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Warum Geht Es Mir So Dreckig

Artist: Ton Steine Scherben

Year: 1971
Country: Germany
Catalog No: David Volksmund Produktion, TP 101
Format: Vinyl Lp



Cover front and back originally manufactured with stapler pins. Most only the left and the right border is fixed, top and bottom border mostly open. While band name and title are printed, the label logo "David Volksmund Produktion" seems hand-stamped.

Cover also says "Vertrieb: David Volksmund Berlin Tel. 72 17 72" and does not have any prize printed on it. Thus, this release's cover differs from
which also have stapler pin covers, but a prize and a different phone number printed on the cover.
Additionally, there is another stamp on the back side with the band's adress and two other phone numbers.
Almost all known copies have black paint over the front phone number.

Hand-stamped labels. (Look at the pictures)
Poster included

The catalog number printed on the label differs from the matrix number.

"Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht" is not credited on label but appears on vinyl.

Considering that this release seems to be even more hand-made than the other stapler pin editions and that it has a different phone number and no prize printed on the cover, it seems possible that this edition is the earliest of them.