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The Adventures of Twizzle
Gender: Male
Country: United Kingdom
A.O.T. is Paul Coates & Jude Atkinson Experimental sound & performance-art duo from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK. Active 1981-1985
The Adventures Of Twizzle were the duo Jude Atkinson and Paul Coates plus whoever else they chose to work with. Paul was one of the first friends I made outside the University having met via a tape swap advert in a local record shop. Both he and Jude were local boys and shared a flat in the West End of Newcastle nicknamed ‘Hex End’. I was a regular visitor there and at one point a temporary resident. Both were quite eccentric (Jude especially so) and spent many hours with a (cassette) four track cutting up various albums and messing with electronics. They released five cassette albums of which this is fourth. Many had humorous elements within them as one can see from this cassette’s title which amalgamates two nicknames, ‘The Great Beast’ and ‘The Little Waster’. ‘The Great Beast’ is of course Aleister Crowley, but ‘The Little Waster’ is perhaps less well known outside the north-east of England and was the pet name of club comedian Bobby Thompson (1911-1988). Thompson’s act was presented in the character of ‘Little Bobby’, an unemployed (and happy with it) north-easterner who would tell tales of (non) working class life complete with the downtrodden wife etc, delivered in broad dialect. ("Ah went to the doctors. He said, "Can you walk?". Ah said, "Work! ah can't even waak!") It made him a fortune and there were some records made including a single. ( L-R) 'Little Bobby' on stage. Bobby Thompson with his third wife. I would occasionally see him in central Newcastle (probably in that suit, hair slicked and very shiny) on his way to ‘Greys Club’ which was regarded as ‘classy’ in the 1970s and ‘80s but when I visited once in the early ’80’s (and once was definitely enough!) it seemed full of old folks drinking their lives away. However I digress… I lost touch with both Paul and Jude when they moved to London, but Paul went on to create the Hypnogogia record label. I have no idea what happened to them. I note on Discogs that The Great Waster is not regarded as an Interchange release and that may well be so. That said, I seem to have all the original artwork and obviously distributed it, so until somebody tells me otherwise I’m giving myself the benefit of the doubt. If you want to hear the music then I am afraid you must search elsewhere, because that’s definitely not mine to (re)publish. The images on pages three, five, and twelve look as if they are from a performance made at 'The Basement', possibly from 1982. The photos on pages nine and ten are of the artists - Jude on page nine and Paul on page ten.
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