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M WhitmoreWorks for Solo GuitarGo-Dot Records; GD 1003Go-Dot Records1989United StatesTape
M. Caspers / H. Maus / A. WollscheidSelektion VideoSelektion V2 (with Tape)Selektion1986GermanyVideo
M. Caspers / H. Maus / A. WollscheidVideo 3Selektion V03Selektion1987GermanyTape
M. FinnkriegDown The Poppy Stairs Of HeavenDeaf Eye, DEF 003Deaf Eye1989GermanyTape
M. FinnkriegExit/AccidentalDeaf Eye, DEF 009Deaf Eye1988GermanyTape
M. FinnkriegWorth Less Than IdeasAudiofile Tapes, aT 79audiofile Tapes1989United StatesTape
M. Finnkrieg & Henry Hektik & Thomas SutterBerlin Diary: Volume 1 - Victory Weapon One Regicide Bureau, noneRegicide Bureau0United StatesTape
M. Finnkrieg & Henry Hektik & Thomas SutterBerlin Diary: Volume 2 - D.O.R.Regicide BureauRegicide Bureau0United StatesTape
M. Finnkrieg & Henry Hektik & Thomas SutterBerlin Diary: Volume 2 - D.O.R.Deaf EyeDeaf Eye0GermanyTape
M. Finnkrieg & Henry Hektik & Thomas SutterBerlin Diary: Volume 8 - Hemline Anarchy Hits Paris Regicide Bureau, noneRegicide Bureau1989United StatesTape
M. Finnkrieg & John Heins & Dan Potter & Thomas SutterBerlin Diary: Volume 10 - Never Your CountryRegicide BureauRegicide Bureau0United StatesTape
M. Finnkrieg & John Heins & Dan Potter & Thomas SutterBerlin Diary: Volume 7 - Reflexive Godfear Regicide Bureau, noneRegicide Bureau0United StatesTape
M. Finnkrieg & John Heins & Thomas SutterBerlin Diary: Volume 9 - Bloomsday KoonRegicide BureauRegicide Bureau0United StatesTape
M. Finnkrieg & Thomas SutterA Measure of our Fragility (Berlin Diary Vol.6)Regicide BureauRegicide Bureau1988United StatesTape
M. Finnkrieg & Thomas SutterBerlin Diary: Volume 5 - Excellent Gate Regicide BureauRegicide Bureau0United StatesTape
M. Finnkrieg & Thomas SutterBerlin Diary: Volume 6 - A Measure Of Fragility Regicide BureauRegicide Bureau0United StatesTape
M. ForshageGrodornas NattSelbstmord Organización, Mord 34Selbstmord Organización1983SwedenTape
M. ForshageM. ForshageKonduktör Rekords, Kr5Konduktör Rekords1985SwedenTape
M. Nomizedelectric steamEscape 3 Tapes, E3 040Escape 3 Organisation1995BelgiumTape
M. Nomized & I.Q.C.M.Cabeza De Cinta MagneticaFS59Fraction Studio1995FranceTape
M. Nomized & I.Q.C.M.Ondulante Y Variable Vol. 1Fraction Studio1996FranceTape
M. Nomized & I.Q.C.M.Ondulante Y Variable Vol. 1Kadath KTH008 (POR),Kadath1997PortugalTape
M. Nomized & Mr. MotoAt DuskBAWLER TAPES BTP 008 (D), DENSE, NOISY-ATMOSPHERIC STUFF, GOOD !Bawler Productions1995GermanyTape
M. Oehlen, A. Oehlen, J. Immendorf, W. Büttner, M. Kippenberger, A.R. Penck Die Rache Der ErinnerungZickZack, ZZ 205 ZickZack Platten1984Germany Vinyl Lp
M. RendellPravdaKonduktör Rekords, Kr11Konduktör Rekords1985SwedenTape
M. SchönauerSound sculptures 1 and 2noneNot on Label (self-released)0GermanyTape-2
M. StandishForce Of HabitA.R.P.H. Tapes, A T # 011A.R.P.H. Tapes1984United StatesTape
M. StandishForce of Habit Demo EPNot On Label, noneNot on Label (self-released)1984United StatesTape
M. Vanneste & N. JacqueAux grottes de HanBlack Box, BB007Black Box1984BelgiumTape
M. Winnerholt & B. WahlénGlimpsesXenophone International, COS 006Xenophone International1985SwedenTape
M.A.F.Hau Ab...Rock-O-Rama Records, RRR 024 1983Germany Vinyl Lp
M.A.F.Ãœbungsraum / LiveChaos Rrecords, none 1983GermanyTape
M.A.L.Chemistry AlbumGrafika Airlines, GRA15Grafika Airlines1981BelgiumTape
M.A.L.Outlaw Insane Music, INS 20Insane Music1986BelgiumTape
M.A.L.Two FacesGrafikaset, noneGrafika Airlines1982BelgiumTape
M.AntipyrineAntipyrine As HimselfOnly Tapes 3Only Tapes1981ItalyTape
M.D. CameronsameMigraine Music, noneMigraine Music1986United StatesTape
M.NOMIZEDAll Sort of ImagesFraction StudioFraction Studio1997FranceTape
M.NOMIZEDCircular MusicFraction Studio 1133Fraction Studio1989FranceTape
M.NOMIZEDCircular MusicTonspur Tapes, TT 20Tonspur Tapes1988GermanyTape
M.NOMIZEDEl Nilam Fraction Studio, fs3 / no 268Fraction Studio1983FranceTape
M.NOMIZEDIcebergFraction Studio, fs10Fraction Studio0FranceTape
M.NOMIZEDIn Search Of ShadeHypertonia World Enterprises, HWE 043 Hypertonia World Enterprises1989NorwayTape
M.NOMIZEDMauvaise PasseFraction Studio, fs15Fraction Studio0FranceTape
M.NOMIZEDParapsychoFraction Studio, fs6Fraction Studio0FranceTape
M.NOMIZEDSample 3Irre Tapes; IT024IRRE Tapes1989GermanyTape
M.NOMIZEDSample 4Cold Spring, CS008Cold Spring1989United KingdomTape
M.NOMIZEDShrimp JazzMusic & Elsewhere; M&E 364Music & Elsewhere1996United KingdomTape
M.NOMIZEDThemes Parts 1-12 Black Box, BB011Black Box1985BelgiumTape
M.NOMIZED & I.Q.C.M.L'Univers Moignon ValvuleJoukkomurha Tapes1995FinlandTape
M.NOMIZED & I.Q.C.M.SensorioFraction Studio1996FranceTape
M.O.L.YLa Gravité Du GesteActéon 3Acteon1985FranceTape
M.S.B.R.303 Holy Mountain ElectronixxCling Film-Records CF01 (B), LIMITED 100 COMES IN METAL FRAME ALL HANDMADECling Film-Records1996BelgiumTape
M.S.B.R.EgoisteMSBR Records, MR02 MSBR Records1992JapanVinyl 7"
M.S.B.R.Final Harsh Work #1Robotomy TapesRobotomy Tapes1996JapanTape
M.S.B.R.Fracture Of SilenceSounds For Consciousness Rape SFCR 35Sounds For Consciousness Rape0United KingdomTape
M.S.B.R.Metal Stricken Terror ActionBANNED PRODUCTION, BP- 66 BARBARIC AND BRUTALBanned Production0United StatesTape
M.S.B.R.The Final Harsh Work No. 7Ultra 07 (RUS), HARSHUltra1999Russian FederationTape
M.S.B.R.YashaMSBR RecordsMSBR Records0JapanTape
M.S.B.R. / Cock E.S.P.SAMEMSBR Records (JAP),MSBR Records0JapanTape
M.SandersonRight WayAWB Recording; AWBSP 001AWB Recording1989United StatesTape
M.T.T.DevayanaBroken Flag, BF 56Broken Flag1986United KingdomTape
M7sameBasedofv, 008Basedofv1983DenmarkTape
Ma RaineyFirst Of The Great Blues Singers Volume 2London Records – AL35381955United KingdomVinyl 10"
MacadamTartanBestattungsinstitut, BI-025Bestattungsinstitut1990GermanyTape
Mach 3PopgeilnoneNot on Label (self-released)1983GermanyTape
MacheMacheMarzidovshek Minimal Laboratorium, M.M.L. 029Marzidovshek Minimal Laboratorium0SloveniaTape
Machine GunOpen FireMuWorks Records MU NY 1003MuWorks Records1989United StatesTape
Machines At LastMachines At LastQuick Stab Productions, Prod 17Quick Stab Productions1982United KingdomTape
Machines At LastMachines At LastStichting Stopcontact, CC04Stichting Stopcontact1984NetherlandsTape
Maciunas Ensemble1976Edition Telemark, 314.070Germany Vinyl Lp
Maciunas EnsembleMusic For Everyman 861Apollo Records AR 028605 1986Netherlands Vinyl Lp
MacromassaEl Regreso A Las Botellas De Papa Nodulus AlbumLaboratorio De Música Desconocida, LMD503Laboratorio De Música Desconocida1984SpainTape
MacromassaMacromissaDiscos Esplendor Geometrico, EG 008 1987Spain Vinyl Lp
MacronymphaNaked DenunitationNOISE (TAI), SPECIAL PACKED, NOISE PURENoise0Tape
MacronymphaRelentless AgonyArt Konkret ART012Art Konkret1994GermanyTape
MacronymphaUltimate VibratorMother Savage Noise Productions (USA), NOISE INSANITY AND MAYHEM FOR 1993, 90 MIN, PACKED IN A PAINTED WOODEN BOXMother Savage Noise Productions0United StatesTape
Macronympha / MlehstMacrosonicLabyrinth Recordings (USA), SHARED SOURCE MATERIAL COLLABORATION LIMITED 100 IN LARGE VINYL BOXLabyrinth Recordings0United StatesTape
Macronympha / Monde BruitsM x MMother Savage Noise Productions (USA), COLLABORATIONMother Savage Noise Productions0United StatesTape
Macronympha / One Dark EyesameSPITE NOISE (USA), LIMITED ED OF 50 COPIES IN HANDMADE PACKAGINGSpite0United StatesTape
Mactown StripHectafatNot On Label, noneNot on Label (self-released)1988United StatesTape
Mad Bad And Dangerous To EatMad, Bad And Dangerous To EatZH27 156ZH271989United StatesTape
MAD Mutual Assured DestructionConjunto VacioTonspur Tapes, TT 09Tonspur Tapes1987GermanyTape
Madame DesmetMolensteenGezonde Boerse Copulaties, GBC 09Gezonde Boerse Copulaties1984NetherlandsTape
Madame Sadie (MME Sadie)DemononeNot on Label (self-released)1983United KingdomTape
Made by PassionBoldnoneNot on Label (self-released)0United KingdomTape
Madelaine Hooykaas / Elsa Stansfieldtransparent environmentPart of APROPOSCRES1980Tape
Madge FreemansamenoneZH271989United StatesTape
Madison County Sound LabsNecrosocietySound Of Pig, SOP 233Sound of Pig Music1988United StatesTape
Madison County Sound LabsSound AutopsySound of Pig, SOP 234Sound of Pig Music0United StatesTape
MadnessLive Hamburg Markthalle 29.1.1980Flying PigFlying Pig1980GermanyTape
Maeror TriAmbient DreamsZNS TapesZNS Tapes1990GermanyTape
Maeror TriAmbiguitasAltered States RecordingsS (F), LIMITED 149 COPIES IN SPECIAL PACKAGINGAltered States Recordings0FranceTape
Maeror TriArchaic StatesG.R.O.S.S., GR-023 G.R.O.S.S.1993JapanTape
Maeror TriBoundari to Insanity 5 / The Last Perception / Growing RotationnoneNot on Label (self-released)1989GermanyTape
Maeror TriComp Submission HRMHarsh Reality MusicHarsh Reality Music0United StatesTape
Maeror TriExorbitantAnt-Zen, ACT 42Ant-Zen1996GermanyVinyl 7"