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Mehrl Bennett Fluxus Song #2 / Meditations 1 Ay-O & Emmett Williams Folk Music Grim Formen Letzter Hausmusik Asmus Tietchens Four Pieces Carl Stone Fragment 1 Jeff Greinke & Pierre Perret Freak Show Residents Free Mammals Charles K. Noyes And Owen Maercks With Henry Kaiser And Greg Goodman Freedom In A Vacuum Various Friends Various Frigorex Carlos Peron Frisch Und Fruchtig Phosphor From A Shaman's Notebook: Primitive And Archaic Poetry Various From Her to Eternity Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds From The Pages Of Experimental Musical Instruments Volume V Various From Torture To Conscience Various From Y To Z And Never Again Big in Japan Für Ilse Koch Various Futile Combat Skeletal Family Future Eros Channels Sigillum S Future Tense Various Futurism & Dada Various Geile Tiere Geile Tiere Geisterfahrer (Demo) Geisterfahrer George & James (American Composer Series - Volume 1) Residents Geräusche Für Die 80er Various Ghost Walking Double EP Mighty Sphincter Gilman St. Project Nov. 20th 1987 Iao Core Glos Miroslaw Rajkowski Go Talk Portion Control God Is My Solar System / Superpower Sun City Girls Goes Underground FSK (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle) Gold Is The Metal (With The Broadest Shoulders) Coil Gott Schütze Österreich Various Grafika Airlines Sampler Various Great Babel Gives Birth Metamorphosis Great Expectations Jad Fair Greatest Hits Gen Ken Greetings From 'L', We Are All Green Robert Filliou Grotto Of Miracles Sun City Girls Guitar Solos 2 Bailey, Frith, Fitzgerald, Reichel Guitar Solos 3 Various Guten Morgen Various Hai! Cabaret Voltaire Hajj Muslimgauze Hang On Constance Let Me Hear The News Deep Freeze Mice Harte Zeiten Ausbruch Hau Ab... M.A.F. Have In Mind Ceta Javu Head Over Heels Cocteau Twins Headcrack Controlled Bleeding Heartbeat Vol. 2 Various Heaven Is Waiting the Danse Society Hectafat Mactown Strip Hellblaun Der Durstige Mann Helleborine Shelleyan Orphan Helmut Qualtinger Singt Schwarze Lieder Helmut Qualtinger Herstory Princess Tinymeat Hétérozygote / J'ai Été Coupé Label: Luc Ferrari High Performance - The Record (Artists Doing Songs) Various Hinter Der Wüste Sterben Die Gespenster / Afrika Para Noia (featuring A.R. Penck) TTT Hirn Mit Ei - Live 1981 - Jazz + Lyrik Various Hit The Floor Various Hoisting The Black Flag Various Holophonic Zuccarelli Hope Bourbonese Qualk Horde Mnemonists Horse Cock Phepner Sun City Girls Horse Rotorvator Coil Hosi + Anna Ernst Jandl Hours Various Huggables Hypnobeat Hunting Out With An Aerial Eye Muslimgauze I Can't Stand A Bitchy Chick Ultra I staggered Mentally Portion Control I'd Rather Be In Philadelphia Various I=R3: De Muziek Van De Verwondering Various Ich Küsse Dich Kuschelweich Ich-Maschine Blumfeld Ikon / Sol Mara Organum Il Froga Silencio/Disco Dementia Lol Coxhill Illuminous Illuminae (as SXXV) Section 25 Illur Arfur! The Sugarcubes Illusions Of Infinite Bliss John Watermann Ils Veulent Nous Tuer Berurier Noir Im Lichtermeer Die X-Agenten Im Schatten der Ärzte Die Ärzte im Schatten der Möhre H.N.A.S. (Hirsche nicht aufs Sofa) Images Fantastiques (Electronic Experimental Music) Various Immersion / Pacific Tubular Waves Michel Redolfi Imposed Order Kerry Leimer Improvisation Derek Bailey In Strict Tempo Dave Ball In The Kingdom Of Heaven Mighty Sphincter In The Sea Of E Royal Family and the Poor Indicazioni Paolo Tofani Indust We Trust Various Informátor 00II Various Inland Pyrolator Inner Marshland Bevis Frond Insect And Individual Silenced Nurse With Wound Insect Songs Otsuna Matsutsohara Insecurity Marqués Noche Interference Blair Petrie Internationale Sprachexperimente Der 50/60er Jahre / Tendentious Neo-Semantics 1970 In English Lily Greenham Intervalles / Tom Phillips Tom Phillips / Intervalles Invisible Voices Rüdiger Lorenz Inworlds Chrome Ion Robert Banks Iron Path Last Exit Is David Banner A Martian? Cerebral Stroboscopic Spiral Is The Garment Ready? Alvaro Island (with Höh) Current 93 Isn't Anything My Bloody Valentine It Took Several Wives Bohack It Would Be Quiet In The Woods If Only A Few Birds Sing Mekanik Kommando It'll End In Tears This Mortal Coil Italiano Industriale Various Ives/Duchamp/Cage Mats Persson & Kristine Scholz Ja - Nein - Vielleicht Xao Seffcheque Jack & The Rippers Jack & The Rippers Jade Ian Boddy Jazirat-Ul-Arab Muslimgauze Jazz Mad ADN Ckrystall Je Serai Clément En Tant Que Dictateur Un Département Jewel Cranes Jongerenkrant Zuid Various Joyeux Merdier Berurier Noir Judgement: 4 Tracks By Katharsis Katharsis June 1, 1974 Kevin Ayers / John Cale / Brian Eno / Nico Just A Love Song Various Just Another Hit Again Die Art Känguru Guru Guru Kalt wie Eis Various Kalte Sterne Einstürzende Neubauten Karl-Marx-Stadt Underground Klänge Various Katastrophentheorie Katastrophentheorie Kaum Erdacht - Schon Mode Thorax Wach Keine Ahnung Keine Ahnung Keine Experimente! Vol. II Various Key Meredith Monk Keys To Your Heart The 101'ers Khan Party 93 Yat-Kha Kick / Junk Brion Gysin Kicker Conspiracy the Fall Klaviertreiben Attersee und Rühm Knack On Möslang & Guhl Know Faust Koitlaransk Kranioklast Konsort II Various Kontakte Für Elektronische Klänge, Klavier Und Schlagzeug (with David Tudor / Christoph Caskel) Karlheinz Stockhausen Konzert Der Salzburger Festspiele 1973 Ein Dokument Bruno Maderna, Messiaen / Strawinsky / Boulez / Lutoslawski Koter / Ko- Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock Krst Pod Triglavom - Baptism Laibach Küttel Im Frost H.N.A.S. (Hirsche nicht aufs Sofa) KZ 36 II Various L'Enfer Est Intime - Volume Général Various L'Image Éconduite Philippe Mion La Douleur Germain Hubert Ales La Maquina De Cantar Horacio Vaggione La Zona Various Labels Unlimited Various Lagartija Nick Bauhaus Land Of Look Behind Kerry Leimer Lass Mich Nicht Allein Westdeutsche Christen Laura Tesendalo Lautpoesie: Eine Anthologie Various Le Minable Music-Hall Jacques Lizène Le Sens Positif Étant Donnés Le Temps Des Moissons Ariel Kalma Le Voyage Pierre Henry Learning To Be Silent C. W. Vrtacek Lebensmittelsex Various Ledge Laughing Hands Leichte Stimmen Die Kapazität Lemmingmania Amon Düül / Amon Düül II Les Nouvelles Musiques De Chambre Volume 2 Charles Hayward / Gigi Masin Let's Network Together / Vinyl Love Junkie Le Forbici Di Manitù Lettre À Une Demoiselle / Dichotomie / Petite Suite / D'Une Multitude En Fête Christian Clozier / Jacques Lejeune Licht EA80 LIE: The Love & Terror Cult Charles Manson Lieber Zuviel Als Zuwenig Various Liebeslieder Einstürzende Neubauten Lied An Die Freude Andy Giorbino Life At The Top Various Life's Too Good The Sugarcubes Lili Traces / Plaisirs Loques Hector Leuck Et Krista Lilith The Vyllies Limited Edition Can (DE) Lingva Pravorvm Peribit Various Linkage Terry Fox Lipstick Traces Various Listen Up With Cabaret Voltaire Cabaret Voltaire Live Toxic Shock Live / Electric Music Steve Reich Live / Synkope Diffusion Psych Krist Kastrator / Brainquake Live Circus Krone, München, Germany 12.06.1981 Kraftwerk Live For Each Moment / Vivre Pour Chaque Instant Polyphonic Size Live From The Death Factory Throbbing Gristle Live Hier Und Da S.Y.P.H. Live In Japan Death in June Live in Japan The Work Live Pickwick Studios A-Heads / Organized Chaos Liveplaybacks Die Tödliche Doris Livorno Kosmonautentraum Ljubav Je Hladnija Od Smrti Borghesia Löwenherz Karl Löwenherz Lonely Is An Eyesore Various Look Up Blitzoids Looking Through the Danse Society Los! Strassenjungs Lost in Unity Stratosphere Love You Baby Mission Papua Holland Lucifer's Friends Various Luddites Luddites Lullabies Cocteau Twins Lyrik der Zeit Various Machine 1919 Machine Age Voodoo S.P.K. Macromissa Macromassa Macula Edgar Froese Made In Eile Nichts Madness & Mayhem Viktimized Karcass Magdalena Kosmonautentraum Maïakowski Complot Bronswick Maldoror Comte De Lautréamont Manifesto Rumorarmonico Post Futurista - Tributo A Luigi Russolo Various Manipulate Ausgang Maquette Liza 'N' Eliaz Marche Noir / Denrees Diverses Zone Nord Marches Funèbres Asmus Tietchens Marie Antoinette Is Not Dead Jac Berrocal / Marie France / Jack Belsen Mars Audiac Quintet Stereolab Masonanie Viva Los Angeles Masonna Mass For The Present Time Pierre Henry Masse Mensch Various May I Have A Christmas Contract Vol. 3 Various Medusa Clan of Xymox Meet The Residents Residents Mehr Schreie EA80 Melchior (Aufmarsch Der Schlampen) H.N.A.S. (Hirsche nicht aufs Sofa) Melting Close + Sabotage Klinik Memento Mori Venus In Furs Memøir Brume / Contagious Orgasm Mental / 365 Glueams Mental Radio Charles Amirkhanian Mercedes Prata Mercedes Prata Merry Christmas F.M. Einheit / Caspar Brötzmann Message From An Undiscovered Universe Jeepees Soap / Hidden Faces Metastasis / Pithoprakta / Eonta Iannis Xenakis Micon In Italia (with Michael Otto) Conrad Schnitzler Milo - Witsch / Eichkatzl '53 Chaotic Strings / Hans Werner Freiherr von Brachwitz Mission Is Terminated / Nice Tracks (with Various Artists) Throbbing Gristle Mistrust Authority Promote Decentralisation Label: Hybryds Mit Dir Robert Görl Mit dir. Robert Görl Mittag Ferdinand Schmatz Mittagspause Mittagspause Mitten Ins Ohr Various Mkwaju Vasilisk Mnemonist Orchestra / Some Attributes Of A Living System Mnemonists Modern Pop Music According To De Selby Various Moments of Collapse Trial Monarchie Und Alltag Fehlfarben Mondo Beat Chris Carter Monotonprodukt MCMLXXXIX Monoton (Konrad Becker) Morton Feldman / Earle Brown Morton Feldman / Earle Brown Mother's Little Helper Polyphonic Size Mountains Go Rhythmic Scatterbrain Movements For Tape And Prepared Piano; Moduletude; Phrase; 3 Variations, 2 Interludes John Duesenberry Moving Human Coils Tekst Mr. John Cage's Prepared Piano John Cage Muenchen: Reifenwechsel Leicht Gemacht Various Music For Catwalks Various Music For Gilded Chambers Controlled Bleeding Music For Sick Queers German Shepherds Music from hell Nervous Gender Music From The ONCE Festival Various Music From The Scourging Ground Controlled Bleeding Music, Martinis, And Misanthropy Boyd Rice Musick To Play In The Dark² Coil Musik Der 60. Aktion, Berlin 1978 Galerie Petersen Hermann Nitsch Musik Für Dich Various Musik Zur 38. Malaktion Hermann Nitsch Musique Ale poor anAle Expi Musique Concrète Various Musique Concrète - Elektroakustische Musik Various Musique Concrète Realizations By Michael S. Horwood Of Two Poems By Robert Creeley Michael Horwood Musique Expérimentale 2 Various Musique Non Stop Kraftwerk Muster / Scharfer Schnitt (No1) Populäre Mechanik My Favourite Ladies Erik Moseholm's Trio My Name'll Be There Renegade Raspberry Retaliation - My Name'll Be Renegade Raspberry Retaliation My New Music J.Jasmine Myscitismes Vox Populi! Mystagogus Maeror Tri Mythical Music From The 21st Century Hybryds Nachtstücke (Expressions Et Perspectives Sonores Intemporelles) Asmus Tietchens Nada Nada Berurier Noir Nails N.R. Hills Need to Know Lawrence Weiner Negamusi Sparifankal Nervous System Various Neu Konservatiw Laibach Neu! 2 Neu! Neue Klangstrukturen Der Musik Various New Age Of Earth Ash Ra Tempel / Manuel Göttsching New Criminals Volume 1 Various New Hippies Vol.4 Various New Jazz Poets Various New Music 1980 Various New Positions Voidkampf Niérika Jorge Reyes night Gerogerigegege Nightwalkers Mirror Nina Hagen Nina Hagen No Borders Various No Future - Münchner Rocktage 1981 Various No Motiff John Bartles No Motive 3 Teens Kill 4 Nomad Souls Hunting Lodge Nomad Souls Hunting Lodge NON - Phenomenonsemble Phenomenonsemble Non-Nuclear War Various Normalzustand Klischee Not Yet The Decayes Notre Dame 6 Various Notre Dame 7 Various Nowhere To Play Various Nubes Solitudi - Loneliness Einsamkeit La Solitude... 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Various Our Nebula Incured '89 Various Our Silent Growth Weimar Gesang Out Of The Blue Robert Sheff Out Of The Tunnel MX-80 Sound P Puissance B Bernard Heidsieck Pain in Dark 39 Clocks Pain It Dark 39 Clocks Pà là tinénsèr Tèil 1 Various Panorama Of Musique Concrète Various Passé/Futur Julien Blaine Pathological Compilation Various Peace Is Not Just The Absence Of War The Next World Pénétration Catalogue Pérfido Encanto Diseño Corbusier Performance Music Alle Tiders Duster Pesthauch Des Dschungels Various Phenomenonsemble Phenomenonsemble Phonetische Poesie Various Photogrammes Die Form Photographs As Memories Eyeless in Gaza Pigs For Lepers Smegma Pillar Of Fire Crash Worship Pillows & Prayers Various Platonic Love & Other Stories Venus In Furs Play Loud / Play Quiet Morgan Fisher / John White Playing Music With Animals: The Interspecies Communication Of Jim Nollman With 300 Turkeys, 12 Wolves, 20 Orca Whales Jim Nollman Plot Zero Pauline Anna Strom Poème Symphonique Für 100 Metronome György Ligeti Poetry Out Loud Vol.4 Various Poetry Out Loud Vol.6 Various Poetry Out Loud Vol.7 Various Polyphonix 1 (Première Anthologie Sonore) Various Poor Old Prisoner Boy Charles Manson Pop Collection 2 Various Porcupine Echo And The Bunnyman Potatoes Various Poupée Mécanique Die Form Pour En Finir Avec Le Jugement De Dieu Antonin Artaud Poussière D'Eau A Gethsémani Prat Culture Scattered Order Prayer For Aradia Legendary Pink Dots Prescient Dreams / Zanoni Tana Emmolo-Smith / Joseph T. Jacobs Presents Variations IV - Recorded Live At The Fiegen/Palmer Gallery Los Angeles John Cage / David Tudor Princess Coldheart Legendary Pink Dots Principia Schizophonica Vicekopf Principle And Material Force Nikolaus Urban Private Sounds Various Produkt Der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Freundschaft Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Professor Slack The Lost Jockey Programm 3 Din A Testbild Pshycomania Various Pst S.Y.P.H. Psychopathia Sexualis Whitehouse Psychotron Schaltkreis Wassermann Punk Macht Dicken Arsch Mittagspause PWZ De Fabriek / Telepherique Pyrolator's Traumland Pyrolator Pyrolator's Wunderland Pyrolator Qué Sucede Con El Tiempo? Mecanica Popular Rabies Skinny Puppy Rackabones Biota Radiante Porvenir Avant-Dernières Pensées Radio-Aktivität Kraftwerk Radionome Various Ralf & Florian Kraftwerk Ramasse-Miettes Nucléaires Philippe Doray / Les Asociaux Associés Ramuntcho Matta Presents Brion Gysin / Polo Lombardo Brion Gysin Rare Birds Hoelderlin Raze New Blockaders / Organum Recycling Project II Various Red Movies Play Reflections Don Slepian Refried Ectoplasm [Switched On Volume 2] Stereolab Regional Zeal, Mouth Music From Olympia Washington Various Remember Genocide Organ Remission Skinny Puppy Remission Skinny Puppy Repetition Kills Alvaro Reproduction The Human League Reptile House Yard Trauma Return To Exotic Trilogy - A Tabu Caravan Into Quiet Village II Various Revealed By Composed Nature Vidna Obmana Reynard the Fox Various Rhytmus Hinter Gittern Label: Sid & Su Rituals Of Sleep Various Roboter In Der Nacht Abwärts Rockoper Profitgeier Floh De Cologne Rod Drug Merzbow Rough Mixes From Switzerland Various Rovelatous Dans Le Fabrique Mr. Moto Meets De Fabriek Ruhm Und Ehre Die Alliierten Rungholt Werkbund Rupprechts Werke: An Anthology Of The Electronic-Synthphonic Works Of Bill Rhodes Bill Rhodes S.Y.P.H. S.Y.P.H. S.Y.P.H. S.Y.P.H. Sacred Games The Vyllies Sacrifice Throbbing Gristle Säuren Ätzen Und Zersetzen Teja Schmitz Saint Of The Pit Diamanda Galás Saltatrix Maeror Tri same God Knows the Absence Santa Maria Clair Obscur Sarabanda Vol.2 Various Saturdays in Silesia (extended version) Rational Youth Saufen Macht Das Leben Spaß Der Durstige Mann Saufen Ohne Ende Der Durstige Mann Saw - Music For Instruments And Machines The Too Much Too Soon Orchestra Saw A Ranch House Burning Last Night Deep Freeze Mice Saw Delight Can (DE) Scenes From The Gateway Greg Mills, Michael Castro, Jay Zelenka Schallmauer Sampler Various Schau Hör Main Herz Ist Rhein Various Schauspiele EA80 Schiavi Nella Città Più Libera Del Mondo Various Schlauchlos Sissis Kinder Schwizer Simer F.D.P. Scissors For Cutting Merzbow Scum (Merzbow & K. Mizutani) Scream With A View Tuxedomoon Second Edition SEP/8363 Second Empire Justice Blitz Second Strike Various Secret Sigmund und sein Freund Seething (The Breath Of The Serpent) Sixth Comm Sehr Gut Kommt Sehr Gut Various Selected Poems Of Kenneth Patchen, Read By Kenneth Patchen Kenneth Patchen Senile Bisons Crying For Das Fröhliche Wohnzimmer Das Fröhliche Wohnzimmer, Zan Hoffman Senzuri Monkey Metal Action Gerogerigegege Sex And Drugs And Jesus Christ Christian Death Sex U Mas Haus Arafna Shame, Humility, Revenge Skin She Is Dead And All Fall Down / God Has Three Faces And Wood Has No Name Current 93 She Said Destroy Death in June Short & Sweaty Various Should The World Fail To Fall Apart Peter Murhy Silent Command Cabaret Voltaire Simple Headphone Mind Nurse With Wound & Stereolab Sinister Dawn Love Like Blood Situations Ceta Javu Six Disques Bleu Various Sixteen Dances John Cage Slaughterhouse Whitehouse Sleepers Various Slights Unspoken Voigt 465 Slime Slime SNX Various So Far Faust So Sure Skeletal Family Soli Werner Heider Some Attributes Of A Living System Mnemonists Some Experiences With Shock Die Form Some Of The Interesting Things You'll See On A Long-Distance Flight Various Sonatas And Interludes / A Book Of Music John Cage Sonates Et Interludes Pour Piano Préparé (1946-48) with Maro Ajemian John Cage Song And Legend Various Songs Less Traveled (preview Copy) Brad Bradberry Songs Less Traveled Volume 1 Brad Bradberry Sorrow A Chud Convention Sound Of Confusion Spacemen 3 Sound Research Delta-Sleep-Inducing Peptide Soundtracks Zum Untergang Various Souvenir Stephan Eicher Souvent Fauché, Toujours Marteau! Berurier Noir Spät-Europa Asmus Tietchens Spectre Pauline Anna Strom Sperm + Egg Sudden Infant / Brume Spielt Noise Boys Stephan Eicher Spiral 3 Various Spirit Of Ecstasy / The Way To Nepal Ake Hodell Spiritual Various Spiritual Beauty Blue China Spoken For Geraldine Lee Ranaldo Spontane Gisting 3 Fermentation Spontanée Sprawl Bevis Frond spricht Zuginsfeld I und II (Gesamtaufnahme der Fassung von 1927) Otto Nebel Sprit of Eden Talk Talk Sprockendidootch? Jung Analysts Stampeding Cattle A Rancid Vat Starring Rosi Ash Ra Tempel State / A Secret West Voigt 465 Station M.X.J.Y. Maximum Joy Stay With Me Tonight Alex Fergusson Stein Des Anstosses Family 5 Stellar - Tunnel (with Peter Gulch) Steve Brenner Still Joy Division Still Human Transparent Illusion Stockholms Elektronmusikfestival 1981 Various Stolpern Andy Giorbino Strategies Against Architecture Einstürzende Neubauten Straws Steve Lacy Stuckenschmidt - Einführung In Die Neue Musik Mit Ausgewählten Tonbeispielen Various Studio Für Elektronische Musik - Konkret - Instrumental - Vokal Various Studio Sessions Vol 1-3 Joy Division Stücke Für Violoncello Bernd Alois Zimmermann, Luigi Dallapiccola, Tilo Medek, Karlheinz Stockhausen Stupor Mundi Asmus Tietchens Subliminal Control The Sophist Substanz Various Sudden Departure Various Sueddeutschland Familie Hesselbach Sugar, Alcohol, & Meat (The Dial-A-Poem Poets) Various Sun City Girls Sun City Girls Sundaes Peter Schäfer Sunday Girls (A Tribute To Blondie By Family Fodder And Friends) Family Fodder Swastikas For Noddy Current 93 Swiss Wave Album 2 Various Sword Of The Sun Zone (GB) Symphony For A Genocide Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.) Symphony Natura Henning Christiansen Symphony No. 3 (Gloria) Music For The First 127 Intervals Of The Harmonic Series Glenn Branca Syrinjia Muslimgauze T.V. Sky The Young Gods Tagediebe Kosmonautentraum Tago Mago Can (DE) Tahta Tarla (with Andrew Chalk) Giancarlo Toniutti Take Five promo Tape Attrition Tango 2000 Nichts Tanz Der Lemminge Amon Düül / Amon Düül II Tapezine #2 Various Tarnish S·Core Technoland Vorsprung Telegram Sam Bauhaus Tempo Liquido Christina Kubisch & Fabrizio Plessi Tender Prey Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds Terra Incognita I Various Terra Incognita II Various Terror II Tommi Stumpff Test Bomis Prendin Test Tube Fantasy C.C.C.C. Testure Skinny Puppy Teufelskraut Various Text-Sound Compositions 1: A Stockholm Festival 1968 Various Text-Sound Compositions 2: A Stockholm Festival 1968 Various Text-Sound Compositions 5: A Stockholm Festival 1969 Various Text-Sound Festivals 10 Years Various Texte Und Gelegenheitsgedichte Helmut Heissenbüttel The Administration Of Physique (with New Noveta) Vagina Dentata Organ The American Music Compilation Various The Art Of Joan La Barbara Joan La Barbara The Attrition Of Reason Attrition The Auntie Winnie Album Bevis Frond The Beast 666 (The Great Working 4 1 8) Various The Big Dentist Lemon Kittens The Blur John M Bennett The Dead Calm Of Bashing Coca Cola John Watermann The Dial-A-Poem Poets Various The Electronic Friendship Various The Elephant Table Album (A Compilation Of Difficult Music) Various The Engineers Love Lassigue Bendthaus The Fifth Complaint Concerns Emotional Disturbances Various The Friend Catcher Birthday Party The Ginsbergs At The ICA (with Louis Ginsberg) Allen Ginsberg The Goat Various The Impossible Humane Mixed Band Philanthropist The Influence Psyche The Insect Musicians Graeme Revell The Jissom Killers Smell & Quim The Journal Of Albion Moonlight Kenneth Patchen The Last Faith - Sample A Various The Last Secret Of Poseidon Rüdiger Lorenz The Last Testament Various The Lost Jockey The Lost Jockey The Lowest Form Of Music - Sampler Various The Maria Dimension Legendary Pink Dots The Mexican Tapes Jacki Apple The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste Ministry The Music Of Her Sleep / Towards The Enfolding Flower PBK / Vidna Obmana The Night's Remains A.T.R.O.X. The Noose And The Spear Pornosect The Nova Convention Various The Off Band Und Waffelschmiede Off Band The Oneiric Transgression / Noise And Dream Nightmare Lodge / Lyke Wake The Pink Opaque Cocteau Twins The Rape Of Palestine Muslimgauze The Robots Kraftwerk The Second Bow Frances-Marie Uitti The Secret Eye Of L.A.Y.L.A.H. Zero Kama The Secret Eye Of L.A.Y.L.A.H. Zero Kama The Secret Eye Of L.A.Y.L.A.H. Zero Kama The Secret Like Crazy Algebra Suicide The Shrill Ho. Turner The Singer Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds The Sleeper Dislodged Northern Machine The Slovisha's Songs Moon Far Away The Space Between The Buildings Linda Smith The Splatters The Splatters The Splendour Of Fear Felt The Theatre Of Eternal Music - Dream House 78'17" (with Marian Zazeela) La Monte Young The Third Album Big Star The Thirteen Women Tape Ectoplasmic Embryo Experience The Tim Ski Project Various The Truth Will Make You Free Genocide Organ The Universe Is The Messiah Various The View From Below Volume Two Various The Voice Of Music Various The Way Out L. Voag The Working Class Alvaro This Is Not The Use They Are Longing For So They Gonna Be Fascists La Loora This Is Underground 1993 (Part 1) Various Thomas Wegner Thomas Wegner Three Allusive Tracks From Break Through In Grey Room William S. Burroughs Tidal Michael Byron Time And The River The Bongos Title In Limbo The Residents & Renaldo And The Loaf To... Wunderlich Ausgang Tocsin X Mal Deutschland Together Skeletal Family Tomorrow Never Knows Blue China Too Dark Park Skinny Puppy Toodoos Caroliner Toonbeelden Carel Lanters Torso Hell Terry Allen Torso In Aspik Dr. Koch Ventilator Total Beat Factor Various Total Normal Eiskalte Engel Totally Corrupt (The Dial-A-Poem Poets) Various Tote Rennen Lieder Selten Gehörte Musik Toute Predication Paul de Vree Toxoplasma Toxoplasma Track 4 Mania D Träneninvasion Träneninvasion Trance Chris and Cosey Transition Peter Michael Hamel Transmodulation A.M.P. Vromb Treasure Cocteau Twins Treausre Cocteau Twins Treble Tone Poets Tremblement De Terre Très Doux François Bayle Triptyque Achwghâ Ney Wodei Tristesse Psychotronique Dark Alceste De Socaï Vômie Trust No Woman Zyx Try Me / Staircase Bobby Berkowitz / Beirut Slump TV-Totem TV-Totem Twenty Deadly Diseases Severed Heads Two Solo Pieces Jon Gibson Two Views Of The Amazon Roberto Laneri Überzeugen / Du Die Neue Prächtigkeit UK Electronica 84 Various Ummagumma Pink Floyd Umsonst Und Draussen - Vlotho 77 Various Under the Flag Fad Gadget Unentitled Zoviet France / Jim O'Rourke / The Hafler Trio Unfeig (Gesamtaufnahme) Otto Nebel Ungheria-Italia Various Unlikely Stuff #4 Various Unlimited Edition Can (DE) Unlimited Systems Unlimited Systems Unser Debut + Sechs Die Tödliche Doris Unser Sämb?pler No.1 (Bremen Sampler Nr.1) Various Untitled Marko Pezzati & Leslie Stevens Untitled Energo Wünschkiy Untitled Marc And The Mambas Untitled O Yuki Conjugate Untitled Überhaupt Untitled Weimar Gesang Up Amongst The Golden Spires Danielle Dax Valentines From Matahari Sun City Girls Variations En Étoile / Deux Études Aux Modulations / Suite Pour Edgar Poe Guy Reibel Velvet Tales The Vyllies Vera Vera Roth Versuche Ich + Du Vibing Up The Senile Man (Part One) Alternative TV Virgin Birth Archon Satani Vision #4 - Word Of Mouth Various Viva X Mal Deutschland Viva Il Futurismo! Sarenco & Franco Verdi VIVISectVI Skinny Puppy Vocalize Michael Jon Fink Voice Tracks Carles Santos Volume Three: Guitar Trios Eugene Chadbourne Vomito Negro Vomito Negro Von Uns Für Uns Various Voooxing Poooêtre Various Vor Der Flut (Hommage An Einen Wasserspeicher) Various Vortex - The Motion Picture Soundtrack Beth B & Scott B Vox Tinnitus CoH Walpurgisnacht Recht Herzlich Wanton But Windblown Berbel Nobodius War Pur War Frieder Butzmann / Thomas Kapielski Warmth And Silence Various Warte - Ketzer / Hypnotischer Krach Sprung Aus Den Wolken Warum Geht Es Mir So Dreckig Ton Steine Scherben Water Tales A.T.R.O.X. Wave News - The New Generation Of Music Various Wave News 2 - Independent Smash Hits Various Wavescapes Peter Schäfer We Buy A Hammer For Daddy Lemon Kittens Welcome to the Dreamhouse Various Welcome To The Technodrome Various Welt & Söhne Otto Müller & Thorsten Ebeling Weltanschauung (as Leibsstandarte SS MB) Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.) Wenn Die Nacht Am Tiefsten... Ton Steine Scherben What So Ever Thy Hand Findeth - Do It With All Thine Might Crash Worship What's Behind That Curtain? Various Wheel In The Roses Rema-Rema Whitehouse / You Don't Have To Say Please Bustmonster / Xper Xr Who Told You, You Were Naked? Pink Industry Wiener Krem (Vienna Mortalis) Vienna Mortalis William Carlos Williams Reading His Poems William Carlos Williams William S. Burroughs / John Giorno William S. Burroughs / John Giorno Winterkälte Winterkälte Wir Sind Lebendig Begraben DNI (Die Nützlichen Idioten) Woman's Own the Danse Society Words And Music Tom Phillips Worlock Skinny Puppy Wunder Gibt Es Immer Wieder Various Wunderbar Christiane F. Yachtclub + Buchteln AG Geige Yankees Raus Slime Yellow 5 Mark Hanley You Have To Pay Klaus Krüger You're A Hook Various Yü-Gung Einstürzende Neubauten Zaza Zaza Zeichnungen Des Patienten O.T. Einstürzende Neubauten Zeitzeichen Zeit Zeichen Zensur & Zensur Male Zu Spät Ihr Scheißer. Hier Ist: Tommi Stumpff Tommi Stumpff Zugabe Ideal Zuginsfeld (Gesamtaufnahme) erster Teil Otto Nebel Zuginsfeld (Gesamtaufnahme) zweiter Teil Otto Nebel Zuginsfeld / Unfeig (Ausschnitte) Otto Nebel Zuginsfeld/Unfeig (Ausschnitte) Otto Nebel Zwei Jahre / Two Years Die Hornissen Zweihundertzwei EA80 ¬x~x=x Nihilist Spasm BandRelated Artists & Bands
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