1981 Cabaret Voltaire LIVE AUF DEM EXTREM DANEBEN FESTIVAL 85 I.M.S.
Live Augsburg / Outtakes P16.D4
Live AZ Freiburg 07.10.84 Upright Citizens
Live Batschkapp Frankfurt 16.12.1987 à;GRUMH...
Live Berlin Liquid Liquid
Live Berlin Atonal 1985 Test Department
Live Berlin Metropol 1981 The Cure live Berlin/Hamburg 85 Laibach
Live Bollberg 14.05.1988 Ulrike am Nagel / Sperma Combo
Live Bologna Liquid Liquid
Live Bonn 1986 Siouxsie & The Banshees
Live Bonn Rheinterrassen 22-7-83 Nocturnal Emissions Live Boots Mono Ohne Unter Titel (O.U.T. Production)
Live Brigade APF Brigade
Live Brusssel, Halles de Schaerbeek Trisomie 21 Live Budapest 12.11.83 Laibach
Live Cassettentäterfest 17.09.82 Ampermoching Die Haut
Live Chicago August 1987 Skinny Puppy
Live Circus Krone, München, Germany 12.06.1981 Kraftwerk Live Cologne 22.3.75 Kraftwerk
Live Conradstraat 1987 Test Department Live Copenhagen 26.11.83 / ATONAL 4.12.83 Grønvirke
Live Corsham 29.05.1981 Nocturnal Emissions
Live Danceteria 1982 S.P.K.
Live Deep Cuts Hypnobeat
Live Deutschlandhalle 12.11.1989 Nina Hagen
Live Dublin 1980 Virgin Prunes Live Düsseldorf 1980 Tuxedomoon Live Duties 1992-1993 Daniel Menche
Live Effenaar 1984 Chris and Cosey Live Effenaar 27-1-84 und Pontanus 1-4-84 Portion Control
Live Eindhoven 1983 Bourbonese Qualk
Live Eindhoven 1984 Psychic TV
Live Ethereal Cereal Ozric Tentacles
Live FFM Throbbing Gristle
Live Flensburg 03.12.1982 SS 20
Live Frankfurt, Theater am Turm 1982 Frieder Butzmann
Live Friedrichshafen 11.07.81 Abgas
Live FU Berlin 01.11.80 Belehrungs Festival Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
Live Futurama 2 Soft Cell
Live Göteborg 1984 Psychic TV
Live Gorem festival Stockholm 1993 Valeri Scherstjanoi Live Hamburg / Berlin Laibach
Live Hamburg 1983 John Peel 1984 X Mal Deutschland Live Hamburg 85 Laibach
Live Hamburg Markthalle 19.4.88 Skinny Puppy
Live Hamburg Markthalle 81 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
Live HDJ Solingen 83 BRDreck Live Houston Einstürzende Neubauten
Live Im Hörnle Club Berlin 86 Koma Kino
Live Im NOX Berlin 04.07.84 Serious Drinking Live im SO36 26.04.1980 Frieder Butzmann
Live in Amsterdam Joy Division
Live in Amsterdam 25-11-83 PIL (Public Image Limited)
live in Berlin 15-12-80 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
Live In Berlin 1986, Quartier Latin Damo Suzuki
Live in Cowling and Skripton April 86 Peace & Freedom
Live in der Werkstatt 81 Mythen in Tüten Live In Frankfurt/Berlin/Bremen - Life Total A5
Live In Germany Dead Kennedys
Live in Japan Fred Frith
Live in Köln 81 KFC Live in New York, 1987 Takashi Kazamaki
Live In Providence 87 GG Allin
Live in Reutlingen Name
Live in Varna Violet General Live JUZE Konstanz 03.11.84 Todsicher
Live Leadmill Sheffield 12-06-83 Test Department
Live Lille 12.5.88 / Charlerot 6.10.86 Skinny Puppy Live Limited Edition GG Allin & The Jabbers
Live Linz Stadtwerkstatt 16.09.83 Meredith Monk
Live Lodge 1983 / Lon C Diehl Solo Hunting Lodge
Live Loft 1983 Chris and Cosey
Live London Lyceum 14.3.82 Theatre of Hate
Live Loreley 7-9-88 Einstürzende Neubauten
Live Los Angeles 24.02.1980 NON & Monitor
Live Loud 1991 Syberite
Live Ludwigshafen 10.5.88 Haus der Jugend Skinny Puppy
Live Lyceum 1981 Theatre of Hate
Live Malmö 1988 Skinny Puppy
Live Marchienne 4.10.86 Skinny Puppy Live Münster 11.12.84 Psychic TV
Live Münster 15.06.1981 Frieder Butzmann
Live Munich, Madrid, Washington, San Francisco 1989 / 1982/83 the Residents Live Mute Flora Rotterdam Tuxedomoon Live Nebenstelle Halle (Tempodrom Berlin) 01.05.83 Ton Steine Scherben Live Neuss im Okie Dokie 84 Mimmis
Live Newcastle 13 11 82 Newcastle Acrobat
Live NL 1983 Sprung Aus Den Wolken
Live Olyfant Maart 1987 Test Department
live on WMFU 1981 Gen Ken Montgomery
Live or Dead Theatre Of Ice Live Paradiso ‘87 Suicide
Live Quartier Latin, Berlin Laibach
Live Recordings Test Department Live Rotterdam De Doleen 9-22-84 Psychic TV & The Anti Group
Live Rotterdam Pandora 2-9-83 S.P.K.
Live Royal Albert Hall 1983 Siouxsie & The Banshees Live San Diego 1984 Cramps
Live San Diego 1985 THRT (Robert Turman and Timothy Hendricks)
Live San Francisco 1981 S.P.K.
Live Sciences 1979 Young Scientist
Live Sheffield Summer 1977 The Studs
Live SO36 Sentimentale Jugend
Live SO36 / At The Crypt S.P.K. Live Stollwerk Köln 82 Wirtschaftswunder
Live Strassbourg, 26.10.1986 Skinny Puppy
Live Subway 1984 Pseiko Lüde & Die Astros
Live Sydney Brikkwerz 6.3.1982 S.P.K.
Live Tage der Jugend 19.01.89 im PdR und Studio Die Atominoes (AG Geige) Live Tagrijn Hilversum Men 2nd
Live Tempodrom 20.5.90 Matador
Live Tilburg 1985 Tuxedomoon
Live Tonhalle Radebeul 1989 Kaltfront
Live und im Studio Keine Ahnung Live Utrecht the Residents
Live Venlo 16.Januar 1983 NL Sprung Aus Den Wolken LIVE VICTORIA THEATRE SAN FRANCISCO 19.2.81 Tuxedomoon
Live Vol.1 Gi-Napajo
Live Vol.2 Gi-Napajo
Live YMCA Clock DVA Live Zürich 1986 Cramps
Live Zürich 23-3-83 Radio! Fad Gadget
Live Zurich 25-5-1983 Chris and Cosey
Livid Final Flame Flu (IT)
Living in an ordinary world Ordinary Boys
Living in Dreamtime Pat Todd & Walter Wright
LMNOP's second Stereo Cassette LMNOP
London 2.2-85 The Threepenny Group & AMM
Lonely Paulo Bruscky
Lophophera Patrick Kosmos
Lorin Hart Lorin Hart
Los Angeles 9-8-1979 Lon Spiegelman & Tohei Horrike Lotuses on fire Maybe Mental
Louisiana Live Animation Festival
Love Notes from the Destroyer Harry Pierce
Love will Fail us All Thief of Energy
Love-Room Herbert Distel
Low Budget Produktion Vol.1 Nesthaken
Low Noise George Winter
Low Road Low Road
LSD Lecture / Reeper Madness The Chemistry of Madness Luchtspiegels in dB - Synthesizer Musik Slaapshooters Luddites Luddites
Ludds mill Tape Andrew Darlington LUST FOR LIFE New Carrollton
Lust statt frust Pervers
Lustmörd Death Squad
Lustrous Scenes and Reptilian Moments The Cardinal of Splendour Lygophillia Suspirium Lysiosoulilla / Gaussia Francisco Lopez
M15 Galen Herod
Machine-Dominate Mesh
Macro-Sonic Music Johnny Primitive
Magic Show New Affaire
Magneet Bond Z'ev (Stefan Weisser)
Mail Artist Compendium Various
Mailand, Theatro Cristallo, 27.07.1981 DNA
Mailart Nicola Frangione Mailart 666 Work in progress Horus
mailmusic / Audio-Letter Otto J.E. Grünbauer
Make the Gloomies Go Away Ruhl and Goole Make Up Mr. Dam
Male Nymph - live Frankfurt Eckstein 1987 Mark Lane Malediction Law
Malerei als Wirklichkeit Bruno Bussmann Malpertuis Suspirium
Mammalian Drink Reflex John Bartles Man in Space Robert Rich
Mania D Mania D
Manta Ray Manta Ray
Mapping Galen Herod maps of the world Vogeli
Maquette Liza 'N' Eliaz
Máquinas Y Sonidos E.C..D.P. (El Coleccionista De Poliedros) Maraundi Frank Gunderson
Marcel Duchamps Next Work Coum Transmissions March 13 1989 The Wizard March 1980 John M Bennett
Marche Noir / Denrees Diverses Zone Nord
Mark and Bill's Greatest Hits Mark and Bill
Mark II Trash Martin Hill Martin Hill
Mas Alla de la Tumba Mata Rata
Maschinensturn Sabotage
Mass Media A Work of Art
Massacre Dol Z Bando Masaker
Master 1999 Anthony Di Stefano
Masterind Excerpt Neil S Kvern / Carl Juarez
Mastertape A.I.Z. (Atrophisme Interne Z.) material 1 S.B.O.T.H.I. (Swimming Behavior Of The Human Infant) Materijal Zvok Electric Fish
Matrix Sonic Youth
Matrixd 13N + 1D Elemend Technology Mauerspechte Various
May 82 Pete Horobin
Mayfield Mornings Larry Mondello Band
MD/MV (Modern Movement) Paul Carter Me, I like to know it all Knowing All Meat Market Icons Wigglepig
Mectpyo Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Mectpyo Bakterium Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Mectpyo Blut Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Meditationes Alebraicae Galen Herod Meditations Joe Jones Meditations Joe Jones
Mehr Schreie EA80
Meine Schöne Ist Der Lärm Twokmi Kimali Melkweg Live Nagamatzu
Memoire Vive Tim Stebbing Memorandum Schlafengarten Memory Bubbles Nightcrawlers
Menhirs Makers Morandi Conspiracy and Ruggero Maggi
Menses Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Mental Detentions Robert Rental Mercedes Prata Mercedes Prata
Metal Mental Johnny Primitive
metallurgical / non polska Per Holmström
Metamor Roy G. Biv
Metamorphosis Kevin O'Neill
Metamurphosis The Murphy Foundation
Metánárkosis Giancarlo Toniutti
Metaphysical telephathic music Andrzej Dudek-Dürer Metempsychosis Paul Kelday
Methods of Dance Tom Furgas
Mew Music for Synthesizer Glen Neff
Microcosmos Paul Kelday
Microtrip - MmumM 5 Ulrich Hopf
Midwinter Daydream Nightcrawlers Midwinter Daydream Album Alien Planetscapes
Militant Classicism 1982 Laibach
Mind journey Wavestar
Mind Over Matter George Garside
Minimal musik Peter Vogel
Miracle Room Miracle Room
Mirror image / urban desolation The Sorcerer Mirrorman Thirdorgan
Mirrors Larry Ruhl
Miscellaneous experimental noise recordings 1978/79 Steve Hitchcock
Miss P was tight Nic Thompson
Mistaken Memories Of Mediaeval Manhattan Brian Eno
Mit Welchem Recht T-42
Mitsos Dance the Makedonians
Mixed Breed Jack Saunders
Mixed Poems and Recent Poems 1986 John M Bennett
mjoeksuek Dull Schicksal
Mjusik in the Klangaeve Reni Hofmüller - Annette Giesriegl
Mode Of Infection / Knife Ladder NON Modella New 7th Music
Modern / Wenn dein Herz / dududa Didi und die Herzschrittmacher
Modern Destroyed The New Age Modern Gladiator Horus
Mörder aus Gerechtigkeit Ehrenstein
Mörder Tape Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Moke John E
Moloko Plus / Moloko Dub Idid Idid
Moment Mal Gerhard Lischka
moments of piece Astral Productions
Monotonie und Gewohnheit Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
Moon Earth Moonscapes Tim Berne
Moonsons Ho. Turner Morceau Melodique Ferial Confine
More Inspectors The Inspectors
Morpheus Dan Joseph
Most Powerful Nation Hawaii Amplified Poetry Ensemble Mother Tongue John Di Stefano
Motherlove / Boarders bpNichol
Motility Michael Horwood
Motoerectus Masters of the Obvious (M.O.T.O.)
Motor Noise Poems February 89 Jesse Glass
Motpikho Dan Lander Mounrning Rendezvous Mental Anguish
Movie The Militant Musicians Pond
Mr. Lombard eats potato Chips / Upstairs in my mind The Silly Pillows
MS (Master-Tape) Bruno Due
Muck & Beetles Peter Gullerud
Multiplays Head Resonance
Murder in Maastricht Timo Saggiomo
Mushroom and Chocolate The Flavour People Music (Demo '88) Herbst in Peking
Music 4 Dance Beth Custer
Music by John Greenland
Music by Machines John Henri
Music Electronic Poison Plant
music for an electroencephalogram Paulo Bruscky
Music For Cassette Decks Vol. I Waiting for Bardot Music For Girls Kloot Per W Music For Nine Post Cards Hiroshi Yoshimura
Music for Organ and Tape Vol.1&2 Z'ev (Stefan Weisser)
Music for Performance Finnbogi Pétursson
Music for Shaving - Red Beards Red Moustache John Berndt
Music for Shopping Precincts Various Music for The Navigator, Aviator and Gardener Ellen Fullman
Music for Tippi Heren's / Video for Puppies Peter Gullerud
Music for Turning Forks Warren Burton
Music From A Cymbal David Jackman
Music from Empty Rooms Daniele Ciullini
Music from Renaissance Radar Bob Davis
Music from Soon 3's Outcalls and Riptides Bob Davis MUSIC FROM THE DEATH BAKERY Crystal
Music from the Grasshouse Fall of Plyphemus Mating Song of the Planets Bob Davis
Music Has Charms To Sooth The Savage Breast Jack Marlow Music Of A Nomad Rashid Al Felig Music of Thought Gothic Requiem
Musica Poesia Maurizio Andrioletti
Musik auf Tret-Orgel-Teppich-Objekt 1976-79 / Die Luxus Töne Musik 1981 Horst Gläsker
Musik Aus Dem Schattenreich (Nekropolis) Peter Frohmader
Musik für einen kleinen weissen Raum / Tanz für einen Kreis Julius
Musique Ale poor anAle Expi
Musique Neobourgoise Renate Renegate
Musique pur le Reve et làmour Ariel Kalma
Muster / Scharfer Schnitt (No1) Populäre Mechanik
Mutagen Grau Mutagen Grau Mutant Hiss And Hilda Abner Malaty
My Angel is Sleeping Ackerbau & Viehzucht
My automatic Bird is always singing Ruedi Schill My Dad Is Dead My Dad Is Dead
My Diabolical Side Ron Anderson and Eigars Kildiss
My Guitar / From Words to Nothing Klaus Groh My hopes, verdant and pure, burn Fibrillation
My Muant Voice Mutant Voice
My New Music J.Jasmine
My Way Didi Mystery Album Martin Hill
Mysticism / Alienation Nicola Frangione
Myths Of Far And Near Various
N Vittore Baroni
N = R* FP NE FL FI FC L Third Quadrant
Nada Volvera A Ser Igual... Avant-Dernières Pensées
Nail Tears Servie Janssen
Name Cämel Cämel Named Demian Demian
Naomi 12.90 Naomi N'Uru Narcolepsis Nightcrawlers
Nativité - Theatre de la poudriere Jean-Vincent Huguenin
Nattövning 1 Peter R. Meyer
Natural Disasters GY. Arvai Natural Mass 7759 Ancient Regime (Philip Johnson & PA Wells)
Nazi Jazz Maria Zerfall
Near the Edge Editions - Ethnico Vittore Baroni Necrofilia Necrofilia
Necroindustria I and II Nacht und Nebel (Ezio Albrile)
Necrosi Statica Pierpaolo Zoppo
Negative 1-6 No. 1 Johnny Larssen
Nein ! Weltschmerz
NEMUS Northwest Electronic Musicians Various
Neoist Concert Klaus Groh Neoistconcert 1986 Klaus Groh
Neon Bone Masters of the Obvious (M.O.T.O.)
Nerve Poison Cabaret Voltaire
Nerve War Front Line Assembly
netBOOKwork Ch.2 Dave Zack as Cracker Jack Kid Neues Klavierkonzert ( Polonaise ) Julius
Neun Goldene Melodien Der Böse Bub Eugen
Neuro Pond JEEM
Neuropa Fanatic
Neuropa 2 Fanatic
Never Challenge a Goat EPIC
New And Slightly Used Text Sound Compositions Larry Wendt New Blockaders, The / Coil / Vortex Campaign - The New Blockaders / Coil / Vortex Campaign Vortex Campaign
New Ears The Silly Pillows
New Face Stratis New Gods For The Smug He is dead Jim
New Land George Garside New Mexico Oppenheimer Analysis
New Rhythmworks From Scratch
New Sounds Gallery GX Jupitter-Larsen
New T.G. - live 76 Throbbing Gristle
New World Order Peter Gullerud and Bill Berg
New York 20.7.82 Ramones New York 4-5-86 Irving Plaza Ministry
New York Metropolitan Museum of Art 29.3.82 Steve Reich New York Ritz,15/05/1981 PIL (Public Image Limited)
News from Clem Alex Douglas (Clem)
News From Nowhere The Committee Newspaper Music Alison Knowles
NH Nervo Hydra Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
NH/HN Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Nichts als heftiges Verlangen ZDL Night Jasmine in June Mila
Nightfever In Mahlsdorf Mahlsdorfer Wohnstuben Orchester
Nightflight Chr.Bühner, H.Schröder Nightwalk Nightcrawlers Nihon Dreams Todd Ragland
Nijmegen 14 Feb 84 W.A.T.
NIKT PLASTIcNO PORZORIsTE Nine Times Sanity Problemist
Ninety-Nine (99) Knightmare
Nips Poems do not cough John M Bennett
NKVD Jihad - Konstruktivists Demos Konstruktivists
NL Centrum 10-11-84 Foetus
No Avaliable Tone Set
No Bones Amy Denio No Controlled Show In my Dead Sisters Memory No Flames Please Jim Binkley
No Future - Münchner Rocktage 1981 Various
No Master RWA
No Motiff John Bartles
No Odd Mass In The Void No Odd Mass in the Void
No Popstars Die Vision
No Propaganda JEEM
No Resistance Tim Boone No Resistance (Square Wave) Tim Berne
No Risk Brain-Tape Deathranch
No Specific Answer Occupant
No Tale Rosengarten No title Klaus Groh No title Klaus Groh no title Klaus Groh
no title Mystery Hearsay
no title George Firsoff
no title Miroslaw Rajkowski
no title Satoshi-Katakai
no title Scientific Americans
no title Swinebolt 45
No-Y-Z No-Y-Z
No.2 Papier d'Albanie Noche Gruesa La Otra Cara De Un Jardín Nocturne #2, poeme lettriste Scarnati, Sandra
Noises and Neon Daniele Ciullini
Non-Logical: Music By Boyd Rice 1976/77 Boyd Rice
none Railroad Earth
Nonsense (Demo Tape) Entropia
Noon Nick Arkle
North America Pat Kinsella
Nos Tal Gia / Kick The Habit Kwashiorkor
Nostalgia die Forte Dei Marmi Vittore Baroni
Not At War / Birthday Day Acrobat
Not Fade Away 1/2 Japanese
Not Just Dancing Galen Herod
Not This Time Darlin The Modifiers Nothing Left To Say Face In The Crowd
Nous Sommes Tous des Ecrivains (Avec JP. Giovanelli) Jean-Paul Thenot
Nov 84 Lon Spiegelman
November 1982 / Summer 1983 Ray Cinovskis and Brian Roche (G.A.V.E)
November 21 1983 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Now Steve Roach
Now Playing Ubaldo Giacomucci
Now Silent Dave Lunt
Nowhere To Play Various Nowhereman Glitch
Nr.320 Selbstfahrer
Nubes Solitudi - Loneliness Einsamkeit La Solitude... Ectoplasmic Embryo Experience Nug Yar / Single Angel Pestrepeller / Mystery Dick
Number Nine Psi Nukli
Nun-Terrestrial intelligence Process
O Veux O Veux
O.T. Die Skeptiker
Oafish Idee Du Femelle, Taché
Obstrusive Transmitters Blue Anger
Ocho Elefantes Stephen Kent October 1979 John M Bennett and C Mehrl Bennett
October 1983 Robert I Gillham
October 79 Ron Crowcroft
oder was? Landfunk Odessa Kinsey Kidded
Oeuvres poetiques et musicales lettristes. Paris. Maurice Lemaitre
Of Yancy Street John Thors
Off The Road Philip Loarie Oganal Jörg Thomasius
Oh Nacht Reinhardt
Ohne Titel Sonne Mond & Sterne
Ohne Titel Guenther Ruch Oil on Water 1991 A. Nakajima
Ok, if you say so... Maximum Love Vibes
Old Mother Blender BB2X4
Omega Kevin O'Neill
Omnia Quia Sunt ((Infected) Wound) - Ein Experiment
Omnia Vincit Amor Metropolie Trans
On Being Approached Nic Thompson On The Boards Stuart Dempster
On the Other Days Heather Joyce
on warmer shores Richard Patterson ON-G - ,,Y" Y-Tong ON-G - B-Movie Y-Tong ON-G - Live in the Attic Y-Tong ON-G - Naturidentisch Y-Tong ON-G - Verarbeitung Y-Tong Onanathra Deathranch
Once a Renegade always a renegade Vittore Baroni
One Michael Bordt One Foot at a Time Tom Burris
One Hour with The Josef Boys Josef Boys
One Short Track for VEC Ben Allen
One Spine At A Time Isisis
Only for Fowl Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
Op Zee Muziekkamer Op.30 Hairy Vibe + Double Identity Peter Plonsky Op.34 A Zenoxious Wuorinaise at the Boulesque + On the Bay Peter Plonsky Opal-Lotus Jonkari Alex Nu-Jetson
Open Heart Surgery Robert I Gillham
Opening Doors Novus Openings & Closings Richard Kostelanetz
Oper "Christian Heckel" Robert Linke Operation Mindfuck Wigglepig
Opferlamm / Rough Mixes Ornament und Verbrechen
Optimism/Squirrel/Absurd Bendle & Casual Labourers
Opus Giampaolo Guerini Opus 1 Various
Opus 1 Data Cell Score 1983-87 Andy Stenhouse
Opus I Manfred Schonauer
Opus Octopus - Music for Exhibitionsists Gunner Møller Pedersen
Orange Album John Bartles
Orange Mist Sunrise and Sunset Dave Fuglewicz
Orbit 12 Dave Anderson
Orbiter Tim Stebbing Organic Mortality Intensified Maud Gonne
Originals Hijokaidan Orphée Suspirium Oscillation Zone IV - 1985 Nightcrawlers
Other People's Quotes Metcalf / Jordan / Hart
Ottawa Cassettera Various Ouis Jean-Louis Belomonte
Our First Swing Set Who Be Dat?
Our Lady of the Snakes Room 291
Outer Limits Cabaret Voltaire
Over Low Trees Young Scientist
Overcome by Art David Aronson
Overdrive Fiction
Overtones Choir Marek Rajkowski
Own Affairs Kalahari Surfers
OXO Audioinstallatie Juul Sadee
Ozone Music Rupert Chappelle
P.R. Mission Papua Holland
Pacer 3 Chris Wind
Pacer 5 Chris Wind
Pacific Music Stoned Gunner Møller Pedersen
Packing List John Bender Painted Bride Concert 1985 Nightcrawlers
Painting by Numbers Random Bob
Paintings Chris Wind
Pàlàtinénsèr Tèil 1 Various
Pandora's Box Rotterdam 12.October 1985 Nico (Christa Päffgen) Panic Press Series. Hotel Chelsea, New York City, March 19, 1968. Jerome Rothenberg
Pantheon Leigh Ann Hussey
Pantry Wasit Bret Hart
Paper Tapes Serse Luigetti
Parakromantie Deadline Paranoia
Paris 6.7.1981 Kraftwerk
Paris Versailles C.R. Ginzburg
Parlez Vous Francais Paulo Bruscky
Parole Maurizio Nannucci
Part Form Part Form Part of a lecture and performance at San Francisco State University, March 22, 1979. Allen De Loach
Particle Mist Nightcrawlers
Particle Music John Wiggins
Particolare Music Particolare Music
Party Snappers Mata Rata
Party Time Bret Hart
Passage Dave Fuglewicz
Passage Paul van de Vliet / Joke van Kerwijk
Passage of Time Mike Brooks
Passee Massun Praesepe Passion vs Sleep Tim Harman
Patent Pending Moonpump
Patina (A Collection Of Simple Archaic Structures) Abner Malaty
Patterns for the Outside Surface of a Cube Galen Herod
Pay Walt The Bill Jones Show
Peace In Our Time Blackhumour
Peace Through Superior Firepower Death Pact International (DMDN)
Peak Chart No.9 Paqui Pupinar
Penguin Dance Sprayers Per Procurationem Ancient Regime (Philip Johnson & PA Wells)
Percussion Music Pt.1 Gustav Hägglund
Percussion Music Pt.2 Gustav Hägglund performance Manuel Neito with Bernice Roberto
Performance and Slogans Fernando De Filippi
Performance Music Alle Tiders Duster
Performance Piece I (Passing Strangers) Ruedi Schill
Performance Piece III (1982) Ruedi Schill
Performance Piece III Heidelberg Piece Ruedi Schill
Performance Piece VI Ruedi Schill Permanent Scare Various
Perpetuum Synthetique No.1 Jean Louis Houchard Persephone (1981); Blue Reed's (1978); Fugitive Forms
Personal Anarchy No Song Kutkotz
Personal History Steve Layton
Perspektiven der Vernichtung Perspektiven der Vernichtung
PGR PGR Phaedra's Nocturne Memento Mori (2)
Phase eins Null-Läufer Phonetische Dichtungen. Ursonate. Denaturierte Poesie. Kurt Schwitters
Piano Harp Bria Burgess
Piano Piece Np 1 Klaus Groh
Piano uter People High de Prime Pictures Idee Du Femelle
Pictures Of The Dead At Atietman Testkard 225 Pied Bull 03/09/82 Hagar The Womb
Pieters mysterious golden friends Various
Pijp Dull Schicksal
Pin Wheels The Hazeltones
Pink Baby Laughing Trees
Planet of Giants Big City Orchestra Planetary Expedition Nightcrawlers
Planung Index Metrics
Plasma People Justin Saragoza Plaster: The Prototypes John Bender
Platos Cave / Selection from Soon 3's Poison Hotel Bob Davis plaumi document 1299 Northern Star,
plays two cellos March 14 86 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra) Pleasure & Pain Suspirium
Plus Instruments Plus Instruments
Plus One Les Halmas
PMM (Prescott / Moneymaker / Minoy) PMM (Prescott / Moneymaker / Minoy)
PMZ (Prescott / Minoy / Zan (Hoffmann)) PMZ (Prescott / Minoy / Zan (Hoffmann))
Poem 1975 Peter Frank Poemes Phonetiques sur spatialisme (extraits) Ilse Garnier
Poemmusic Enzo Minarelli
Poems D.J. Mahon
Poems Geoffrey Cook
Poems and Sound September 1982 Richard Boulez and Henryk Gajewski
Poesie für Christian Scholz Peter Huckauf
Poeticoncerto Pour Tibor Papp
Poetry Devils The Poetry Devils
Poiesis Radio/Dramma Giovanni Fontana
Point Limite Zero Point Limite Zero
Pointless Greg Horn
Poison Dwarfs Poison Dwarfs
Polish Audio Various Polit Pogo Geistige Verunreinigung Politicas Such Likes Buttfinger
Politics Of Extacy Magic Mushroom Band Polonaise / Walzer für ein Dreieck Julius Poltergeists Nightcrawlers
Polysterene Letter Jürgen Olbrich Popgeil Mach 3
Poppi UK Poppi UK Porcelain Dragonflys New Analysts
postappropriation Streaming Pop Death
Pour en finir avec le jugement de dieu Antonin Artaud
Power - Impotence AR/TE Power Pieces Positive Force Chop Shop PPI) WRAG NARODA(E
Praetubalkur Okt.1990 Magnús Pálsson
Prairie Safari Brian Gingrich
Pratique Artistique Jean-Paul Thenot Prelude Suite Eve Dave Fobes PREMONITIONS Various
Presage Funeral Girl
presents Gargoyle Mechanique
Presents Cyclops Joint The Bureaucracy Of Hope
Presents Godzillas In The East The Herzilyya Boardwalk String Quartet
presents Guitar G/A Collection Of Love Songs The Herzilyya Boardwalk String Quartet
presents Helping Songs + Swamp Folk Bret Hart
presents Perspectives of New Music. Vol. 22, Nr. 1/2, 1984 Charles Amirkhanian
Preview-Sampler for Don Campau Heather Perkins
Primavera Gib nicht auf
Primitive Primer Gentlemaniac
Prismatic Peter Tedstone Privat Various privat Tape Michael Köhler Proberaum 87 Küchenspione
Problemman Eddy Fontaine
Probt (C10) Die Fliesz Band
Proceed to Beyond Solar Enemy
Product Brian Coburn
Programm 1983 Pacific 231 Progress Report Portion Control
Promo Religious Vision
Promo for Gregorian Chant Der Akteur
Promo Tape 1984 Zanstones Promo Tape for 235 EP-4
promo tape n°3 Odessa
promo tape n°5 Odessa
Promo-Tape for Graf Haufen Le Syndicat
Proper I.Q. Required Mental Landscape Prophetia Ataraxia
Prototype Kerry Norman
Provocative Chris Wind
Provocative Gestures Mark Seville PS1 Paul Kelday
Psychedelic Ambulance Nils Schumacher
Psychelektra Trip Projekta Psi Nukli
Psychic Euthanasia Pacific 231
Psychic Rally - Mail Music - All we Make are Memories Various
Psychomania Psychomania
Psycodrama (Hitler in my Mouth) Psychodrama
Public Attack 3 Consumer Electronics
Public Castration Is A Good Idea Swans
Pulling The Strings Behind The Scenes Ornament und Verbrechen
Pulp Ikon Organum Pulstar Keith Slane
Pumped from the Sump Zark
Puncture Puncture Pure Spirit and Saliva / Hypnotischer Alptraum Last Few Days & Gerechtigkeits Liga
Pustekuchen Harald Sack Ziegler Putrefazione e Catarsi Massimo Toniutti
Quantum Jump Keith Slane Quantum Leap Ed Freeman
Quartet No.1 Jeremy Clarke
Quasi Solo Influenza Prods
Queen of Saba Rüdiger Lorenz Querschnitt Das Heinrich-Mucken-Saalorchester
Quid Habet Aures Audiendi, Audiat Vox Populi!
Quies Ignazio Lago
Quiet Happy! Satellites of Love
Quirtyiop Funeral Danceparty
R.O.M. Steve Meehleder
Rabbit After Dark Jonathan Caws-Elwitt
Race Against Time Ray Carmen Radiante Radiante
Radio Grave Orange Like Me
Radio Network Various
Radio Romance Adam Scott
Radio Special - Alien Soundtracks Throbbing Gristle
Radio Terrain Rod Mac Donald
Radiofree Dada Abdada Leclair with Steve Hitchcock
Raised by Yaks Raised by Yaks
Ratchet Loose Dead Rat Meat (LDRM)
Rather Than Bret Hart Ration Skalk Cranioclast
Ratz Phil Rhoden
Raw Fish and Green Tea / Surrogate Religions Marc Barreca
Raw Material from Chris (Watson) Cabaret Voltaire
Raydean The Mumbles
Razor Clocks Courtesy Patrol
Re-Education Through Labour Rough Cuts / Trance Chris and Cosey
Ready for Flight Pele Juju
Reagan's Rapture/Space Junk SWSW THRGHT
Real Love Swans
Real Songs Bill Sethares
Real Time - The Demo Phil Clarke RECEITA Incapacitants
Recent Things Gordon Forster
Recorded at the Muffin Vol.1 The Silly Pillows Recorded at the Muffin Vol.2 The Silly Pillows Recordings Jesse Glass
Recordings 77-79 Magnús V. Guðlaugsson
Recordings from Ruud Janssen Ruud Janssen Red Roy G. Biv
Red Orchestra Regicide Bureau
Red Shift 5 David Prescott
Red Tape Sinister Attraction
Reflections Greg Truckell
Reflections Peter Tedstone
Refrigeration Wurst Hirn mit Ei
Regel Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
RegierungsKommission Standpunkt
Reliving The Past Kwashiorkor
Remix 85 Hot Bip Remove Your Head Sponge
Rennaissance Stoneware Jonkari Alex Nu-Jetson
Rent an Synthesizer Mogens Otto Nielsen Repeated Stabings / Pagan Rites Everlasting Happy Life / Premature Ejaculation
Repetition Poem / Nothingness Paulo Bruscky
Reprocessing Nun Process
Reqiem für Xura ZGA Requiem for George Maciunas Mieko Shiomi
Requiem for Wagner, The Criminal Mayor Dick Higgins
Requiem für Wagner Part I-IV Dick Higgins Requisiti Illogico
Reset Andrew D. Rath Resolution The Committee
Results not answers Young Scientist
Retreat House Dolls Retreat House Dolls Return Moebius
Revel Ix-Ex-Splue
Revelation 3 Pjotr Rypson
Reversing into tomorrow Kevin Cann
Revista de Economia Pedro Bericat RhythMythology Poppies Reed Maidenberg
Richter Scale Charles Rick
Rifle & Revolver Various
Right Royal **** Up The Damned
RItuals Part 1-4 Deaf Eye Ritz Manchester 06-11-83 Psychic TV
River of Molten Cheese The Folkoffs
Rob's Greatest Hits Mental
Robot Police David Javelosa (Los Microwaves)
Rock and Roll Demo Sherill Hanshew Rock Gegen Musik Scheiss Die Wand
Rock on / Rock Off Steve Hitchcock
Rock, Roll and Dismember 14 Masters of the Obvious (M.O.T.O.)
Rockers in Dub Idid Idid
Rocks and Trees Chris Wind Rolfs Amazing Shirt Sponge
Rooftops Bria Burgess Rooms and Trophies Paul Buck / Ulli McCarthy
Rotary Canteen Object Swinebolt 45
Rough Homes Geoff Leigh
Rough Mixes Genetic Factor
Rough Mixes, Demos and Unreleased Controlled Bleeding
Rough Tape for Ron The Modern Farmers
Rubberstampin Vittore Baroni
Ruby Rose Chris Wind
Rückkehr von der Grube 1980-85 Laibach
Rundown Red Tide
Rush Hour - da wo die Menschen sind Martin Burkhardt and Hans Peter Kuhn
Rutt Roe Kevin Slick
S / HE Belt
s / t Cardiac Arrest S O T B O T B Aconite
S.Culture Espagnole Didier Merlin
s/he Belt
s/t Avanti Dilettanti
s/t Beyond Good and Bad
s/t Chi (Hanyo van Oosterom Willem Cramer Jacobus Derwort Michel Banabila)
s/t Gemein und Geistreich
s/t Gongs of Violence s/t Intelligent Cattle
s/t Lüsteen in veto s/t Moood
s/t Tempesta Noire s/t Soliloquy
s/t Taste of Stool
s/t Ü.A.Mu.P 11-1
s/t Val Denham
s/t Y-Ton-B Sack & Martin Martin Live 10.12.1988 Köln Rhenania Harald Sack Ziegler
Sacred Voyage Mike Brooks
Sad Songs Scott Alexander
Säuren Ätzen Und Zersetzen Teja Schmitz
Säuretod 1985 - 1988 Maria Zerfall
Safari Minimal Man
Safe joe mc carthys ghost
same Avoid a Void
same Detour
same Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
same Die Gesunden (Kommen)
same Die Legendären Klons
same Evocation of the Will same Extranos Dias Felices
same Schwarz Weiss Mafia
same Voldarepet
Same Lustlos Bewusstlos
same De Afvalbanden
same Kommentär B.V.
same Nervous Norman
same Dreieck
same Meridian Dream
same Mr. Devo
same Reuter Taktik
same Romantic Distortion
same Slauerstoff
same Talk About Noise
same The Art of Love
same This Dawn
same THX113
same Tom Stark
same Yah Haw
same Dream Baby Dream
same Dream Fatigue
same der Versuch
Same Freundeskreis Femininer Soldaten
Same Kata Combo
same Schwarz Weiss
Same Solide Einsamkeit
Same The Copycat
Same Die Frechheit
Same 3 Men Pissing In The Rain
same Kathan Spiss
Same Rocking Teenage Combo Projects
same Eardrum
same Josh and the Identity Crisis
same Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
same The Ascent
same Carel Lanters
same Carsten Schmidt Olsen same Enzo Minarelli
same Ever Arts
same Finnbogi Pétursson
same Jesse Glass
same Jim Price
same Julien Blaine
same Marga & Brause Lutscher
same Miroslaw Rajkowski same Nic Thompson
same Prima Boys same Ron Crowcroft
same Potato Lake
same Noordmannen
same Tu M'
Same Alien Sex Fiend
same Voldarepet same Sinful Motion
same Eat Drink and be Jerry
same Excited First Daughter
same Gold-Plated Haemorrhoids Same I.D.K.
same Kill City
same JoYo
same King of Filk
same Maria Zerfall
same Michael J. Annotti
Same Nutley Brass
same Pack of Wolves
same Scidoo's Dead Slang same Shake Mechanics
same Star Child (Miles Long)
same The Amazing Fuckedtones Same The Shockwaves
same Women From Hell
same Wrestling Worms
same Those Godzillionaires
same Charming Hostess
same Crypt Kicker Five
same Die Bürger von Calais
same Dream Baby Dream
same Matanga
same Os Cachorros das Cachorras
same Rosa
same Rude Guest
same The Four Johns
same The Niche
same Trance Mission
same ZIC
same Knutbaltz Formation (KBZ)
same Mr. Distorted
same Religious Vision
same Totentanz
same I.M.U. (Intuitive Music Unit)
same Loomer
same Ostomy
same The Killer Asparagus
same Noh Time Like The Present
Same Oskar Sala same Academic Optimist's Radicalism same Art of Love same D.D. Dobson same Fool same Morphogenesis Same Osiris same Yellow Flip + Die Socken
same Stefan Heidenreich
same Alain Robinet
same G. Danner
same The Resistors
same chair new house Schlafengarten
Sample Land
Sample-Sampler Architects Office
Sampler Chris Wind
Santa Maria Clair Obscur
Sas Desinfection Olivier Maire
Save The Brain Forest Screamin' Popeyes
Scat with Space Donna & Rick Kuhn
Schauspiele EA80
Scherzophrania Bob Davis
Schlaflose Nächte Schlaflose Nächte
Schlimmer Finger Karl-Marx-Stadt Studio Big Band
Schlümpfen ohne auszuruhn Jürgen Elsässer
Schreie EA80 Schrott Günter Müller
Schweigen Blutsturz
Schweinelied Rigoletto
Scrap Metal Music Gustav Hägglund
Scraps Chop Shop
Scratched in Statsi AKA
Screamin' Popeyes Screamin' Popeyes
Screaming Animal GG Allin & The Scumfucs
Screaming For Help Prisoners of Conscience
Scrod Markings Remanium Grotto Izabella
Scubatronics Square Wave
Sea of Nectar Oeleo
Seasons Greetings 98 Kevyn Dymond
Second Order Effects Larry Kolota
See Without Being Seen Matt Johnson
Segmento 1-2 / Spiteful Frog Morandi Conspiracy
Segunda Muestra Polidrico
Sehnsucht Endraum
Sehnsucht Jeremy Clarke
Selbstdarstellung Ti-Tho Selbstverherrlichung Exterminator
seletced early original Reels Band Of Holy Joy
Senile Bisons Crying For Das Fröhliche Wohnzimmer Das Fröhliche Wohnzimmer, Zan Hoffman
Sensecruise Liza 'N' Eliaz
Sensivity Crisis In A Narrow Suburb Nico de Haan
Sensous Nosehairs on Tap Strictly Nosehairs on Tap
Sephiroth Sephiroth
September 20th 1976 Tommy Mew
September October 1982 Pete Horobin
September October 1983 Ray Cinovskis and Brian Roche (G.A.V.E)
Septiembre Negro Septiembre Negro
Sequences Idee Du Femelle Sequenze Zona Industriale
Serie Alfabetica Vol. A Pedro Trotz
Sesiale!!! Fermentation Spontanée
Set Up...Walk Back...Squint Beeg Srahka Setting Colors in Dimensions in the Air A. Nakajima
Seven Codes Seven Codes
Seven Deadly Songs G.T.O.G. (Golden Testicle of God)
Seventeen Sites Bruce Atchison
several original Reel-Masters to releases Nurse With Wound
Sex Drugs & Neoism Boy Genius Club
Sex Star 1 & 2 Elivis Presley Sfregio Permanente / Permanent Scare PER I Refuse It! / Cheetah Chrome Motherfuckers
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Galen Herod
Shades Below Blank Crowd Shadowless Veil Nightcrawlers
Shanty Town Kwashiorkor Shaolin Mike Brooks Shatter Days Nagamatzu
Shattered Reflections Tuatha De Danann Sheet Metal Not Breathing
Shindii Shimae Go Back To Your Precious Wife And Son
Shit Parade Mixreflex
Shock Trouble The Janus Ensemble
Short-Term Effect Stratis Sibuna Ginnungagab Sick Souls L.A.P.M. Sidetracked Foggiest Notion Sidewalk Collectables Jeffrey Morgan
Sierra Passage David Erskine
Sight, Bend Over Das Synthetische Mischgewebe & Haters
Sigillum S Sigillum S
Sigmund und sein Freund - Live at the Studio Sigmund und sein Freund
Signal to Noise Richard Sorrentino
Signs & Symptoms Signs & Symptoms
Signs of Life Arne Schäfer
Silence Please Michael Gibbs
Silencio Aaron Flores
Silent Community Sylvia James & Yannick Journaux Silhouette Dave Lunt
Silverlake Tim Stebbing Since Angle End (Vitrified Trajectory) Airthrob In
Sinergicoral Enzo Minarelli
Sing Out Slugs
Singender Stein Desultorische Detonation
Singles Jeff Battis
Singt alle Mit Thotes Schwein
Sitting Without Flinching Tom Furgas
Six Month Shelf Life Bouffant Jellyfish
Six Years Gone Eyelight
Skeletal Resonance Frederic B. Hodshon Skeptical? Eat This Tape Now! Odvazna Srdce / R.D.M. Sky Without End Mila
Skylab Ghost Detector Philip Loarie Slaughter Negativ Person
Slave to Moba Sperm Bank Five
Slavy Bitrakov 1993/94 Slavy Bitrakov
Sleeping Beauty Kangaroo Kourt
Slits with Aerosol Green Andrew Darlington
Slope David Jackman
Smaragdgrün Klara Schillinger / Valerian Maly
Smells Ok ! F. Art
Smiling with you April 18 1986 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Smokin' Drum Kwashiorkor
Snaps Larry Ruhl
Snot for Everybody John Bartles
Snow Music Snow Music
Snow Of Yesterday B. Crown
So Called New Music Environment Jo Bogaert
So sind kleine Hände Urin
Soap Opera G.T.O.G. (Golden Testicle of God)
Soft Robot John Greenland
Soixante Étages Soixante Étages Sojourn Rob Whitesides
Solo Concert Excerpts 85-86 Tom Guralnick Solo Piano Neal Davis
Some Plastics I Have Known Larry Wendt
Some Short Works Summer 82 Magnús V. Guðlaugsson
Some Small Deaths Tommy Mew
Something new Ipso Facto
Something Special Henryk Gajewski Somnility Nightcrawlers
Son of Little Religions FOMT (DJ at Fomt)
Sonatas 1 & 2 Robert I Gillham Song Demo Girther
Song for mighty Night Aha Sound Productions
Songs 1982 Ásta Ólafsdottir Songs For Celebrating Solstice Abner Malaty
Songs For Heroes Platzangst Songs from Beyond Dass Songs From Scheitern Dead Facts
Songs of Sin White Pigs
Songs with No Drums Mark Saucier
Sonic Debris Ambient Meat
Sonic Intelligence Mr. Devo
Sonidista Aristeo
Sonido Directo Nº 1 Merz
Sonora 81 Enzo Minarelli Sonorous Alchemy Dan Joseph
SOP 'N' Wet Spongehead Experience Sophisticated Surfing Punk Hit it with Sticks sosnow / vonia Naj Souffles, lettristische Musik Marc Texier
Sound Color Sound Color
Sound Poem Performance Bay Area Dadaists
Sound Poems Gabor Toth
Sound Poems Geoffrey Cook
Sound Reflections Rollin Rachele
Sound Row 36 Richard Olson
Sound sculptures 1 and 2 M. Schönauer
Sound Signs Betty Danon
Sound Sound May 1980 Johan Cornelissen / Elsa Stansfield / Madelon Hooykaas
Sound Text and Other Works Michael Gibbs Sound-Placing / 1 Airthrob In Sounding / Way Guy Klucevsek / Pauline Oliveiros
Soundletter: Me4 Pittore Euforico
Sounds 1982 Klaus Groh
Sounds Familiar Neville, Scrotty, Sparling
Sounds from Underground Geoff and Pete Lucas Soundscapes from Wilderness Ron Nagorcka
Soundtracks White Stains
Soundtracts 391
Soundtrakt One Mesh
Source Rieg Southern Spirit Robert Bleeker Souvenir de Paris Souvenir de Paris
Sozialisationstape Fritz Stier Space Ritual At St. Mary's Nightcrawlers Space Shuttle Nightcrawlers
Sparkling Humans Opal L Nations
Spartacus Issiael Henryk Gajewski
special Cassette Mix Paris and the Atmospheres
Speechless Katharsis Spheric Corner Spheric Corner Spiral 3 Various Spirits rejoice The Dedication Orchestra
Splendid Isolation Rig Veeda
split David Javelosa / Los Microwaves
split Ron Crowcroft / New 7th Music
Split Colourzone / Youthinasia
Split TUOB / Andy Savage
split Blackhumour / Haters / 2 ordinary guys
Split 1978 Endre Tot / Steve Hitchcock
Split collaboration Tara Cross / Unovidual
Split Tape Live Wasted Youth / Vice Versa
Spring Music / Revolution grazanskaya Oborona / Wekeda
Spring Sonata / Soft Conversation Rene Aeberhard
Spudz Cees Francke
Square One Tim Stebbing Square Sun Dion Trevarthen Square Wave Square Wave
Squeezing Light Bill Price
Stairs & Laughter / Protection Not I
Stamping Leonhard F. Duch
Star Gait JEEM
Star Of Evil L'Ambassadeur Des Ombres
Starfish Days Anatol Sucher
Startchancen Der Akteur Starving Children Cardiospasm
Stearing Motions Peter Gullerud Steppin Osiris
Stereo Magnús V. Guðlaugsson
Sterling 17-11-87 Andrzej Dudek-Dürer
Steve Lear Steve Lear
Steve Says No No Commercial Potential (NCP) Sticking It Out Rick Cucuzza
Still Color of Life Andrzej Dudek-Dürer and Charles Cohen
Still Drone / Drone On The Move Gen Ken Montgomery
Stille Hoffnung Stille Hoffnung Strange Device Gary Strauss Strange Disguise Face In The Crowd
Strange, Isn't it? Dr. Phil Stratus Flight Paul Steve Korsmo
Stress Books by Busby Tibet Tom Furgas Strike Me If I Shiek L'Ambassadeur Des Ombres
Striving for a position to bully from Perfect Heller
Stuck In The Mind Cage Wooden Baby
Studio Psychotic Tanks
Studio Serious Drinking Studio and Live 1979 The The & Gadgetrees
Studio Mix Joy Division
Studio Sessions Vol 1-3 Joy Division
Stunt Kites Stunt Kites Stylistic Errors Vol.1 1/5 Various
Sub Atomic Physics Nov 85 to Jan 86 The Death & Beauty Foundation
Subliminal Control The Sophist
Subscalpular Constellations Zebra x Suffettapen Handke / Gäste aus Ungarn
Suicide Invasion Stin Scatzor & Notstandskomitee Sulphuric Acid Attack Sunderland Bunker 23/10/82 Alternative
Sundials Frog
Super Trouper 02 Various
Super Trouper 04 Various
Super Trouper 11 - Bamboo Various Super Trouper 12 - For You Various Super Trouper 14 - The Last Ever Melodic Scrabble Various
Super Trouper 15 - in another World Various
Super Trouper 17 - Right Side of Town Various
Super Trouper 18 - The Space Dentists Various
Super Trouper 22 / The Big Mouse 6 Various
Super Trouper 27 Various
Superfar Solenoid
Superfetazione Superfetazione
Superstitions for Rod John Berndt
Surfin' on the Moon! Lord Litter & Hermoonos Guzanos Surge Daniel Menche Surreal Imaginations Use your Pain / ATRAX MORGUE
Suspendu Tapis Roulant Obitorio Morandi Conspiracy
Suz (Promo) La Fura del Baus
Swampland in Heaven Peter Tonks
Swedish Fiddle Music Gustav Hägglund
Swim or Die Solomonoff & Von Hoffmannstahl Symboter Music Olaf Schirm
Symphonie No.4 Glenn Branca
syneshetisch experiment Inez Michiels
Synthesis Peter Kaminski
Synthesis Ltd. Various
Synthetic Chamber Chris Wind
Synthetic Four Steve Meehleder
Synthetik 1. Seesselberg Synthimania Nightcrawlers
Systema Naturae Nightcrawlers
T.I.M (Te Ite Maledite) Mataparda
T.M.C.T.B. (the Maldorors Coming to Birkenau) Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Tableau du Foret de British Columbia Pat Kinsella Tabloid # 5 Various Tabloid Vol.2 Various
Taciturn Tapes Autumn
Tacky Souvenirs Of Pre-Revolutionary America Culturcide
Tänzelnder Saltans The Beast of Bert
Tagtraum Susi Schill
Taibashe Against the Sky
Take Five promo Tape Attrition
Take the Trash Lord Litter
Tales From The Malignant Forest Cancer Bunny
Tales of Despair 1919-25 The House of Usher
Talking about Dadafest LA 1980 Lon Spiegelman Michael Mollette Neal Taylor Patty Sue Jones
Talking Tape A Collection of Radio 2 10 83 Alex Douglas (Clem)
Talking to a loudspeaker Dan Lander Tall Grasses John Hudak
Tam-Lin Bob Davis
Tambores Salvajes Aristeo
Tamers Riddle Betty Danon
Tansel Dave Jones Tantra Paul Kelday
Tantra (H2O) Biagio Donati
Tantric Obstacles Ozric Tentacles Tantric Resonance / Wicked Man Extracts TAG
Tanz den Lummelini Neue Wohnkultur
Tanzlos Die Wahre Kunst
Tanzmusik Für Atomschutzräume Unheimliche Jungfrauen Tanzwut Nightcrawlers Tape #1 Mofungo / Information / Blinding Headache
Tape Jazz Planet 3 The Kitchen-Musique Associative
Tape-Letter to Frieder Butzmann Sept. 1981 Genesis P-Orridge
Tapes 88 HI3ORON
Tapeworm Tapeworm
Taproot 5 and 6 Various Tara's Room Pauline Oliveros
Taras Room Pauline Oliveros
Tarts Negative Reaction Tasty Cakes Thrift Bakery Teargas Sessions The Stray Gods Tears in the Fabric of Sound Dave Clark & Vy Lewis
Technology Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Technology Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Technology 1 / Technology 2 Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Technology 1 / Technology 2 Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Technology Declines Carrick in Progress Bob Davis
Telle est j loi du ciel Pierre Chuchana Temple Talk Psychic TV
Ten To Strange Peter Tedstone Tenebrarum Suspirium
Terminal Oitkant K3 Various
Termites Carved Our Boat Kon Tiki (Josh Mars) Terra Daniel Menche
Terra-ist C O T A
Terramoto Masters of the Obvious (M.O.T.O.) Terresitrial Intelligence - Reproscessing nun Nun
Teurer Denn Je Teurer Denn Je The 3 Track Demo Lord Litter
The Accident In The Year Dada X Der Akteur
The Aerosol Can Zark
The Art of Juxtaposition Chris Wind
The Asphalt River Paul Sutherland
The Attractions Of Fixed Interest Funeral Danceparty
The Avathi The Inspectors
the Bedroom Musician the Bedroom Musician (T.B.M)
The Best Of Die 3 von der Tankstelle
The Big Now Mark Saucier
The Bing Freeway Jonkari Alex Nu-Jetson
The Bits Between the Bits Ozric Tentacles The Black Fruit Tear Ceremony The Blue Rider John Di Stefano The Buried Life D.D. Dobson The Cabinet Of Doctor Caligari The Clubfoot Orchestra The Cavern 17th March 87 Sponge
The Cellar Demos Doncaster 1981 UV Pop
The Celtic Macintosh Paul D. Lehrman
The Chapter Of Spoils Seraphin Twin
The Choreographed Stability Of American Hardware Ken Rubenstein The Christmas Collection Spore
The Circle Travel I / The Physical Difference Andrzej Dudek-Dürer The Classic of Purity D.D. Dobson
The Clownward Spiral BB2X4
The Cocaine Blue Iao Core
The Crack In The Universe Paul Kelday
The Cruisin Izabella
The Curiosity Shop Funeral Danceparty
The Dark Side of the Moonies The Moonies
The Dead Accuse Mesh
The Death and Beauty Foundation Silverstar Ameoba
The Demo The Eraserheads The Donut Tape Donut Theory
The Dying Man PM (Prescott and Minoy) The Electric Guitar Quartet The Electric Guitar Quartet
The Element that defies description Various
The Emetic Dance of Oral Surgeons Steve Hitchcock
The Empty Set Galen Herod The end of flight 182 Dave George & Mark Perry
The Extinction Various
The Eye That Scans The Land Gargoyle Mechanique
The Facts Lie Tom Furgas The Fallen Sparrow Nightcrawlers
the Fermentation and Decay of Sound The Moth
The Final Act Hugo Klang the final act_ Knott & Jeph Jerman, Dave The First and the last beat TASS 2
The Five Year Sentence Ken Rubenstein
The Fool The Fool The Forbidden Monastary Nightcrawlers The Forest Jonkari Alex Nu-Jetson
The Future Now! Live! The Bronte Sisters
The Gambia - Hard Boiled People Zimbabwe Brothers
The Giving Tree Henry Warner
The Grey Tape Metadrive
The Grove Of Selves Nodens Ictus
The Happiest Hits Earwig Spectre
The History Of Decency / Out To The Various Edges Craig Burk The House Of Fools New 7th Music & Exploding Headband
The Human Mind Evil Forces Jeremy Clarke
The Hysterical Male The Hysterical Male
The Institute Of Rot - An Audio Document Adam Bohman
The King George 13-8-87 Sponge
The Last Battle David Prescott The Last Person On Earth Look-Alike Contest - An Audio Performance Compilation Steltch The Locket Réseau D'Ombres
The Lost Missile Outtakes 6/89-2/90 Alien Planetscapes
The Madness Utterance Tongue
The Manichean Candidate Green Lion Audio Theatre Vol .2
The Many Faces of Marcel Duchamp Bret Hart
The Metamorphosis of Eana (Live at Camberwell College of Arts and Crafts 9/10/82) The Casual Labourers
The Militant Musicians Pond The Militant Musicians Pond
The Misfit Dave Joe Grant
The Morning of 21.1.78 Leonhard F. Duch
The Murderer Embryo Development Laxative Souls (LXSS)
The Music of Sound Factor X
The Mysterious Phenomenon Of Human Languages Genetic druGs The Myth Mark D'Amico
The National Voice Opal L Nations
The Nazi Suicides Throbbing Gristle The New Age The New Age The New Blockaders / Coil / Vortex Campaign The New Blockaders / Coil / Vortex Campaign The NTSC Loops 1-99 Mr. Pharmacist
The Nuclear Wasteland Missing Persons
The Obvious Identity Cardiac Arrest
The Odyssey IoxoI
The Off Band Und Waffelschmiede Off Band
The One Sided Triangle Gen Ken Montgomery The Opening of the Horse Song (1970). Jerome Rothenberg
The Opium Den Christus Christus
The Ox-Box Incident 9/1984 Bret Hart
The Panda Life 1984 Matador The Passing of the Dark Sandy Simpson
The Paul Green Poetry Revue Paul Green
The Perils of Number Theory Dream Music Robert I Gillham and Peter North
The Poetry and Music of Hedwig G.G.... East of Eden Band
The Portal Dave Fuglewicz
The Principle Players Pete Horobin and Ivor Cutler
The Psychological Warfare Branch The Psychological Warfare Branch
The Psychopathic Blossom - Agonia - Der Zeltweg Ezio Albrile
The Quick Beat of Wings Derek Geary
The Quick Brown Roy G. Biv The Quiet Ones The Quiet Ones
The Red Cassette Conrad Schnitzler The Red Rose Concerts 1995 Various
The Rejects Hermanos The Ren-Tones The Ren-Tones The Rex Havoc Army Rex Havoc
The Rosebuds The Rosebuds
The Runaway Train and other Children's Favorites Phil Rhoden
The Search This Shrinking Feeling
The Second Storm Ken Hunt
The Secret, Cross-Eyed, Crane Fly, Caravan Trillian Green
The Sentient Insect Variations Pete Painful & Dave Fuglewicz
The Shrill Ho. Turner
The Silent Circus Dan Stearns
The Skin Horse Tells his Story the Skin Horse
The SKy's Falling in / Venus de Milo's Left Arm Tim Wilson
The Slovisha's Songs Moon Far Away
The Sound of Music - the Soundtrack to D. Jarman's Angelic Conversation Coil
The Sound of Neoism Hapunkt Fix Punkt Fliegenstrumpf THE SOUNDTRACK OPP AV LOCK NESS
The Splatters The Splatters
The Street Drummer / selective Retention fro the fifth floor Bettina
the Studio Sessions the Makedonians
The Sumptuous Wine Of Her Bleeding Majesty Maldoror
The Sun ain't goona Shine anymore Joy Division
The Swamp One Voice The Tape Of Pleasures Various
The Tempest September and November 1981 Various The Terrible but Just Revenge Random Valency The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Clock DVA
The Third State Alone in the Crowd
The Thirteen Women Tape Ectoplasmic Embryo Experience
The Three Faces Darren Copeland
The Tim Ski Project Various
The Tower of Saalooma Opal L Nations / Bob Amos
The Trip Boris Dzaneck
The Trouble with Bill Galen Herod
The True Story by John Held Jr. John Held Jr.
The Tunnels of Set the Chorozon Club
The Unperverted Pantomime Killing Joke
The Victim Digital Slaughter
The Vision of the Fool JR
The Visual Entertainment Company / Domono Championship Rod Summers
The War of Attitude Quantum Leap
The Way Out L. Voag The Werewolf Suite Michael Helsem The Wind & The Whale The Oroonies
The Wolfman Tape Paul Carter / Mike Taylor
The Wonderful World of Val Denham / Bei-Bei-Beyes Val Denham
The Wood Burning Al Souza
The World Today Deadline Paranoia
the Zombies come home Gargoyle Mechanique The-Will Raging Mantras
Theatre Sound Aural Fixation
Theatre Sound Guy Sherman
Their Heads Are Green Sponge Their Spines Crumble for a Hug Vibracathedral Orchestra Themen Aus Der Bebenfurche Ewald Spiss
These Passionate Years Animation Festival
Theter Broca's Area
They Must Be Russians They Must Be Russians They Yearn For ... Barringtons (Philip Johnson)
They're Different from us Mark Kissinger think now Exhaustless Revolt
Third Limmy (Sheres)
Thirsty Animal Einstürzende Neubauten
This Priceless Recording Boyd Rice & Steve Hitchcock
This Same Temple / Liquid and Stellar Music Paul Dresher
Thomas Wegner Thomas Wegner
Thors' Whores' Chores! John Thors
thousandhours Blind
Three in One Video Throbbing Gristle
Three Mad Dog Recorded Live March 186 Three Mad Dog
Three Metres of White Elastic Ron Crowcroft
Threshold of Hearing The Courage of Lassie
Through Veils Port Said Thunderhips And Saddle Bags Human Scab
Tidal Bass Generator Tim Lane Seaton
Tiergarten Honeymoon Productions
Tierra Pierre Perret
Time Micky Saunders Time and Hope Twist! Crazy Times
Time of Hope Twist Crazy Times
Titanum Wetsuit Allied Body
Tits, Zombies n'Assholes Lord Litter
To be is the question at Judy Hoffberg's Party Lon Spiegelman
To Cease Burning Maybe Mental
To Rod Keith Bates
To Things Above Colin Weavill Töne Ohne Trompeten Töne Ohne Trompeten
Tokyo Rhythm Merzbow Toltec Holiday John Hudak
Tomato Tomasius
Tombeau de Francois Dufrene, France Culture 2/2/1983 François Dufrêne Tomorrow Rings John Hudak
Too Many Lies Hymn
Tools for an Information Age Vocabularinist
Toonbeelden Carel Lanters
topics by a round table Stranger in Paradise
Tor zu Welt Mertens und Mertens
Torgue Schlafengarten
TOt Mahlsdorfer Wohnstuben Orchester Total Terror Front Line Assembly
Tote Zone Maria Zerfall
Totem Frank Garvey
Totentanz Stadttheater Chur Touc Tape Master Musicians Of Jajouka
Tout Va Bien Tout Va Bien (Küpper)
Toward Autumn No Commercial Potential (NCP)
Towards the future Audio Players
Towns, Hallways, Two Quiet Evenings and Ten Rooms Galen Herod
Toy World The Cardiacs
tra le rovine dei sensi Nulla Iperreale
Track David Jackman
Tracks from Rotten Worlds Daniele Ciullini
Trajectories John Loffink
Transitivisum Hapunkt Fix Punkt Fliegenstrumpf Transluminance Nightcrawlers
Transmissions Of Decadence The Psychic Workshop TRANSPARENCY Coloured Mik
Transport du Piano Chez Al Layl Julien Blaine / Charles Dreyfus
Traumarama Psychodrama
Traumschlaf Ex-Trem
Traveller's Companion Port Said
Travelogue Brian Gingrich
Travelogue Mystery School
Treble Tone Poets
Tree Saw Kwashiorkor
Tremori Di Profumi Patrizio Ligabue, Luciano Bosi Treviso Underground - Vol. 2: Atmosfere E Sperimentazione Various
Trianger Katharsis
Trip to Hell Alien Sex Fiend
Triptychon Din A Testbild Trismegistos Green Lion Audio Theatre Vol .1
Tristan et Isolde Cherif Defraoui
Tristesse Psychotronique Dark Alceste De Socaï Vômie
Trois Biopsies + Un Passe-Partout Bernard Heidsieck
True Love Never Dies Ahoe Ahoea
Truth John Berndt
Tuned Space John Wiggins
Tuner Alliteration / Television tuner Nicola Frangione Tunnel Vision Suspirium Turfs/Grounds Richard Kostelanetz
Turn your Head and Cough Masters of the Obvious (M.O.T.O.)
Turquoise Casket Psychedelic Incident
Twa Ians / Mig Mines Aconite / Robert I Gillham
Twelve DImensional World Tim Stebbing
Twilight Ice Andrew Savage Twist Noir Twist Noir
two Tapes Protoplast
Twokmi Kimali Twokmi Kimali
Typhous 27.01.1980 Nicola Frangione
Typographical Error / Time Piece for Steve Reich Steve Hitchcock
U.S.E. (Unusual Social Embraces) Alien Brains
Über Den Dächern Substanz T Üzähögün OH 78
Uncle Dad Rendezvous Debris
Unconscious Confessions Music Psychological
Und Wir Singen Unsere Lieder Knallschoten
Une Promenade Dans la Neige Georg Rehsteiner
Unearthing Gradiva Andy Wilson Unformal Sound Report 10 Suzuki Shunya (z.B.u.ä.)
Unfugs Beginnens Verrichtung O.T.O.B (Bert Papenfuß)
Unikum Marc Marc
Unknownmix Unknownmix
Unlawful Trusts Seven From Life
Unplunged John Bartles
unpublished works 1955-1965 Henri Chopin
unrelaxed behaviour Dull Schicksal Unreleased rhythmn Demos Michael Pittard
Unter der Oberfläche Substanz T Untitled Ampzilla's Delight Untitled Natural Disasters
untitled O Veux Untitled Pure
untitled Silvie Defraoui / Cherif Defraoui Untitled Tam Quam Tabula Rasa
Untitled Zeitgeist And The 7 Year Itch
Untitled The Event Group
untitled The Haters Untitled Francisco Lopez
untitled Ulises Carrion
untitled Juke/19
Untitled Energo Wünschkiy
Untitled Überhaupt Untitled Weimar Gesang Untitled Geile Tiere Untitled Hans Guttman
Untitled Bruno Damini Untitled (Gold Cover) Gerard Leckey
Untitled Cass Parisima Poyaan
Untitled Single, Ltd, C7 David Jackman
Unwichtig Peter Lieske (Ich)
Up To Date Siegmar Fricke Upright Wally Shoup / Doug Haire UV Pop UV Pop
V-Mag Video Portion Control
Various Archive Tapes Z'ev (Stefan Weisser)
Various Electronic Sounds Markus F.P. Aigner
Various Live Pieces Jesus Penis
Various Tracks for Rod New 7th Music
Varoshi Fame Varoshi Fame
Vec Tape Aural Fixation
VEC Tape Klaus Groh
VECous Madley Vittore Baroni
Veleno No. 19 Hasena
Verity FOMT (DJ at Fomt) Verwesung eines Leichnamns Abteilung der Intensiven Sorge
Very Much Into First Tape Modern Primitv VIC Theatre 1991 7-19-91 Einstürzende Neubauten
Vicious Circular To Play a Double Game Nicola Frangione Victims Suspirium
Video Soundtracks 1982-84 Konstruktivists
Vierjahreszeiten 1981/82. Opus 7 "Der Mond Ist Aufgegangen" Hanne Darboven Vietsong Richard H. Kirk
View Peter Tedstone
Vijf 5! toegiften in Apeldoorn, Gigant 21-11-82 Eyeless in Gaza
Vinyl Gum
Violation / Dream Of Violation Kwashiorkor Violetouch / Resituation Smile Naj
Virhepy Säkö Innistä Sakotetaan C.O. Caspar VIRRUPT Mr. Pharmacist
Visions Every New Dead Ghost Visions & Form Idee Du Femelle Visions for a New World The Show
Visions of the Forest Peter Tedstone Vista under Arc Light Osiris
Vital Fluido Vital 83-86 Grim
Viva Now Rosengarten
Voice Miroslaw Rajkowski
Voice of the Grey Whale Servie Janssen
Voices Marc Pira Voices and Ruins Amen (Monte Cantsin)
Vol.2 The Secrets of Mental Communication Volare Glatze des Willen Voltanic Valley Aube
Von Uns Für Uns Various
Voodoo Automatic and Red Rain by Soon 3 Bob Davis
Voorbij de Rand Van der Wereld Frans Romeijn
Vor dem Schlafengehen Steff GBH
Vor Ort Langenhagen 1992 Ottmar Hörl
Vorsicht ! Paranoia Rotzkotz Vortexes Roland Barker
Vortext Richard Marriott Vree 33 - If you don't like it wipe it Robert I Gillham
Vree 34 Taking Type Tape Robert I Gillham
Vree 92 and 94 Robert I Gillham W. transmission 2 Column One
Waffen der Subversion (Live SO36 19.11.1982) S.P.K.
Wage of Mayhem Nasty Savage
Wahre Freundschaft Valie Export / Monsti Wiener
WAIF Neuntage (Alt)
Waiting for the War Tara Cross
walks of life Maynard House
War and See The Cardinal of Splendour
Wastecoat Oliver Squash
Wastelands Ron Berry Water 1990 A. Nakajima Water 1991 A. Nakajima
Water from the Moon Ken Selcer
Water from the Moon Greg Segal
Water Music John M Bennett
Water Music Gaby Meier
Waterglass Idiom
Way / Sounding Pauline Oliveros & Guy Klucsevsek
Way of Life Skatman Meredith
We Are Not A Number No.6
We Are Numberless Kwashiorkor
We're Rocknoceros And We Eat A Lot Rocknoceros
Weather Nouveau Ken Hunt
Wechselbad Poison Dwarfs
Wechselwirkung Giancarlo Toniutti
Weed Forestin Eric Gaffney Weeshuis 24-2-86 Swans
Welcome Greg Hurley Welcome To 1984 Recopilacion Internacional / Vicent Goes To Tchernobyl / The Triumph of Death Various
Welcome to Fuckville The Fuckits
Welcome to my World Swinebolt 45
Well of Grief Hybernoid
Weltenschrei Sylvia James
Weltrausch - Love at Bhirasri Institute of Modern Art 83 Head Resonance Company Wer Stand Zuerst? DAI-J
Werk 3 Die Schrumpfwunde
Western Works Demos Cabaret Voltaire
What A Pleasure Happy Straps
What next, Humans? Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Whats Happening To The Universe Pearson
Whats the Hubub Bub Tronics
When the Quiet Comes Fred Marcin
When you are dreaming Giampaolo Guerini
Where are they Hiking? Little Dougie
Where The Heck Is Mr. Fun (Or Up And Down The Donut With Frank) Galen Herod
Who Stole The Sun? Idiom Whomp Whip Music Peter Van Riper
Wie der lichte Tag Fix und Fertig WIEN 28.5.83 Elliott Sharp
Wiesbaden Neroberg 1982 S.P.K.
Wild Night And Get Some Fun Bewältigte Vergangenheit
Willow Willow
Willy + Bie Indi Pink Fungus
Wings for the Voyager de Beyrouth (extract of Lady and Odyssey) Joyce Cutler Shaw
WIngs for the Voyageur de Beyrouth Joyce Cutler Shaw
Winter Session 89/90 Heinz
Winter Street Scenes II Lawrence Kucharz
Winterland Cord of Life
Winterslaap Ward Weiss Wiosto 15 Nov 84 Piotr Rypson Wir Freunde NO
Wir Sind Lebendig Begraben DNI (Die Nützlichen Idioten) Witchcraft & Retarded People Goodsuesign
without gender Val Denham
without honestly - art sucks Spiral Ensemble
Wizz Work Philippe Deleglise / Anouk Gressot
Wohnzimmermusik Peter Below
Wolf Tones Seth Bovey
Womens Problems Zimbabwe Brothers
Woo Hoo! It's... The King Dapper Combo!
Word Dialogue: Light: Revolution: Action John Hopkins and Neocenes
Words in my Mouth K. D. Schmitz
Words in our Mouth Various Work For 4 Players And 90 Strings Ellen Fullman
Workdub Workdub
Workeres of all Countries, Unite Condominium
Works with Jerks Gary Singh
World Of Steam Sponge
World Wo? Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Wouah Didier Merlin
Wound Nooten/Brooks/Kaspel
Wovoka Wovoka Wretchedness the Vulcanized State of the Frau-East Deities
Wrist Cymbals Stefan Weisser (Z'ev)
Wunschkonzert für E.T. RGW (Reiner Größen Wahn)
X 13 - 13 Cuts From Beyond Hermanos Guzanos Xntrix Studio Sessions / Rehearsals 1982 Hagar The Womb
XOM Galen Herod
Yawn Great Pawel Petasz Yellow Roy G. Biv
You're Only Awake Patience Worth You've got to learn to trust us Vagina Teeth/Jesus Teeth / Tricky Worm
Yours In The Arms Of Death Saffron Dreamshadow
YRA / SCENT Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.) yz Richard Tabor Z7C Kozo Ikeno
Zagadka Ron Slabe
Zangezi - Odd and Even Theatre Radioplay Velimir Chlebnikov
Zapping Muzak. Jörg Burkhard Zen Meditations 1982 Brio Burgess
Zerreißversuch Ewald Spiss
Zine-On-A-Tape Various Zip Stefano Barban
Zoetra/Disco The Static Orange Zoom: Bi-Speel Jim Pomeroy Zopo Horst Holland 1984 Whitehouse Zpráva Ze Zemé Nikoho Durman / Posejpal Duo
zu tote Rente2 Der Akteur
Zulu Formica Barry Gilbert
Zwei Freunde G Park
Zweihundertzwei EA80
….the forgotten Art to die from love Fetish Park Živi V Ljubljani Rollins Band
½ Gentlemen / Not Beasts 1/2 Japanese
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(El Coleccionista De Poliedros)EA80Ear FoodEardrumEarthEarwig SpectreEast of Eden BandEat Drink and be JerryEcho And The Bunnymen / Echo & The BunnymenEctoplasmic Embryo ExperienceEd FreemanEddy & PokeyEddy FontaineEdelmetallEdenEhrensteineinsam in trüben tagen gehörtEinstürzende NeubautenElectric FishElectric Impulses From the Upper CerebrumElectrodubElemend TechnologyElephant Bangs TrainElitalgamElivis PresleyEllen FullmanElliott SharpEmilio MorandiEmpathy En Halvkokt I FolieEnciroEnd Of OrgyEndraumEndre Tot / Steve HitchcockEnergo WünschkiyEnno StahlEnstructionEntropiaEnzo MinarelliEP-4EPICEric GaffneyErnesto GusellaEsoterica Landscapes 7Esplendor GeometricoEugene ChadbourneEva M Cuchulain Evan CantorEver ArtsEverlasting Happy Life / Premature EjaculationEvery New Dead GhostEvidenceEvocation of the WillEwald SpissEx-TremExcited First DaughterExhaustless RevoltExileExpiExterminatorExtranos Dias FelicesEyeless in GazaEyelightEzio AlbrileF. ArtF/iF:A.R.FabrikFaceFace In The CrowdFactor XFad GadgetFahrenheit 451FanaticFeeling BFelix HessFerial ConfineFermentation SpontanéeFernando De FilippiFernando MatamoresFetisch ParkFetish ParkFetus ProductionsFetus Productions & Crawling ChaosFever HeroesFibrillationFictionFight for FreedomFinnbogi PéturssonFix und FertigFleischlegoFlowers For Funerals Flu (IT)FluidoFlux (british Band)Flux (german Band)FoetusFoggiest Notion FOMT (DJ at Fomt)FoolFortunato DeperoFrancisco LopezFrançois DufrêneFrank GarveyFrank Gunderson Frank PeckFrans De WaardFrans RomeijnFred FrithFred MarcinFrederic B. HodshonFredi AlbertiFreundeskreis Femininer SoldatenFrieder ButzmannFrieder Butzmann & Pezzali & StevenFriederike MayröckerFritz BalthausFritz StierFröhliche EiszeitFrogFrom Nursery to MiseryFrom ScratchFront Line AssemblyFrozen GrinFrozen In Amber (Kris T. Force)Frustrierte KonsumentenFugitive FormsFuneral DancepartyFuneral GirlG ParkG RitherG. DannerG.T.O.G. (Golden Testicle of God)Gabble RatchetGabor TothGaby MeierGai SaberGalen HerodGarbage DisplayGargantuaGargoyle MechaniqueGary SinghGary StraussGay DogsGeert Ysbrandt HendricksGeile TiereGeisterfahrerGeistige VerunreinigungGemein und GeistreichGen KenGen Ken MontgomeryGenchGene AveryGenesis P-OrridgeGenetic druGsGenetic FactorGentlemaniacGeoff and Pete LucasGeoff LeighGeoffrey CookGeorg RehsteinerGeorge FirsoffGeorge GarsideGeorge MaciunasGeorge WinterGerard LeckeyGerhard LischkaGerhard StebnerGermain Hubert AlesGerman ShepherdsGerry GarsteinGertie Bauer und die JungsGG AllinGG Allin & The JabbersGG Allin & The ScumfucsGi-NapajoGiampaolo GueriniGiancarlo ToniuttiGib nicht aufGinnungagabGiovanni FontanaGirtherGlad CorpGlass OrchestraGlatze des WillenGlen NeffGlenn BrancaGlitchGo Back To Your Precious Wife And SonGold-Plated HaemorrhoidsGongs of ViolenceGoodsuesign Gordon ForsterGothic RequiemGravity Crazegrazanskaya Oborona / WekedaGreater Than OneGreen Lion Audio Theatre Vol .1Green Lion Audio Theatre Vol .2Greg HornGreg HurleyGreg SegalGreg TruckellGregor KnauerGrimGruppo MazzarolliGrønvirkeGudrun Gut & Mark EinsGünter MüllerGuenther RuchGumGunner Møller PedersenGustav HägglundGuy BleusGuy Klucevsek / Pauline OliveirosGuy ShermanGX Jupitter-LarsenGY. ArvaiGypznikHagar The WombHahamandadHalbtote KreaturenHandke / Gäste aus UngarnHangaar 5HangarHanne DarbovenHans C.Hans Guttman Hans-Karsten RaeckeHappy PeopleHappy StrapsHapunkt Fix Punkt FliegenstrumpfHarald Sack ZieglerHarlanHarry PierceHase und Igel / Kajco DesignHasenaHatersHaters / BeequeenHawaii Amplified Poetry EnsembleHe is dead JimHead ResonanceHead Resonance CompanyHeadbutt Noise SystemHearts and ChipsHeather JoyceHeather PerkinsHeavy MentalHeinzHeliotroupeHellcowsHenri ChopinHenry WarnerHenryk GajewskiHenryk Gajewski with Tomasz LipinskiHerbert DistelHerbert FritschHerbst in PekingHermanosHermanos GuzanosHermin & Unforgettable NailHernia Retraction AccordionHI3ORONHideg RoncsHigh de PrimeHijokaidanHilmar FredriksenHipboneHirn mit EiHiroshi YoshimuraHit it with SticksHo. TurnerHomo Terra Incognita Honeymoon ProductionsHoracio ZabalaHorst GläskerHorusHot BipHugo KlangHuman ScabHunting LodgeHunting Lodge & In the NurseryHunting Lodge & JarboeHybernoidHybrydsHymnHypnobeatHypnogagaHypnoskullI.D.K.I.M.C.P.I.M.S.I.M.U. (Intuitive Music Unit)Ian BoddyIao CoreIconsIdee Du FemelleIdee Du Femelle, TachéIdetempIdid IdidIdiomIdiot-SavantIgnazio LagoIgneous ItIgniteIllogicoIlse GarnierImminent StarvationIn my Dead Sisters MemoryIncapacitantsIndex MetricsInez MichielsInfluenza ProdsIngeborg LuescherIngleton FallsInkubus SukkubusInnere Mission: Vision Intelligent CattleInter NosIntrinsic ActionIoxoIIpso FactoIrsolIsang YunIsidore IsouIsisisIx-Ex-SplueIzabellaJ.D. WilburnJ.JasmineJaap BlonkJaap de GrootJack & The RippersJack Kerouac and William S. BurroughsJack MarlowJack SaundersJack WrightJacky SchreiberJacqueline TarkieltaubJames BoringJames JoyceJames St. VrrainJane Bond And The Undercover MenJanos UrbanJanusJaws of the Flying CarpetJay Allison Jean Louis HouchardJean-Louis BelomonteJean-Paul ThenotJean-Vincent HugueninJEEMJeff BattisJeff Van AukenJeffrey MorganJeremy ClarkeJerman & friends, JephJerome JoyJerome RothenbergJerry Woodsford KaneJesse GlassJester of ChaosJesus and the Mary ChainJesus PenisJim BinkleyJim PomeroyJim PriceJim RaddatzJim WaferJo BogaertJoachim MogarraJoe Jonesjoe mc carthys ghostJoe ShmoeJörg BurkhardJörg ThomasiusJoey Benjamin ZarkJohan CornelissenJohan Cornelissen / Elsa Stansfield / Madelon HooykaasJohn BartlesJohn Bartles & Zimermann TelegramJohn BenderJohn BerndtJohn CallaghanJohn Di StefanoJohn EJohn GreenlandJohn Held Jr.John HenriJohn Hopkins and NeocenesJohn HudakJohn LoffinkJohn M BennettJohn M Bennett and C Mehrl BennettJohn M Bennett and John WieseJohn ThorsJohn V.John WigginsJohn WrightJohnny LarssenJohnny Larssen & Martin Howard NaylorJohnny PrimitiveJonathan Caws-ElwittJonkari Alex Nu-JetsonJosef Anton RiedlJosef BoysJoseph BeuysJosh and the Identity CrisisJoy DivisionJoyce Cutler ShawJoyce LightbodyJoYoJRJürgen ElsässerJürgen KramerJürgen OlbrichJürgen Olbrich / Henryk Gajewski / Piotr RypsonJuke/19Julien BlaineJulien Blaine / Charles DreyfusJuliusJust Like DadJustin SaragozaJuul SadeeK. D. SchmitzK.H. productionsKa MoserKabelbrand & Stuttgart SchwarzKadefKalahari SurfersKaltfrontKangaroo KourtKapella DiffusaKarl RehnKarl-Marx-Stadt Studio Big BandKata ComboKatastrophentheorieKathan SpissKatharsisKauf Mich Hör Mich Küss MichKedaviKein PlanKeine AhnungKeith BarnardKeith BatesKeith SlaneKeith Ullrich and Charles AndersonKelly SmithKen HuntKen RubensteinKen SelcerKerry NormanKevin CannKevin O'NeillKevin SlickKevyn DymondKFCKia PortafekasKill CityKilling JokeKing of FilkKinsey KiddedKlang (John Di Stefano)Klara Schillinger / Valerian MalyKlaus GrohKlaus Groh with Andrey Dudek DürerKleenexKlischeeKloot Per WKnallschotenKnightmareKnochen=GirlKnott & Jeph Jerman, DaveKnowing AllKnut Baltz FormationKnutbaltz Formation (KBZ)Koma KinoKombinationKommentär B.V.Kommunity FKKon Tiki (Josh Mars)KongKonradKonstruktivistsKonstruktivitsKonsumterrorKontrollchaosKosmonautentraumKowald Trio mit Peter Kowald, Luigi Trovesi und A.R. PenckKozo IkenoKraang (John Murphy as Kang, Krang, Krang Music, Kranng, Rkang )KraftwerkKranioklastKrankhafte PhantasienKrelKris Mc KuenKubist TierKüchenspioneKühe Im NebelKurt SchwittersKwai-DanKwashiorkorL'AkstremaunçióL'Ambassadeur Des OmbresL. VoagL.A.P.M.La Fura del BausLa KammerzofeLa Otra Cara De Un JardínLaibachLandLandfunkLarry KolotaLarry Mondello BandLarry RuhlLarry WendtLarry Wendt / Stephen RuppenthalLast Few DaysLast Few Days & Gerechtigkeits LigaLast Few Days / LaibachLatosegretoLaughing TreesLaurent PerniceLawLawrence BallLawrence KucharzLawrence SalvatoreLaxative Souls (LXSS)Le Legendary Poptones / ZlatkoLe LuLusLe Mot & KinoLe SyndicatLeather NunLegendary Pink DotsLeigh Ann HusseyLemming SistersLeo KüpperLeom AvenueLeonhard F. DuchLes Colonnes d'HerculeLes HalmasLes VampyrettesLeslie SingerLiaisons DangereusesLied an der Freude (Andy Giorbino)Lieutenant Murnau (Vittore Baroni)Life is BusyLily GreenhamLimmy (Sheres)Linea TacticaLiquid LiquidLittle DougieLividity (Andrew Liles)Liza 'N' EliazLMNOPLon SpiegelmanLon Spiegelman & Tohei HorrikeLon Spiegelman / Ginny LloydLon Spiegelman / Richard Meade / Steve Durland Ray Zone / Lin Osterhage, / Doung KnottLon Spiegelman / Turk Le ClairLon Spiegelman et alLon Spiegelman Michael Mollette Neal Taylor Patty Sue JonesLon Spiegelman with Michael Moilett, Richard Meade, Angelika Schmidt, Linda SpiegelmannLon Spiegelman, Michael Mollette, Neal TaylorLoomerLoop BLoose Dead Rat Meat (LDRM)Lord LitterLord Litter & Hermoonos GuzanosLoren NerellLorin HartLOSPLounge LizardsLow RoadLuc FerrariLudditesLudger AndreasLüsteen in vetoLuis MesaLuisa Cividin, Maurizio Marsico, Roberto TaroniLuney TunesLunusLustlos BewusstlosLYNXM. SchönauerM. StandishMach 3Mactown StripMadame Sadie (MME Sadie)Made by PassionMaeror TriMAF (Mut Aus Flaschen) / Mach III Magic Mushroom BandMagisch TheaterMagnús PálssonMagnús V. GuðlaugssonMagog UniversalMahlsdorfer Wohnstuben OrchesterMalaria!Malcolm Ryder / Chuck RyderMaldororMandodroidManfred SchonauerMania DManowarManta RayManuel Neito with Bernice RobertoMarc BarrecaMarc MarcMarc O DopeMarc PiraMarc TexierMarek RajkowskiMarga & Brause LutscherMaria ZerfallMarianne EigenheerMarie Kawazu / Action Main / Dieter HebbenMark and BillMark D'AmicoMark HarringtonMark KissingerMark LaneMark Lane / KlinikMark SaucierMark SevilleMark SolotroffMark SullivanMarkus F.P. AignerMartin Burkhardt and Hans Peter KuhnMartin HillMasakerMashed Potato BoutiqueMassimo ToniuttiMaster Musicians Of JajoukaMasters of the Obvious (M.O.T.O.)Mata RataMatadorMatangaMatapardaMater DolorosaMatt JohnsonMaud GonneMaurice LemaitreMaurizio AndriolettiMaurizio Bianchi (M.B.)Maurizio NannucciMax Wechsler / Peter RoeschMaximum Love VibesMaybe MentalMaynard HouseMechanischer kulturkreisMekanik Destrüktiw Komandöh (M.D.K.)Memento Mori (2)Memoria ZeroMen 2ndMentalMental AnguishMental LandscapeMercantanMercedes PrataMeredith MonkMeridian DreamMertens und MertensMerzMerzbowMeshMetadriveMetamorphosisMetcalf / Jordan / HartMetgumbnerboneMetropolie TransMichael BordtMichael GibbsMichael Helsem Michael HorwoodMichael J. AnnottiMichael KöhlerMichael PittardMichel PoivertMichelle MusserMicky SaundersMieko ShiomiMike BrooksMike KaneMike RichmondMike ShannonMike VargasMilaMilovan SrdenovicMimmisMinimal ManMinistryMinóyMiracle RoomMiroslaw RajkowskiMißbildungenMissing PersonsMission Papua HollandMittagspauseMixreflexMK UltraModern EnglishModern PrimitvMoebiusMoforageMofungo / Information / Blinding HeadacheMogens Otto NielsenMoloko PlusMontageMonte CazazzaMoon Far AwayMoonpumpMooodMorandi ConspiracyMorandi Conspiracy / Sergio MorandiMorandi Conspiracy and Ruggero MaggiMoris TepperMorphogenesisMr LiquoriceMr. DamMr. DevoMr. DistortedMr. PharmacistMultiple MagentaMuriel Olesen and Gerald MinkhoffMusic PsychologicalMuslimgauzeMutagen GrauMutant VoiceMuziekkamerMy Dad Is DeadMystery HearsayMystery SchoolMythen in TütenNacht und Nebel (Ezio Albrile)NachtfahrtNagamatzuNajNaked Pygmy VolesNameNaomi N'UruNasty SavageNatural DisastersNaxosNeal DavisNecrofiliaNectar of LoveNed Sublette / Lawrence Weiner & The PersuasionsNegativ PersonNegative ReactionNeil S Kvern / Carl JuarezNeonNervous NormanNesthakenNeue WohnkulturNeuntage (Alt)NevaNeville, Scrotty, SparlingNew 7th MusicNew 7th Music & Exploding HeadbandNew AffaireNew AnalystsNew CarrolltonNic ThompsonNick ArkleNico (Christa Päffgen)Nico de HaanNicola FrangioneNightcrawlersNik Kerless ParsonsNils SchumacherNina HagenNitzer EbbNONo Commercial Potential (NCP)No Commercial Potential (NCP) / VariousNo Festival Of Light & PWCCA/DemogorgonNo Odd Mass in the VoidNo Song KutkotzNo Such AnimalNo-Y-ZNo.6Noble DeedsNocturnal EmissionsNocturnal Emisssions & Bring PhilipNodens IctusNoh Time Like The PresentNoh TVNONNON & MonitorNON & the Young AmericansNoordmannenNooten/Brooks/KaspelNorbert KoschitzNorthern Star, Not BreathingNot INotausgangNovusNOXNukliNull Acht FünfzehnNull-LäuferNulla IperrealeNunNurse With WoundNutley BrassO VeuxO.T.O.B (Bert Papenfuß)ObliqueOccupantOdessaOdvazna Srdce / R.D.M.OeleoOff BandOH 78OHLOhne Unter Titel (O.U.T. Production)Olaf SchirmOliver SquashOlivier MaireOmnia OperaOna MukOne Last FlingOne VoiceOnoOpal L NationsOpal L Nations / Bob AmosOPP AV LOCK NESSOppenheimer AnalysisOraOrange Like MeOrdinary BoysOrganumOrnament und VerbrechenOs Cachorros das CachorrasOsirisOskar SalaOstomyOttmar HörlOtto J.E. GrünbauerOvens Van OndankOxymoraOzric TentaclesP.S. Bingo / The PinetonesP16.D4P4Pacific 231Pack of WolvesPain ClinicPalais SchaumburgPandemoniumPaper BagPapier d'AlbaniePaqui PupinarParadoxParadox (Eli Tagam)Paris and the AtmospheresParisima PoyaanPart FormParticolare MusicPat KinsellaPat Todd & Walter WrightPatience WorthPatrick H MurphyPatrick KellyPatrick KosmosPatrizio Ligabue, Luciano BosiPaul Buck / Ulli McCarthyPaul BurwellPaul CarterPaul Carter / Mike TaylorPaul D. LehrmanPaul DresherPaul GreenPaul JorgensenPaul KeldayPaul Steve KorsmoPaul Steve Korsmo & Rick BrandenburgPaul SutherlandPaul van de Vliet / Joke van KerwijkPaul Van OevelenPauline OliverosPauline Oliveros & Guy KlucsevsekPaulo BrusckyPavel PetaszPawel PetaszPBKPBK / Vidna ObmanaPea SoupPeace & FreedomPearsonPedro BericatPedro TrotzPele JujuPer HolmströmPER I Refuse It! / Cheetah Chrome MotherfuckersPerestroika ComboPerfect HellerPerspektiven der VernichtungPerversPestrepeller / Mystery DickPete HorobinPete Horobin / AcrobatPete Horobin and Ivor CutlerPete Painful & Dave FuglewiczPeter BelowPeter FrankPeter FrohmaderPeter GullerudPeter Gullerud and Bill BergPeter HandkePeter HuckaufPeter KaminskiPeter Lieske (Ich)Peter PanPeter Plonsky Peter R. MeyerPeter RudolfiPeter SaucierPeter SterkPeter TedstonePeter TonksPeter TrachselPeter Van RiperPeter VogelPGRPhil ClarkePhil RhodenPhilip JohnsonPhilip LoariePhilippe Deleglise / Anouk GressotPhilippe LaurentPhobosPierpaolo ZoppoPierre ChuchanaPierre HenryPierre JouvetPierre PerretPierre-Andre ArcandPIL (Public Image Limited)Pink FungusPionier SeriösPiotr RypsonPiotr Rypson / Tom WinterPittore EuforicoPjotr RypsonPlanlosPlanstudio Siepmann ( Ulla und Gerd Siepmann)PLASTIcNO PORZORIsTEPlatzangstPlus InstrumentsPM (Prescott and Minoy)PMM (Prescott / Moneymaker / Minoy)PMZ (Prescott / Minoy / Zan (Hoffmann))Pocke ÖhrströmPoint Limite ZeroPoison DwarfsPoison IdeaPoison PlantPolidricoPoppi UKPopuläre MechanikPort SaidPort Said & Anton TibbePorta, PietroPortion ControlPotato LakePouppee CasseePraesepePrima BoysPrimitivPrisoners of ConscienceProblemistProcessProse In CannesProtectionProtoplastPseiko Lüde & Die AstrosPsi NukliPsychedelic IncidentPsychic TVPsychic TV & The Anti GroupPsychodramaPsychomaniaPsychophysicistPsychotic TanksPuncturePurePurple People EatersQuantum LeapRadianteRadiotronRafael FloresRaging MantrasRailroad EarthRainer SteinkrausRaised by YaksRamonesRandom BobRandom ValencyRaoul HausmannRashid Al FeligRasmussen & Henrik G.H.Rasta RobertRaul MarroquinRawlinson, AndrewRay AbelRay CarmenRay Cinovskis and Brian Roche (G.A.V.E)Raymond Scott WoolsonRazorsRDPRed TideReed MaidenbergRegicide BureauReiner ZufallReinhardtReligious OverdoseReligious VisionRemo TobsRenate RenegateRendezvous DebrisRene AeberhardRene SchmidReni Hofmüller - Annette GiesrieglRenzo Schneider / Anna SträuliResearch and DevelopmentRéseau D'OmbresResist ControlRetreat House DollsReuter TaktikRevenge of NephthysRex HavocRGW (Reiner Größen Wahn)RhinocerosRichard Boulez and Henryk GajewskiRichard H. KirkRichard KostelanetzRichard MarriottRichard OlsonRichard PattersonRichard SorrentinoRichard TaborRick CraneRick CucuzzaRiegRig VeedaRigolettoRising ShitRob WhitesidesRobert AshleyRobert BleekerRobert FischerRobert I GillhamRobert I Gillham and Peter NorthRobert LawrenceRobert LinkeRobert RentalRobert RichRobert SheffRobert TurmanRoberta EklundRobin CrozierRocking Teenage Combo ProjectsRocknocerosRod Mac DonaldRod SummersRoland BarkerRolf JungklausRollin RacheleRollins BandRomano PeliRomantic DistortionRon Anderson and Eigars KildissRon BerryRon CrowcroftRon Crowcroft / New 7th MusicRon GeesinRon NagorckaRon SlabeRon Slabe & TrivisionRonald ReaganRonna CohenRoom 291RosaRosengartenRosie ThompsonRotterdams Vivisectie OrkestRotzkotzRoy G. BivRude GuestRuedi SchillRüdiger LorenzRuggero MaggiRuhl and GooleRunzelstirn & Gurgelstock / FACTOR XRupert ChappelleRuud JanssenRWAS.A.S.W.S.B.O.T.H.I. (Swimming Behavior Of The Human Infant)S.P.K.S.Y.P.H. & Nacht und NebelSabotageSaffron DreamshadowSagittal SutureSandy SimpsonSankai JukuSantrraSaprophytesSashaSatellites of LoveSatoshi-KatakaiSauna Deck 1 (Peter North)ScaffoldScarnati, SandraSchadstoffScheiss Die WandSchlafengartenSchlaflose NächteSchlaflose Nächte & Einstürzende NeubautenSchusterSchwarz WeissSchwarz Weiss MafiaSchweigerSchweine Im WeltallScidoo's Dead SlangScientific AmericansScott AlexanderScott DowneyScott DuncanScreamer (pre Slime)Screamin' PopeyesSebastian GanderaSeesselbergSelbstfahrerSemantics Could VanishSentimentale JugendSephirothSeptiembre NegroSeraphin TwinSerious DrinkingSerse LuigettiServie JanssenSeth BoveySeven CodesSeven From LifeSevere Tire DamageShadowplayShake MechanicsShame, ExposureShark AttackSherill HanshewSieg Oder SibirienSiegmar FrickeSigillum SSigmund und sein FreundSigns & SymptomsSilent TonguesSilverstar AmeobaSilvie Defraoui / Cherif DefraouiSinful MotionSinister AttractionSiouxsie & The BansheesSismoidSisters of MercySixty Crap (Philip Johnson)Skatman MeredithSkeletal Resonance (Frederic B. Hodshon)Skinny PuppySkoptzies/AttritionSlaapshootersSlauerstoffSlavy BitrakovSleep Chamber & This heatSlim the DrifterSlimeSlugsSlySmall Cruel PartySmegmaSnow MusicSoft CellSoft DisgustSoixante Étages Solar EnemySolenoidSolide EinsamkeitSoliloquySolomonoff & Von HoffmannstahlSonic YouthSonne Mond & SterneSorry for LaughingSound ColorSouvenir de ParisSpartacus DanceSperm Bank FiveSpheric CornerSphinxSpiral EnsembleSpongeSpongehead ExperienceSporeSprayersSprung Aus Den WolkenSquare WaveSS 20Stadttheater ChurStandpunktStar Child (Miles Long)State Of Confusion (SOC)Stefan EttlingerStefan HeidenreichStefan HetzelStefan TischlerStefan Weisser (Z'ev)Stefano BarbanSteff GBHSteltchStephen KentStephen RieckSterile Womans Icy MajestySteve BissingerSteve Brenner & Pete Gulch (Nightcrawlers)Steve HartsoeSteve HitchcockSteve LaytonSteve LearSteve MeehlederSteve ReichSteve RoachSteven BerkowitzSteven Van HandelStichting RuimteStigmaStille HoffnungStin Scatzor & NotstandskomiteeStranger in ParadiseStratisStreaming Pop DeathStressStrictly Nosehairs on TapStuart BrisleyStuart DempsterStudent NurseStunt KitesSubstanz TSucking Chest WoundSudden InfantSugaloSuicideSuperfetazioneSurkusSusan StoneSusi SchillSuspiriumSuzuki Shunya (z.B.u.ä.)Swab Sound HorrorSwamp SurfersSwansSwinebolt 45SWSW THRGHTSyberiteSylvia JamesSylvia James & Yannick JournauxSystem CollapseT-42T.G.U.tacTAGTakashi KazamakiTalk About NoiseTam Quam Tabula RasaTamarixTanz der GartenzwergeTapewormTapisTara CrossTara Cross / UnovidualTASS 2Taste of StoolTea For TwoTear CeremonyTee VeesTeja SchmitzTem Oph AbTemenosTempesta NoireTerry DayTerry J WardTest DepartmentTestkard 225 Teurer Denn JeTex and the Happy MME TheatreTexte & Zeichen Kobinatthe 12th st. Academy Bandthe 49th ParallelThe Adventures of TwizzleThe Amazing FuckedtonesThe AnswerThe Anti Group (T.A.G.C.)The Art of LoveThe AscentThe Barking Boys and The Yes GirlsThe Beast of Bertthe Bedroom Musician (T.B.M)The BeyondThe Bill Jones ShowTHE BOBSThe Bronte SistersThe Bureaucracy Of HopeThe CardiacsThe Cardinal of SplendourThe Casual LabourersThe Chemistry of Madnessthe Chorozon ClubThe ClosetThe Clubfoot OrchestraThe CommitteeThe CopycatThe Courage of LassieThe CureThe DamnedThe Dawn Assembled DreamsThe Death & Beauty FoundationThe Dedication OrchestraThe Electric Guitar QuartetThe EraserheadsThe Event GroupThe FixturesThe Flavour PeopleThe FolkoffsThe FoolThe Four JohnsThe FuckitsThe Happiest Place on EarthThe HatersThe HazeltonesThe HelloThe Herzilyya Boardwalk String QuartetThe Herzliyya Boardwalk String SextetThe Hope ThievesThe Horse FallsThe House of UsherThe Hysterical MaleThe InspectorsThe Intuitive BikersThe Janus EnsembleThe Josef BoysThe Killer AsparagusThe King Dapper Combo!The Kissin CousinsThe Kitchen-Musique Associativethe MakedoniansThe Manufacturing of HumidifiersThe Midas MusicThe Militant Musicians Pondthe MobThe Modern FarmersThe ModifiersThe MooniesThe MothThe MumblesThe Murphy FoundationThe New AgeThe New BlockadersThe New Blockaders / Coil / Vortex CampaignThe NicheThe NikoteensThe OrdinaryThe OrooniesThe PatriciosThe PinheadsThe Poetry DevilsThe Psychic WorkshopThe Psychological Warfare BranchThe Quiet OnesThe Ren-Tonesthe ResidentsThe ResistorsThe Room 101The RosebudsThe ScreamersThe Secrets of Mental CommunicationThe ShockwavesThe ShowThe Silly PillowsThe Silly Pillows and Dan Fiorettithe Skin HorseThe SophistThe SorcererThe SplattersThe Static OrangeThe Stray GodsThe StudsThe Tape BeatlesThe The & GadgetreesThe Third StateThe Threepenny Group & AMMThe TrazThe Two JohnnysThe Ululating MummiesThe Visiorthe Vulcanized State of the Frau-East DeitiesThe WeedsThe WizardTheatre of HateTheatre Of IceThelema AiwazTheo RehtischThessaloniansThey Must Be RussiansThief of EnergyThird ForceThird QuadrantThirdorganThis DawnThis Shrinking FeelingThis TimeThomas SystemThomas WegnerThose GodzillionairesThotes SchweinThousand PiecesThreadThree Mad DogThrift BakeryThrobbing GristleThrobbing Gristle & Genesis P-OrridgeThrobbing Gristle With Albrecht D.THRT (Robert Turman and Timothy Hendricks)THX113Ti-ThoTibor PappTim BerneTim BooneTim HarmanTim Lane SeatonTim StebbingTim WilsonTimo SaggiomoTimothy GilbertTodd ClarkTodd RaglandTodsicherTöne Ohne TrompetenTohei Horicke with Geoffrey Cook / Audio PlayersTollwutTom & Merty BandTom BurrisTom Burris / Bombarded with FlowersTom FurgasTom GriswoldTom GuralnickTom Pettings HertzattackenTom Phillips / IntervallesTom StarkTom WinterTomasiusTommy MewTon BruynèlTon DZD (Deutsche zentraldruckerei)Ton Steine ScherbenTone PoetsTone SetTony BradleyTony Hey Lon Spigelman Turk Le ClairTotentanzTout Va Bien (Küpper)Toxic ShockTrance MissionTrashTreacherous JaywalkersTreatmentTriebtäterTrillian GreenTriptic Of A Pastel FernTrisomie 21TristisTronicsTropenkellerTruss + Instruments (Truus de Groot)Tu M'Tuatha De DanannTUOB / Andy SavageTuwatTuxedomoonTwelve Cubic FeetTwice a ManTwice Violet Wire (David Moore)Twist Crazy TimesTwist NoirTwist! Crazy TimesTwokmi KimaliU.E.D.L. and Spiel 77Ubaldo GiacomucciÜ.A.Mu.P 11-1ÜberhauptUlises CarrionUlrich BlumeUlrich BogislavUlrich HopfUlrike am Nagel / Sperma ComboUlrike RosenbachUn-FilmUncle Don MillikenUndercurrentUnforgettable NailUnheimliche JungfrauenUnknownmixUnovidualUpright CitizensUrinUse your Pain / ATRAX MORGUEUtterance TongueUV PopV2 SchneiderVagina Teeth/Jesus Teeth / Tricky WormVal DenhamValeri ScherstjanoiValie Export / Monsti WienerVan Kaye & IgnitVan Kaye & Ignit & Liaisons DangereuseVance OrchestraVariousVaroshi FameVelimir ChlebnikovVenus Fly TrapVibracathedral OrchestraViolet GeneralVirgin PrunesVirullexVision of ControlVittore BaroniVocabularinistVogeliVoldarepetVortex CampaignVox Populi!VraxoinW.A.T.Waiting for BardotWally ShoupWally Shoup / Doug HaireWard WeissWarren BurtonWarworldWasted Youth / Vice VersaWavestarWebit (William Pryor, Lou Gare, Dave Rawley)Weimar GesangWejdasWeltschmerzWestdeutsche ChristenWhere's Lisse?White CrossWhite PigsWhite StainsWhitehouseWho Be Dat?Wietold PopielWig TortureWigglepigWillem Wander van NieuwkerkWilli Sodom & Die GomorrasWillowWirtschaftswunderWolfgang HertzWolfsheimWomen From HellWooden BabyWorkdubWorldwide Random Manifestation UnitWovokaWRAG NARODA(EWrestling WormsX Mal DeutschlandY-Ton-BY-TongYah HawYeht MaeYellow Flip + Die SockenYoung Marble GiantsYoung ScientistYour Mom Too / Leslie Singeryr anhrefnYuzuru SyogaseYves BoulianeZ'ev (Stefan Weisser)ZanstonesZarkZDLZebra xZeitgeist And The 7 Year ItchZendik FarmZGAZICZimbabwe BrothersZimtZona IndustrialeZone NordZoviet FranceRelated Artists & Bands Literature
selected Press Cuttings Poster ICA October 1976 Throbbing Gristle
TG Christmas Greetings to Monte Throbbing Gristle
flyer announcing a performance by Throbbing Gristle at the London Film-Makers' Co-op, London, 6th July (1978). Throbbing Gristle
20 Jazz Funk Center Label Proof Sheet Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Final Solution Present ... four nights at the Prince of Wales Conference Centre 1979, including Joy Division, Clock DVA, Cabaret Voltaire and Throbbing Gristle. Throbbing Gristle
Gen at Frankfurt Train Station 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Mayor I may resign Throbbing Gristle
Setlist for Reunion Show Throbbing Gristle
Wreckers of Civilisation Throbbing Gristle
Signed Sheet for Rafters (never again....) Throbbing Gristle
Live Leeds Flyer Throbbing Gristle
TG Enamels (not TG but Townswomen Guild) Throbbing Gristle
T-Gasm Issue 1 Throbbing Gristle
Slug Bait Flyer Throbbing Gristle
Colour photocopy of original TG flash by Cosey Fanni Tutti signed by G-PO and blind stamped ‘P-Orridge with Everything Limited’. Ca. 1995. 207 x 279 mm Throbbing Gristle
Tourposter "Entertaining the World" Tottenham Throbbing Gristle, Monte Cazzaza, Leather Nun Throbbing Gristle
The TG Catalogue by Flowmotion Records Throbbing Gristle
Invitation Card for Heathen Earth Studio Recording Throbbing Gristle
TG Questionnaire Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for TG at YMCA 3rd August 1979 designed by Val Denham. (see Wreckers 9.7.) Throbbing Gristle
Vintage Photo in Hotel Room (standing) Throbbing Gristle
Sacred Music from the Death Factory envelope Throbbing Gristle
The Industrial Revolution Sounds 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Info-Sticker to Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle
Pin 2 (TG Logo red) Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Throbbing Gristle's "After Cease To Exist" film presentation Throbbing Gristle
Press Clippings Throbbing Gristle
at Ajanta Cinema, Flyer, designed by Val Denham Throbbing Gristle
IR Letter from David Brooks re returned cheque 12th March 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Archive Index by David Minshall (Scans by Simon Dell) Throbbing Gristle
Poster Kezar Pavillion Golden Gate Park 29th May 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Cosey Funni Tutti Card/Poster Throbbing Gristle
Several Video-Tapes Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Promo-Poster (A Riot of Laughter) Throbbing Gristle
ROCKSTAR N. 12, Sept 1981, Actual media, Roma, Italy, p. 14: Red Ronnie, Throbbing Gristle (re TG end) Throbbing Gristle
Veterans Auditorium 5-22-1981 Vox Pop Flyer Throbbing Gristle
Sticker Music from the Death Factory and TG Logo Sticker Throbbing Gristle
Chris Carter in front of TG Symbol Throbbing Gristle
Rat Club Poster 22 May, 1977 Throbbing Gristle
Walter Hartmann Archiv pictures Throbbing Gristle
TG Buttons (each) Throbbing Gristle
"Forgive us our Synth" article in Sounds 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Goldsmith College Throbbing Gristle
Sticker 'Music from the Death factory' to backside of Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle
Poster Butler's Warf 23th December 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Photo of members Throbbing Gristle
Christmas Card Throbbing Gristle
Poster by Genesis P Orridge (Assume Power Focus) Throbbing Gristle
TG in Spät aber Doch Throbbing Gristle
Press-clipping in Sounds 26.Nov 1977 (Sandy Robertson Article) Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Rat Club 17th December 1977 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Vets Auditorium Los Angeles, May 22nd, 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Press Clips 79/80 Throbbing Gristle
T-Gasm No.1-5 Throbbing Gristle
Promo-Poster for three Industrial releases Throbbing Gristle
Press Release Sub Human Adrenalin Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Union Hall 1978 Throbbing Gristle
´Ticket for Centro Iberico gig 21st January 1979. 110 x 57 mm Throbbing Gristle
United / Zyklon B Lyric Sheet (came with early versions of United / Zyklon B 7inch) Throbbing Gristle
Heathen Earth Poster Throbbing Gristle
Gen and Cosey in National Press Porn Mag Throbbing Gristle
Live photos to Rafters Gig by Throbbing Gristle 4.Dec.1980 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer: Hackney Gazette Press Throbbing Gristle
Article in Sounds 26 November 1977 Throbbing Gristle
TG with Robert Rental the Normal Cabaret Voltaire and Metabolist at the Crypt 11.11.1980 Throbbing Gristle
Compliments slip 1981 Throbbing Gristle
44 Live and Studio Photos taken by Kevin Thorne of We Be Echo Throbbing Gristle
essential related Literature Throbbing Gristle
Poster Oundle School 16th March 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Victims of.. Throbbing Gristle
Entertaining the World Booklet Throbbing Gristle
Heaven and Lyceum 1980 and 81 Photos by Akiko Hada Throbbing Gristle
Poster Live HEAVEN 23.December 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Wakefield Poster (designed by Monte Cazazza) Throbbing Gristle
Poster for TG's second Gig at Hat Fare Winchester of August 1976 Throbbing Gristle
Second Annual Report Sticker Throbbing Gristle
Ticket for Northampton Guildhall Throbbing Gristle
Bandphoto Throbbing Gristle
TG Sticker Throbbing Gristle
Industrial Music for Industrial People Poster Throbbing Gristle
Lyric Sheet 'The World Is A War Film' Throbbing Gristle
Final Solution Present a Psychic Youth Rally Throbbing Gristle, A Certain Ratio & S.P.K. (Surgical Penis Klinik) in Heaven, 23 December 1980. Throbbing Gristle
Apocalypse A Gogo Throbbing Gristle
Promo Postcard to Simon Fords "Wreckers of Civilisation Book" Throbbing Gristle
Al Ackermans Arthur Turner Booklet Throbbing Gristle
Rafters Poster and Ticket signed Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Music from the Death Factory Throbbing Gristle
Oreiginal Telegram Show Offer 1981 for Roma to Peter Christopherson Throbbing Gristle
28p Booklet to Fetish 5Lp-Set Throbbing Gristle
SO36 Poster Throbbing Gristle
selected Industrial Records Press Clippings Throbbing Gristle
Frankfurt Poster Throbbing Gristle
T-Gasm Issue 3 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Another Development for Tesco Throbbing Gristle
Final Solution Present a night with Industrial Records ... Monte Cazazza, The Leather Nun and Throbbing Gristle. 29 February 1980. Throbbing Gristle
Live Germany Tour, Photos by Arg/Gee Gleim Throbbing Gristle
Industrial News 4 November 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Promo Info-Sheet to Journey Through a Body Lp Throbbing Gristle
Flyer "Victim of the Press" Throbbing Gristle
Genetic Fear Flyer Industrial Music for Industrial People Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Publicity Card, hotel room. 302 x 211 mm. Throbbing Gristle
D.O.A. the Third and Final Report Poster Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Forgive Us Our Synths Sounds 1981 Throbbing Gristle
TG Interview (Part 1) with Genesis P Orridge in AURA Issue 1 Throbbing Gristle
Pin 3 (TG Logo red with symbol) Throbbing Gristle
Press Clipping to 3rd performance at Nag's Head Wycombe, 11 February 1977 Throbbing Gristle
six black and white photographs of environs of Hackney Throbbing Gristle
Live at Leeds Fan Club Flyer (with Clock DVA / Monte Cazza) Throbbing Gristle
Personality card 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Gary Gilmore Memorial Society T-Shirt Throbbing Gristle
Poster Centro Iberico Throbbing Gristle
16 Photos by Peter Bargh Throbbing Gristle live at Rafters 4 December 1980 Throbbing Gristle
add for Nazi Suicide Tape Throbbing Gristle
at Rafters Poster Throbbing Gristle
Letters by Chris Carter Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for 10th June 1980 Sheffiedl University (with Cabaret Voltaire) Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Pin Throbbing Gristle
Peter Christopherson in front of TG Symbol Throbbing Gristle
A4 flyer TG and Bauhaus at The Guildhall Northampton, 26 May 1979 Throbbing Gristle
TG Patches Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for F-Club Concert with Cazazza and Clock DVA Throbbing Gristle
Funeral in Berlin Inserts to 10inch release Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Psychic Youth Rally at Thee Lyceum 8th February 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Poster London Scala Cinema 1980-02-29 Throbbing Gristle
Text Facts Throbbing Gristle
Genetic Fear Xerox original Throbbing Gristle
Two Concert Posters Throbbing Gristle
Publicity Card signed Throbbing Gristle
Kezar Pavillon Ticket Throbbing Gristle
Guildhall Northampton Poster Throbbing Gristle
‘Weeping’ Lyrics by Throbbing Gristle 1978. A4 Vintage photocopy, age related tanning and couple of small rust marks on verso. Throbbing Gristle
TG in Melodie Maker 23-12-78 Throbbing Gristle
signed Hotel Room Publicity Card Throbbing Gristle
Best wishes for X-Mas 1980 Postcard Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Assume Power Focus Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Unleash me to Everywhere Throbbing Gristle
Vintage Throbbing Gristle ‘Death Factory’ Black and White photograph by Monte Cazazza. 10 x 8 inches. Circa 1977-78. Throbbing Gristle
several Concert Flyers Throbbing Gristle
Fanzine Articles selected Throbbing Gristle
Mission is Terminated postcard Throbbing Gristle
Pin 1 (Industrial Music) Throbbing Gristle
Live Guildhall Northampton Flyer Throbbing Gristle
Colour photograph of GP-O recording ‘Journey Through a Body’ in Rome. Inscribed on verso by GP-O. 131 x 88 mm Throbbing Gristle
Insert to 24 Hour Box (but unsigned) Throbbing Gristle
IR Letter from Cosey re bounced cheque Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Throbbing Gristle at Centro Iberico 21st January 1979 designed by Val Denham 297 x 210 mm. Throbbing Gristle
Poster Centro Iberico Throbbing Gristle
Poster 1981-05-29 USA-California-San Francisco Kezar Pavilion Throbbing Gristle
Industrial Records Staff Throbbing Gristle
Portrait Photo Throbbing Gristle
FRIGIDAIRE No. 6, April 1981, Primo Carnera publishing, Roma, Italy, Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Live Kezar Pavillion May 29th Throbbing Gristle
original photo to postcard Throbbing Gristle
Poster for Control Agents to Throbbing Gristle - Brighton Polytech (26 March 1977) Throbbing Gristle
Industral Records Newsletters Throbbing Gristle
Signed Inserts to 24 Hour Tape-Box-Set Throbbing Gristle
selected Throbbing Gristle and related Shirts from Jordi Valls Throbbing Gristle
Industrial Records Postcard Throbbing Gristle
Poster industrial Records Present a Final Solution for your LEAP YEAR SURPRISE Throbbing Gristle
Nothing Short of a total War postcard (supplement to Albrecht D's Violence Permanente Booklet of Reflection Press Throbbing Gristle
Poster for 19th May 1979 Manchester Factory Throbbing Gristle
Music from the Death Factory Throbbing Gristle
Can you fix us up with a gig postcard Throbbing Gristle
Sticker TG Throbbing Gristle
Berlin SO36 Concert Poster Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Psychic Ralley in Heaven Throbbing Gristle
Cosey COllage and letter Throbbing Gristle
United / Zyklon B Promo Poster Throbbing Gristle
Frankfurt Poster Throbbing Gristle
Live SO36 Poster Throbbing Gristle
United / Zyklon B Promo Flyer Throbbing Gristle
selected Pins and Badges by TG, PTV, Coum Throbbing Gristle
Flyer The Institute of Continuing Education / Final Solution 7 April 1979 Throbbing Gristle at Sheffield Poster June 1980 (with Cabaret Voltaire) Throbbing Gristle
Flyer 1980.11.10 Frankfurt Städel Throbbing Gristle
Industrial News Sept 3rd 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Final Soultion Concert 7. April 1979 / The Institute for Continuing education Throbbing Gristle
Poster for 20 Jazz Funk Greats Throbbing Gristle
Flyer, Mayor, I may resign Throbbing Gristle
7 colour photocopies all signed and with two pages of notes explaining context and significance Throbbing Gristle
Gig-Review in Damn Latin No.7 by Peter Polanyk Throbbing Gristle
Cosey Fanni Tutti Personality Card 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Live Posters 7th of April 1979 and 3rd of September 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Pin 4 (TG with white symbol) Throbbing Gristle
Press Clippings to Prostitution Show at ICA Throbbing Gristle
Two Stickers (TG Symbol and Assume) Throbbing Gristle
at Centro Iberico Throbbing Gristle
Genesis P-Orridge and Throbbing Gristle in Hayward Annual 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Live 3.March 1978 Architectural Association Throbbing Gristle
Plastic Logo to San Francisco Gig at KEZAR Throbbing Gristle
Poster Throbbing Gristle At the Air Gallery/Winchester 6th July 1976 Throbbing Gristle
two original Shirts Throbbing Gristle
at Sheffield Poster April 1979 Throbbing Gristle
TG Heaven Video Bootleg COver Throbbing Gristle
7 x TG Pins Throbbing Gristle