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Das Mädchen Auf Der Schaukel

Artist: Frieder Butzmann

Year: 1985
Country: Netherlands
Catalog No: Plexus KMH 7090185
Format: Vinyl Lp

Companies, etc.



Recorded and mixed in Studio 54 from Dec. 5th to 13th 1983, except A1, A2, B1, D2 recorded and mixed at Lunapark and C1 recorded and mixed at Beat Studio.

Sides indicators on release are: A/4 for A, B/3 for B, C/2 for C, D/1 for D
Track D1 is taken from a film by Michael Simbruck

Photos are stills from the short feature "Incendio Italiano" by Thomas Kiesel.

The cover artwork is basically the same as on the German original release, but the last line on the lower left backside (referring to german distributer "Pläne") is replaced by the info lines:
"Released in the Benelux by PLEXUS, Vlouw 1b, 2611 EW Delft, Holland, tel: 31(0)15120330, telex 38324.

The labels are completely different compared to the German version. For the actual pressing the same lacquer cuts were used as evident by the same runouts. Only side C/2 has an additional etching done by somebody as CBS, Haarlem adding their internal pressing number.