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Øyvind HellnerWolfLikvidér, LIKV 4018Likvidér1984NorwayTape
ZZes/tPtôse Production Présente K 011Ptôse Production Présente1981FranceTape
Zzaj/KissingerCritical MassZzaj Productions1992United StatesTape
Zzaj/HausmannTh' Coast of...GhristmasZzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions0United StatesTape
Zzaj-Art (Dick Metcalf / Bret H. Hart / James B.SellsVolume Two Nov-Dec89Zzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions1989United StatesTape
ZZAJ and StedmanMidget Hill Mastery TourZzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions0United StatesTape
Zzaj / OlsonWhitslepoot JunctionZzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions0United StatesTape
Zzaj / Kramtones / Kravatt / OlsonNew DirectionsZzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions0United StatesTape
Zzaj / Kramtones / J.Alkins / ElectricOly Wa Moonshadow MajicksZzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions0United StatesTape
Zzaj / KramtonesIndependent's Day (Tribute to Experimental)Zzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions1998United StatesTape
Zzaj / Alkins / KramstonesHoliday BlastZzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions1997United StatesTape
ZZAJ & Kramstones on KaosNo Wake-Up Calls, PleaseZzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions0United StatesTape
Zzaj & HardinThe Scarab PolemicZzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions0United StatesTape
Zzaj10 Years AfterZzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions0United StatesTape
ZzajArt Volume 2Zzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions0United StatesTape
ZzajFreeing the NaturalZzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions0United StatesTape
ZzajIntro for KKUPZzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions0United StatesTape
ZzajRogue Sea MerchantsZzaj ProductionsZzaj Productions0United StatesTape
ZyxTrust No WomanOK Musica, 76.23561 1981Austria Vinyl Lp
Zyklon Schlips und Die AtombombenGeheimprojekt PogoBomben Tapes BT 01Bomben Tapes1981GermanyTape
Zyga AssemblageSoundzZygaZyga1981United StatesTape
ZwoekZwoek (C15)Kaisettes 03Kaissettes1982NetherlandsTape
ZwischenfallHeuteMask Music, MASK 101, Mask Music, MASK 002 1983BelgiumVinyl 12"
ZwischenfallSandy EyesLes Disques Du Crépuscule, TWI 460 Les Disques Du Crépuscule1984BelgiumVinyl 12"
ZwijnepestThey Make The Law And They Make The WarsZwijn1Nude Records1983BelgiumTape
Zwickau / In Articulo Mortis / SilenceVincit Omnia VeritasForgotten Blood, FOG001/3Forgotten Blood0Tape
ZwickauThe Serpent's LawPsychotic Release, PRC 027Psychotic Release0Tape
ZwickauVincit Omnia VeritasForgotten Blood, FOG001Forgotten Blood0Tape
Zwei und ZweiJeder Gibt Einmal NachReitende Pferde KassettenReitende Pferde Kassetten1984GermanyTape
Zut Un Feu RougeSweet Zurospectacles Bauta Records; BAR 8605 Bauta Records1986SwedenTape
ZusammenwachsenSemen Retetum Venenum Est.ä.d.n. Spainä.d.n.1983SpainTape
ZulutronicMission Zulu OnePharma 97PHR010/121997GermanyVinyl Lp-2
ZuccarelliHolophonicCBS, TA 3278 1983United Kingdom Vinyl Lp
Zoviet France / Jim O'Rourke / The Hafler TrioUnentitledThese Records, THESE 11 Promo1995United KingdomTape
Zoviet France$oviet France (Hessian)Red Rhino Records, RED 12Red Rhino Records1982United KingdomVinyl 12"
Zoviet France:Garista:Singing RingingSinging Ringing1985United KingdomTape
Zoviet France:Garista:Charrm CHARRMLP1 1990United Kingdom Vinyl Lp
Zoviet France:Garista:Screaming Red Music, first editionScreaming Red Music1982United KingdomTape
Zoviet France:Garista: :$oviet:France:noneNot on Label (self-released)1982United KingdomTape
Zoviet FranceA Flock Of RotationsRed Rhino Records, REDLP68 Red Rhino Records1987United Kingdom Vinyl Lp
Zoviet FranceAssault and mirageRed Rhino Records; REDLP 68A Red Rhino Records1987United KingdomTape
Zoviet FranceDigilogue Soleilmoon Recordings, SOLV 004 Soleilmoon Recordings1996United States Vinyl Lp
Zoviet FranceEostre Red Rhino Records, REDLP 45 Red Rhino Records1984United Kingdom Vinyl Lp
Zoviet FranceGesture Signal ThreatRed Rhino Records, REDLP 67ARed Rhino Records1986United KingdomTape
Zoviet FranceGrisNo Man's Land, nml 8505No Man's Land1985GermanyVinyl 10"
Zoviet FranceLoh LandStaalplaat, Staaltape, ST 00LStaalplaat1987NetherlandsTape
Zoviet FranceLook Into MeCharrm CHARRMLP14 1990United KingdomVinyl Lp-2
Zoviet FranceMisfits, Loony Tunes And Squalid CriminalsRed Rhino Records, REDLP67 Red Rhino Records1986United KingdomVinyl 12"
Zoviet FranceMohnomisheRed Rhino Records, REDLP 40 Red Rhino Records1983United KingdomVinyl Lp-2
Zoviet FranceNorschRed Rhino Records, RED 23 Red Rhino Records1983United KingdomVinyl 12"
Zoviet FrancePopular Soviet Songs And Youth MusicSinging RingingSinging Ringing1985United KingdomTape
Zoviet FranceShouting At The GroundRed Rhino Records REDLP91 Red Rhino Records1988United KingdomVinyl Lp-2
Zos KiaPankehallen, Berlin 3.12.83 (C30)(Pi+RQ-J6) Tape Production(Pi+RQ-J6) Tape Production0GermanyTape
Zos KiaRapeAll The Madmen Records MADT 8 1985United Kingdom Vinyl Lp
Zos KiaRapeAll The Madmen Records, MAD 8 1984United KingdomVinyl 7"
Zoo Zingt de N.S.B.Soundtrack Broken Flag, BF 19Broken Flag1983United KingdomTape
Zoo Big BandFruit Work and Hot CoffeyLimbabwe Cass 004Limbabwe Records0Tape
Zone VoidWu-Nien Voidmusic Cthulhu Records; CR 13 Cthulhu Records1991GermanyTape
Zone Verte1984BB004Black Box1984BelgiumTape
Zone VerteSelf-titledMAM Music NetworkMAM Music Network1984BelgiumTape
Zone NordMarche Noir / Denrees Diverses AJ2Not on Label (self-released)0France Vinyl Lp
Zone (GB)Sword Of The SunPotentia Records, Zone 001 1988United Kingdom Vinyl Lp
Zona IndustrialeAwayBloedvlagProduktBloedvlagProdukt1986NetherlandsTape
Zona IndustrialeIZnoneNot on Label (self-released)1983ItalyTape
Zona IndustrialeIZSlaughter Productions SPT68Slaughter Productions1996ItalyTape
Zona IndustrialeMateriali (1985-87)Slaughter Productions SPT78Slaughter Productions1997ItalyTape
Zona IndustrialeNeutroADN TAPES 13ADN TAPES1985ItalyTape
Zona IndustrialePornografia: Materiali/FrammentiSlaughter Productions SPT71Slaughter Productions1996ItalyTape
Zona IndustrialeRequiem 5Discipline Produzioni, DP05Discipline Produzioni1987ItalyTape
Zona IndustrialeSequenzenoneNot on Label (self-released)1985ItalyTape
Zombies Under StressAvondland6de Kolonne6de Kolonne1986NetherlandsTape
Zombies Under StressFanatism & Hysteria6de Kolonne6de Kolonne1985NetherlandsTape
Zombies Under StressIndustrial Justice Techno Warfare Tapes; 003Techno Warfare Tapes1992NetherlandsTape
Zombies Under StressJoining the Rat Race6de Kolonne6de Kolonne0NetherlandsTape
Zombies Under StressMatrix Machinations Techno Warfare Tapes; 008 Techno Warfare Tapes1996NetherlandsTape
Zombies Under StressNormal Obsessionkai 09Kaissettes1983NetherlandsTape
ZodiacMusic for the Films1985 Vinyl Lp
Zobel & ThomasiusFalscher HaseDirection Music, DMC 07Direction Music1989United KingdomTape
Zobel & ThomasiusFalscher HaseAudiofile Tapes,aT 91audiofile Tapes1989United StatesTape
Zobel & ThomasiusFalscher HaseKröten Kassetten KK 08Kröten Kassetten1989Tape
Zobel & ThomasiusFreizeitKröten Kassetten; KK006Kröten Kassetten1987Tape
Zobel & ThomasiusFreizeitGeneraions Unlimited, JT2Generations Unlimited1988United StatesTape
Zobel & ThomasiusFreizeit AlbumKröten Kassetten, KK 006Kröten Kassetten1986Tape
Zobel & ThomasiusMusik Aus Dem RegenKröten Kassetten, KK 007Kröten Kassetten1988Tape
Zobel & ThomasiusMusik Aus Dem RegenGenerations Unlimited, JT3Generations Unlimited1988United StatesTape
Zobel & LitterTeilboltzerKröten KassettenKröten Kassetten0Tape
ZobelSound DiscountKFRKentucky Fried Royalty1991GermanyTape
ZMMZemZimmAzuMMMa Ker ZanminoyseZidslickZidslick0United StatesTape
ZlofSpass und FreudeStimme des Volkes, 002Stimme des Volkes0GermanyTape
ZK (Zentralkommittee)Eddie's SalonRondo FLOT 01 1981Germany Vinyl Lp
ZK (Zentralkommittee)ZK Live ...Und Im StudioRotbäckchen RecordsRotbäckchen Records1981GermanyTape
ZK (Zentralkommittee)ZK Live ...Und Im Studio Album, C60Tape TrustTape Trust1981GermanyTape
Ziz & ZeboAlleinLend An Ear; none 0GermanyTape
Zirkus BeckmansKreaturen Der Hiesigen EpocheThe Confrontation Project No.2The Confrontation Project1984NetherlandsTape
Zircon And The Burning BrainsAnamZC 60.020Syzygy1983United KingdomTape
Zircon And The Burning BrainsAnamDark Star, DSC 01Dark Star1984United KingdomTape
Zircon And The Burning BrainsDemoMusiques Nouvelles, MN 009DTMusiques Nouvelles1983United KingdomTape
Zircon And The Burning BrainsManaZC 60.019Syzygy1983United KingdomTape
Zircon And The Burning BrainsManaDark Star, DSC 00Dark Star1984United KingdomTape
Zircon And The Burning BrainsManaDark Star, DS 304Dark Star1984United KingdomTape