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Popular Soviet Songs And Youth Music
Artist: Zoviet France
Year: 1985
Country: United Kingdom
Label: Singing Ringing
Catalog No: Singing Ringing
Format: Tape
Spezification: 2xC90
A1 Tier Of Veils
A2 Ram
Stains And Filth In The Convent AOUEI
A3 Duir
A4 Zone
A5 Straif (La Mère Du Bois) Z Estrif
A6 White Track (Fire Frost)
A7 Veil
A8 Pesach
A9 Decoy
A10 Yezidi
B1 ?????? ????
Yezidi Circle Trap
B2 Signal
B3 Sidi
B4 Birch Brake
B5 Sein
B6 Spin (Helissein)
B7 Tan-Tal
B8 Ma-Ja
B9 Whip
B10 Veil
B11 Fearn
C1 Burning Bush
Beak And Snout
C2 Sidhe (Riuben)
C3 Marsh
C4 Swine
C5 Marsh
C6 Signal (Circe)
C7 Migration
C8 Burning Bush
C9 Sheol
D1 Veil (Sloe Semen)
D2 Signal
D3 Chirm Ela
D4 Chirm Geis
D5 Charm Aliso
D6 Shewel
D7 Yezidi (Say)
A2 Ram
Stains And Filth In The Convent AOUEI
A3 Duir
A4 Zone
A5 Straif (La Mère Du Bois) Z Estrif
A6 White Track (Fire Frost)
A7 Veil
A8 Pesach
A9 Decoy
A10 Yezidi
B1 ?????? ????
Yezidi Circle Trap
B2 Signal
B3 Sidi
B4 Birch Brake
B5 Sein
B6 Spin (Helissein)
B7 Tan-Tal
B8 Ma-Ja
B9 Whip
B10 Veil
B11 Fearn
C1 Burning Bush
Beak And Snout
C2 Sidhe (Riuben)
C3 Marsh
C4 Swine
C5 Marsh
C6 Signal (Circe)
C7 Migration
C8 Burning Bush
C9 Sheol
D1 Veil (Sloe Semen)
D2 Signal
D3 Chirm Ela
D4 Chirm Geis
D5 Charm Aliso
D6 Shewel
D7 Yezidi (Say)
- Composed By [Uncredited], Performer [Uncredited] – Ben Ponton, Paolo Di Paolo, Robin Storey
Feathers collected from the shores of the Irish Sea, the most radioactive area of seawater on Earth.
2 x cassettes come packaged inside a ceramic pot, with a stick, feathers, a flag, etc. There is also an instruction sheet, telling you what to do with these elements. Some instructions were serious, and others were silly.
2 x cassettes come packaged inside a ceramic pot, with a stick, feathers, a flag, etc. There is also an instruction sheet, telling you what to do with these elements. Some instructions were serious, and others were silly.
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Interchange 3 A/B Interchange