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J'accuseJ'accuseDiscographies for the Deaf0United StatesTape
J. DerwortBambooLow Lands Music, Low Lands 02 Low Lands Music1987NetherlandsTape
J.A.J. Entreprise"We Are The Other People Too..."Headkleaner1988FranceTape
J.A.J. EntrepriseHouse MusicHeadkleanerHeadkleaner1990FranceTape
J.A.J. EntrepriseJaj Entreprise 87-89Headkleaner1989FranceTape
J.A.J. EntrepriseLe Septième SIHeadkleaner1987FranceTape
J.A.J. EntrepriseMusique Du Film Art Humanum EstHeadkleaner1989FranceTape
J.A.J. EntrepriseWe Are The Other People Two - Act.2Headkleaner1988FranceTape
J.A.J. EntrepriseWhat's New ?Headkleaner1988FranceTape
J.D. EmmanuelRain Forest MusicNorth Star Productions, NSP 2001North Star Productions1981United StatesTape
J.D. EmmanuelWizardsNorth Star Productions, NSP-2003 North Star Productions0United States Vinyl Lp
J.D. EmmanuelWizardsNorth Star Productions, NSP, 2003North Star Productions1982United StatesTape
J.D. WilburnElectric VacummnoneNot on Label (self-released)0United StatesTape
J.D.M.Cellarful Of Noise Vilex Prod. S.p.A.; V.P.007Vilex Prod. S.p.A.1990ItalyTape
J.J.BurnelEuroman ComethUnited Artists Records, UAG 302141979United Kingdom Vinyl Lp
J.JasmineMy New Musicnone, DR-001Not on Label (self-released)1977United States Vinyl Lp
J.K.Randall / Barry Vercoe / Charles DodgeComputer MusicNonesuch, H-712451970United States Vinyl Lp
j.m.r. and companyj.m.r. and companyMiracle and Music Unlimited, MMUC1000Miracle and Music Unlimited1986United StatesTape
J.S. Laboratories (Jittery Sphincter Laboratories)Aegri SomniaJ.S. Laboratories 010J.S. Laboratories1986United StatesTape
J.S. Laboratories (Jittery Sphincter Laboratories)Vigilant SolutionsJ.S. LaboratoriesJ.S. Laboratories0United StatesTape
J.T. BimboBimbo Goes to LunchWeird Noise Tapes; Organised Chaos Series, Ouch 002Weird Noise Tapes / Fuck Off Records1980United KingdomTape
Ja Ja JaTempodrom , 19.6.82(Pi+RQ-J6) Tape Production(Pi+RQ-J6) Tape Production1982GermanyTape
Ja Ja Ja & Die GesundenLive 6/82StechapfelStechapfel0GermanyTape
Jaap BlonkKurt Schwitters UrsonateBV Haast Records, BVHAAST 063 1986Netherlands Vinyl Lp
Jaap BlonkLiederen uit de HemelnoneNot on Label (self-released)0NetherlandsTape
Jaap de GrootJaap de Groot Speelt de melkboerenhondesonatenoneNot on Label (self-released)0NetherlandsTape
JabberwockiesThe Jabberwockies ServilServil Cassetto1987GermanyTape
JabirVuelo Por Las Alturas De XauenLinea Alternativa L.A.P.06 (E), TRAD.ARABIAN INSTRUMENT WITH ELECTRONICSLinea Alternativa1989SpainTape
JabirVuelo Por Las Alturas De XauenLinea Alternativa, L.A.P. 6Linea Alternativa1989SpainTape
JabonAbode StinesvilleGravelvoice Records, GVR 021Gravelvoice Records0United StatesTape
JabonAbscissionGravelvoice Records, GVR-035Gravelvoice Records1991United StatesTape
JabonAcereGravelvoice Records, GVR-033Gravelvoice Records1990United StatesTape
JabonAdder's TongueGravelvoice Records, GVR-043Gravelvoice Records1994United StatesTape
JabonAgammotoGravelvoice Records, GVR-041Gravelvoice Records1994United StatesTape
JabonAmbulatory ParanoiaGravelvoice Records, GVR-045Gravelvoice Records1996United StatesTape
JabonAn Unknown GeniusGravelvoice Records, GVR-025Gravelvoice Records1988United StatesTape
JabonAnything for a FriendGravelvoice Records, GVR-031Gravelvoice Records1989United StatesTape
JabonApisGravelvoice Records, GVR-039Gravelvoice Records1993United StatesTape
JabonAs FessCause and Effect, noneCause and Effect1986United StatesTape
JabonAtonementGravelvoice Records, GVR 013Gravelvoice Records1986United StatesTape
JabonAutograftGravelvoice Records, GVR 009Gravelvoice Records1986United StatesTape
Jac & Marc & Jac & PaulPyramid ParanoidMidas, taped 006Midas Tapes1984BelgiumTape
Jac Berrocal / Marie France / Jack BelsenMarie Antoinette Is Not DeadRotorelief, ROTOR00030FranceVinyl 7"
Jacek/Project QPSI-PHIElectronical Dreams; 040Electronical Dreams1994United KingdomTape
JacintheboxWipe The ChurchMidas, taped 007Midas Tapes1984BelgiumTape
JacintheboxWipe The Multi'sMidas, taped 009Midas Tapes1985BelgiumTape
Jack & The Rippers No DesireAnother Swiss Label, ASL-4 1979SwitzerlandVinyl 7"
Jack & The RippersJack & The RippersJFBP 7778 Not on Label (self-released)1978SwitzerlandTape
Jack EndinoAngle of AttackEndgame Records; EG 010 Endgame Records1988United StatesTape
Jack HurwitzEmutatedSound Of Pig, SOP 257Sound of Pig Music1989United StatesTape
Jack HurwitzEscaping OpositionPoison PlantPoison Plant1990United StatesTape
Jack HurwitzPointillismPoison Plant, nonePoison Plant0Tape
Jack HurwitzRitual EffectAudiofile Tapesaudiofile Tapes0United StatesTape
Jack HurwitzTones TimbrePoison Plant, nonePoison Plant1988United StatesTape
Jack KerouacMexico City Blues (read by Allen Ginsberg)Shambhala Lion Editions; SLE 29 1996United StatesTape
Jack KerouacThe Beat Generation According To Jack Kerouac Doxy DOY006 0United KingdomVinyl Lp-4
Jack KerouacThe Jack Kerouac Collection Rhino Records R1 70939 A-D1990United StatesVinyl Lp-4
Jack KerouacVolume 1 & 2noneNot on Label0United KingdomTape-2
Jack Kerouac and William S. BurroughsBackbeatnoneNot on Label (self-released)0United StatesTape
Jack LoganNew Music For TrumpetOrion, ORS 72941972United States Vinyl Lp
Jack MarlowAspionnoneNot on Label (self-released)0Tape
Jack MarlowErrhinePart of APROPOSMelodramatic Records1981GermanyTape
Jack MarlowMusic Has Charms To Sooth The Savage BreastnoneNot on Label (self-released)0Tape
Jack Marlow & Yannick JournauxEscapadesMelodramatic Records 10Melodramatic Records1982GermanyTape
Jack or Jive(Dura)² Du / To Your RiseDradomel, DRADOMEL 04 1992JapanVinyl 7"
Jack SaundersMixed BreednoneNot on Label (self-released)1984United StatesTape
Jack The TabAcid Tablets Volume OneCastalia Recordings, ACID 0011988United Kingdom Vinyl Lp
Jack WrightAssorted SoundsCalypso Now, NOW, 115Calypso Now1987SwitzerlandTape
Jack WrightHamburgnoneNot on Label (self-released)0GermanyTape
Jack WrightSsaxophonesAudiofile Tapes; aT 75audiofile Tapes1989United StatesTape
Jack Wright & Andreas StehleEverybody Loves TexasSound of Pig, SOP 114Sound of Pig Music1987United StatesTape
JackalopeRoad To AnywhereMusic & Elsewhere; M&E 353Music & Elsewhere1996United KingdomTape
Jackdaw with CrowbarBumper CropBig Turkey; 2 Big Turkey1987United KingdomTape
Jackdaw with CrowbarShips not YachtsBig Turkey; 4Big Turkey1988United KingdomTape
Jacki AppleFree Fire Zone / The Garden Planet RevisitedHigh Performance Records, HP010High Performance Records0Tape
Jacki AppleThe Mexican TapesOne Ten Records, OX 0031980United States Vinyl Lp
Jackie McLeanNew And Old GospelBlue Note – BST 84 262 K0Germany Vinyl Lp
Jackie ParisThe Song Is ParisImpulse! – A-17, Impulse! – AS-171962United States Vinyl Lp
Jackson Mac LowConcert At The Kitchen 1980Edizioni Lotta Poetica, RADIOTAXI 11, Studio Morra, LP (0727) 1983Italy Vinyl Lp
Jackson Mac LowHommage to Leona Bleiweiss Part 1 (with Pauline Oliveros)New WIlderness Audiographics, 7705BNew Wilderness Audiographics1977United StatesTape
Jackson Mac LowHommage to Leona Bleiweiss Part 2 (with Pauline Oliveros)New Wilderness Audiographics, 7705CNew Wilderness Audiographics1977United StatesTape
Jackson Mac LowPoetry & MusicNew Wilderness Audiographics, 7705ANew Wilderness Audiographics1977United StatesTape
Jackson Mac LowThe 8-Voice Stereo-Canon Realization (11/25/73)Edition S Press, TONBAND No. 33Edition S Press, S Press Tonbandverlag1975GermanyReel
Jackson Mac LowThe 8-Voice Stereo-Canon Realization (11/25/73)Edition S Press, TONBAND No. SP 0033Edition S Press, S Press Tonbandverlag1980GermanyTape
Jackson Mac LowThe 8-Voice Stereo-Canon Realization (11/25/73) Edition S Press, TONBAND No. 33Edition S Press, S Press Tonbandverlag1974GermanyTape
Jackson Mac LowThe 8-Voice Stereo-Canon Realization 11/25/73 Of The Black Tarantula Crossword Gathas S/Sided, C90Edition S Press, TONBAND No. 33 REISSUE Edition S Press, S Press Tonbandverlag1999GermanyTape
Jackson Mac Low / Bruce AndrewsLinebreak 10Granolithic Productions 10Granolithic Productions1996United StatesTape
Jackson Mac Low And Anne TardosSongs And SimultaneitiesTarmac Books And Music; TARMAC 1 Tarmac Books And Music1985United StatesTape
Jacky SchreiberLas Artes del FenixnoneNot on Label (self-released)1988Tape
Jacqueline TarkieltaubLa Met, poeme lettriste. noneNot on Label (self-released)0United StatesTape
Jacques BekaertInterview with Charles Amirkhanian (KPFA, Los Angeles), Jan. 17, 1973.KPFAKPFA Radio Program1973United StatesTape
Jacques BekaertJacques BekaertIgloo, IGL 008 1981Belgium Vinyl Lp
Jacques BekaertSummer Music 1970Lovely Music, VR 1071Lovely Music1979United States Vinyl Lp
Jacques BerrocalParallèlesd'Avantage, dav 011976France Vinyl Lp
Jacques Berrocal / Dominique Coster / Roger FerletMusiq MusikFutura Records, SON 06 1973France Vinyl Lp
Jacques DenjeanJazzPolydor – 45 5851962FranceVinyl 10"
Jacques L.FrictionsLes Nourritures Terrestres, NT 6 Les Nourritures Terrestres1985FranceTape
Jacques LejeuneParagesINA-GRM AM 709.06 INA-GRM1978France Vinyl Lp
Jacques LejeuneSymphonie Au Bord D'un PaysageINA-GRM 9111 le INA-GRM1983France Vinyl Lp
Jacques LizèneLe Minable Music-HallIgloo, IGL 012 1983BelgiumTape