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Orgy Boys
Artist: Brion Gysin
Year: 1982
Country: Switzerland
Catalog No: hat MUSICS, hat MUSICS 3504
Format: Vinyl Lp

Naked Lunch Lyrics | ||
A1 | The Fear | 0:45 |
A2 | Naked Lunch | 0:45 |
A3 | Dead Weight 1 | 0:35 |
A4 | Dead Weight 2 | 1:10 |
A5 | The Needle | 0:45 |
A6 | The Fix | 1:40 |
- | ||
A7 | Blue Baboon | 1:35 |
A8 | Siren Song | 2:25 |
A9 | Victory | 1:30 |
B1 | All Those Years | 1:45 |
B2 | The Song | 3:35 |
B3 | Come To Free The Words | 3:40 |
B4 | Clementeena Soopastar | 1:15 |
B5 | No Poets Don't Own Words | 1:50 |
- Edited By – Brion Gysin, Peter Pfister, Werner X. Uehlinger
- Lyrics By – Brion Gysin, William S. Burroughs (tracks: A1 to A3, A5)
- Photography By – Ulrich Hillebrand
- Producer – Pia Uehlinger, Werner X. Uehlinger
- Recorded By – Peter Pfister
- Voice, Cover [Cover Art] – Brion Gysin
Recorded in January and May 1981.
Note on back cover: Songs dedicated to his orgy pals: William S. Burroughs, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Fafa de Palaminy, Patti Smith, Allen Ginsberg and John Giorno...
Note on back cover: Songs dedicated to his orgy pals: William S. Burroughs, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Fafa de Palaminy, Patti Smith, Allen Ginsberg and John Giorno...
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