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Musick from the simulation World
Artist: Merzbow
Year: 1983
Country: United Kingdom
Label: Produktion
Catalog No: Produktion DIS1
Format: Tape

A Sim'ul-cast Part One
B Sim'ul-cast Part Two
B Sim'ul-cast Part Two
Recorded At Tokyo 1983
Related Releases
0607131089 Various 10 From Club Moral Club Moral
19 Keys Club Moral
19 Keys 19 Bands 2x Ltd, Num Various
2 Eulenspygel
2375004 Ihre Kinder
40 Days / 40 Nights Various
5th Anniversary Boxset Emil Beaulieau / Due Process / Merzbow
6x10 Vol.1 Various 6x10=60 Vol. 1 Various
6x10=60 Vol. 1 Various 6x10=60 Vol. 1 Various A Collaboration Tape Merzbow / S·Core
Abwassermusik (with Mieses Gegonge) H.N.A.S. (Hirsche nicht aufs Sofa)
Aerovivanda #1 Merzbow / Xerosx
Aerovivanda #2 Merzbow / Xerosx
Age Of 369 Merzbow Age Of 369 Merzbow
Ak Musick Ak Musick
Aka meme Merzbow Aka Meme Merzbow
All Our Yesterdays Alien Sex Fiend
An Afflicted Man's Musica Box Various
An Evening of Serious Noise Various
Anthems 2 Trax - TRAX 0983 Various Anti Music For Snobism Ltd, C90) Various
Ash Ra Tempel Ash Ra Tempel
Atem Tangerine Dream
Aus Freude Am Elend Asmus Tietchens
Awa - Foam Various Bad Alchemy 07 Various
Berlin Bei Nacht Christian Heckel & Frank Bretschneider
Berliner Nächte Various Berzboat Merzbow
Best Text Of Japan Various
Biomba, Z/dor->, Tif / Drüber... Hans-Joachim Hespos / Gerhard Stäbler
Biotop Asmus Tietchens
Blumen Und Narzissen Die Dorau und die Marinas
C.M. Arts Various CAE Winter 1986-87/Aural Sampler Promo, C90 Various Cause And Effect Summer 1986 Catalogue Promo, C90 Various
Chant Merzbow Chant (remixed) Merzbow Chant 2 Merzbow
Clever & Smart Male
Cluster & Eno Cluster & Eno
Collaboration Hanatarash & Merzbow
Collaborative Merzbow / S.B.O.T.H.I.
Collection:001 Merzbow Collection:002 Merzbow
Collection:003 Merzbow Collection:004 Merzbow
Collection:005 Merzbow
Collection:006 Merzbow
Collection:007 Merzbow
Collection:008 Merzbow
Collection:009 Merzbow
Collection:010 Merzbow
Computerstatt Abwärts
Continuum Merzbow / Kapottemuziek Crocidura Dsi Nezumi Merzbow
Crocidura Dsi Nezumi Merzbow
CUNT Mentol Scream Various Dadavida - 1984 Merzbow Dadavida 1984 Merzbow
Das Stundenbuch Werner Heider / Eugen Gomringer Dedicated To J. Goebbels Mauthausen Orchestra (Pierpaolo Zoppo)
Der Apathische Alptraum Der Apathische Alptraum
Der Apathische Alptraum Der Apathische Alptraum
Der Ball ist Rund Ror Wolf
Destructible Foundation / Drain MSBR / Merzbow Detonaror Various
Deutsche Wertarbeit Deutsche Wertarbeit
Die Mensch·Maschine Kraftwerk
Disco-Mortem Various Documentum 1 Produktion
Dry Lungs Various
Durchschnittsanfall 3&4 Various
Dutch Tour 1989 Merzbow
Dying Mapa I Merzbow Dying mapa I Merzbow
Dying Mapa II Merzbow Dying mapa II Merzbow
Dying Mapa III Merzbow Dying mapa III Merzbow EA80 / II. Liga (Split with the band II. Liga) EA80
Earflash Voice Crack Ecobondage Merzbow
Ecobondage Merzbow
Einführung In Die Elektronische Musik Herbert Eimert Einsamkeit Als Mensch Various Enclosure Merzbow
Endless Music Albrecht/d Enkele Gemotiveerde Produktiemedewerkers Various
Equinox Event Various
Exotic dance Anugama & Sebastiano Expanded Music 1 Merzbow Expanded Music 2 Merzbow Falso 800 Merzbow / Null
Familie Hesselbach Familie Hesselbach FE Tape Various
Fistfuck / Produktion Fistfuck & Produktion
Fistfuck / Produktion Fistfuck & Produktion
Flesh Metal Orgasm Merzbow
Foam Various
Fonctionnarisation Merzbow
Friends De Fabriek & A. Szava-Kovats & Mark Lane & G.K Montgomery Fuckexercise Merzbow
Garuda Release Music Orchestra Geile Tiere Geile Tiere Geisterfahrer Geisterfahrer
Geräusche Für Die 80er Various Gerogerigegege Gerogerigegege Good Alchemy Video 14 Various
Half-Mute Tuxedomoon
Hannover Interuption Merzbow Helter Skelter Various Helter Skelter C30) Various
Heroes To Ecstasy C90) Various
Hinten Guru Guru
Hoerbares Aufstossen Harald Sack Ziegler
Home-Made Music For Home-Made People Vol. 2: "Bloody But Chic" Various Ich habe noch einen Kiffer in Berlin Wolfgang Neuss
Ich-Maschine Blumfeld
Illuminated 666 No.2 Various In Vitro / 6 Live Bands Album, C90 Various
Independent World Vol. 1 Various Infera Sinfonia Various
Insane Music For Insane People Vol. 03Â Various
Insane Music For Insane People Vol. 03Â Various
Into The Future Various
Intrendent International 2-1 Various
Inventions For Electric Guitar Ash Ra Tempel / Manuel Göttsching
Japgirls In Synthesis Hermann Kopp
Je Rumpelsturz Desto Burzelblock Various
Jeszcze Polska Mona Mur
Jetzt erst Recht Ausgangssperre
John Cage John Cage
Join Inn Ash Ra Tempel
Journey Into Pain Various
Journey Into Pain 2 Various
Känguru Guru Guru
Katacombe Vol. 4 Various
Kibbutz Merzbow Kingdom of Japan Noise Various
Kleine Seele Springst Im Tanze Der Ewige Musikant
Klopfzeichen Kluster
Kontakte Für Elektronische Klänge, Klavier Und Schlagzeug (with David Tudor / Christoph Caskel) Karlheinz Stockhausen
Konzert Der Salzburger Festspiele 1973 Ein Dokument Bruno Maderna, Messiaen / Strawinsky / Boulez / Lutoslawski
Korm Merz Various
Kukcuk eksik Various
L'Enfer Est Intime - Volume Général Various
Lach Mit Oxo Der Gegenschlag
Le Cuisinier Merzbow
Lebensmittelsex Various
Lettre Sûr Le Progrès Des Sciences (Album,) Various
Letzte Hoffnung KFC Licht Und Schatten Projekt 3
Live Lenny Bruce
Live & Im Studio Leichenstein ABC (DE) Live / Film Soundtrack Fistfuck & Produktion
Live At New Castle University Societe Anonomie Live at the Middle East Merzbow
Live Brückenkopf 1995 Merzbow Live Drum Ensemble - 1984 Merzbow
Live Juli 1995 Merzbow Live Performance Feb. 85 Merzbow
Live Performance Feb. 85 Merzbow
Lowest Music 2 Merzbow
Lowest Music 2 Merzbow
Made In Eile Nichts
MagnifiCathy (The Many Voices Of Cathy Berberian) Cathy Berberian Manifesto Rumorarmonico Post Futurista - Tributo A Luigi Russolo Various
Marches Funèbres Asmus Tietchens Massaconfvsa S/Sided, RE Various
Material Moebius & Plank
Material Action For 2 Microphone Merzbow Material Action For 2 Microphone Merzbow
Material Action For 2 Microphone Merzbow MDK Berlin 84 Mekanik Destrüktiw Komandöh (M.D.K.)
Mechanization Takes Command Merzbow Mechanization Takes Command Merzbow Merz / Lowest Music Merzbow
Merzbow & The Haters Merzbow / Haters
Merzbow Kill Emil Beaulieau Merzbow Merzbow/Null - Produktion Merzbow / Null
Merzbowkapottemuziek Merzbow / Kapottemuziek Metal Acoustic Music Merzbow
Metal Acoustic Music Merzbow
Metal Mad Man Merzbow Miscast Miscast
Motop 1 Various
Much Funny Rotzkotz
Musica Venenæ: Industrial Culture Music Volume 1 C60 Various
Musick From Simulation World Merzbow
Musik Um Den Futurismus Various Nature Morte 2 Various
Necronomicon 3 Various
Neue Muster Volume 5 und 6 Various Nil Vagina Mail-Action ( Live Performance Feb. 85) Merzbow
No Machine Is Silent Various
Noise War Vol.1 Various Normal Music Merzbow Oh! Moro Noise Collection Vol.5 Various
Ohrenschmalz Various One Way Airlines Various
Organismus 3 - The Final Compilation Various
OSLWMMGIB? Our Secret Life: What Makes Men Good In Bed? Various
Otto M. Zykan Otto M. Zykan
Out of Context Various
Overdrive Fiction Paradoxa Paradoxa Merzbow Paradoxa Paradoxa Merzbow
Paradoxa Paradoxa - Live at Kid Ailack 1981 Merzbow
Paris Tokyo Various Peepshow - Insane Music For Insane People C60 Various
Poltergeist I Various Poltergeist IV Various Porcupine Echo And The Bunnymen / Echo & The Bunnymen
Pornoise / Extra Merzbow
Pornoise 1 KG Merzbow
Pornoise/Extra Merzbow
Power Electronics Various Predestination Rune Lindblad
Primavera Gib nicht auf
Produktion Film Tracks Various
Produktion Film Tracks Various
Propagandum Various
Propagandum C90 Various Propagation Disturbance Final Broadcast Paul Hurst & Mark O'Brien
Psychic Rally - Mail Music - All we Make are Memories Various
Rainbow Electronics Merzbow Rectangle Overtures Various
Régalade L'Eponge Synthétique / Merzbow
regard extreme Brigade Internationale
Remblandt Assemblage Merzbow
Rework / Odiom Hands To / Kapotte Muziek / Merzbow / PBK / S.B.O.T.H.I. / Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
Rising From The Red Sand Volume Five Various
Rockoper Profitgeier Floh De Cologne
Rod Drug Merzbow
s/t Intelligent Cattle
Sadomasochism Merzbow Scan Has Undergone Several Minor Revisions Scum (Merzbow & K. Mizutani)
Schönste Musik of Japan Vol.1 Various
Schwingungen Ash Ra Tempel
Scissors For Cutting Merzbow Scum (Merzbow & K. Mizutani) Semi Live /24/5/84 Merzbow / Null / Nord
Sensationnel No. 1 Various
Sex & Bestiality Various
Sex & Bestiality - Cassette 1 Various
Sexorama - An International Industrial / Noise Compilation Various
Sexorama Vol.1 Various
Sexorama Vol.2 Various
Sexorama Vol.3 Various
Sexorama Vol.4 Various
Shit Parade Mixreflex
Sketchbook Part Six - Skizzenbuch Teil Neun Erik Mälzner Slicktrickflick Thicknicksick
Société Anonyme #1 Societe Anonomie
Solonoise 1 Merzbow
Solonoise 2 Merzbow
Somateme - Körperklänge Mia Zabelka / Giselher Smekal
Sonic Destruction Black Leather Jesus / MSBR
Soundtracks Zum Untergang Various
Stahlmusik Einstürzende Neubauten
Stahlwerksynfonie Die Krupps
Starring Rosi Ash Ra Tempel
State Violence State Control Discharge
Storage Merzbow
Stuhlgangblockade N! Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock
Supernova Ibliss
Tanzmusik Für Atomschutzräume Unheimliche Jungfrauen Terror Australis-Live Club Moral
Testament Various The Best Of Tonspur Tapes Various
The Call Of Madonna Luisa Ciccone (A/I/I/P - C881106) Various
The Haters+Merzbow Haters / Merzbow
The Impossible Humane Mixed Band Philanthropist
The Lampinak Merzbow
The Lampinak Merzbow The Opening of the Horse Song (1970). Jerome Rothenberg The Sound of Pre-War Germany Produktion The Way Of The Sacred Various
Three Minute Symphony Various
Tibeta Ubik 3 Merzbow
Tokyo Rhythm Merzbow
Total Normal Eiskalte Engel
Toxoplasma Toxoplasma
Trans Europa Express Kraftwerk
Trans-Action (with Booklet) Various
Transmission Promo, Various Trans•Gressed•Body Various
Trenkers Traum Kasperle Killerpilz
Tridal Production Merzbow Untitled Produktion & Takahiro Krumoto & Tetsuo Yamatsuka Untitled ProduKtion & Toshiji Ushi-Tra Merzbow
Utilities (An Album Of Collaborations) Kapotte Muziek
Vertrauensmann Des Volkes Frieder Butzmann
Viva Negativa! - A Tribute To The New Blockaders Volume II Various
Vor Der Flut (Hommage An Einen Wasserspeicher) Various
Vratya Southward Merzbow
Wahre Arbeit - Wahrer Lohn Die Krupps
Warum Geht Es Mir So Dreckig Ton Steine Scherben
Wenn Die Nacht Am Tiefsten... Ton Steine Scherben
What Is A Dadarotator Dadarotator
Wie Die Tiere Blümchen Blau
Wir Sollten Den Hersteller Dieser Babynahrung Verklagen Mania D
Wolfgang Rihm - Klavierstücke Various Worker Machine Merzbow
Wunderbar Wolfgang Riechmann Xtra-Pornoise Merzbow
Yahatahachiman Merzbow
Yantra Material Action Merzbow Yantra Material Action Merzbow
Zeitgenössische Musik In Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945-1980 (complete Box-Series Vol. 1-10 Various
Zondig Various
Zu Schön, Um Wahr Zu Sein! Die Ärzte
Zwei-Osterei Kluster
Related Artists & Bands
AgencementEmil Beaulieau / Due Process / MerzbowHanatarash & MerzbowHands To / Kapotte Muziek / Merzbow / PBK / S.B.O.T.H.I. / Das Synthetische MischgewebeHaters / MerzbowK.K. NULLKiyoshi MizutaniL'Eponge Synthétique / MerzbowMerzbowMerzbow / Gore Beyond NecropsyMerzbow / HanatarashMerzbow / HanatarashiMerzbow / HatersMerzbow / HudakMerzbow / HudakMerzbow / John HudakMerzbow / KapottemuziekMerzbow / Lotus ClubMerzbow / MasakiMerzbow / NordMerzbow / NullMerzbow / NullMerzbow / Null / NordMerzbow / Null / Tetsuo FurudateMerzbow / Null / Tibeta UbikMerzbow / Reiko AzumaMerzbow / S.B.O.T.H.I.Merzbow / S.C.U.M.Merzbow / SecretsMerzbow / S·CoreMerzbow / The HatersMerzbow / XerosxMSBR / MerzbowNordNord & MerzbowNord / Null / MerzbowNull & MerzbowScum (Merzbow & K. Mizutani)Secrets & MerzbowSecrets + MerzbowS·CoreTibeta UbikRelated Artists & Bands Literature
2 Promo Flyer Tibeta Ubik
early 80's Mail-Art my Masami Akita Merzbow
Letter S·Core
Life Performance Poster Merzbow
Live Performance at Gatty, Tokyo Merzbow / Nord
Lowest Music and Arts Mail-Art / Collage Merzbow
Mailart object and letter to 3Rio Merzbow
Material 1 Various
Merzbow & Itinerant Priests (Material Action) Booklet Merzbow
Poster Null & Merzbow
Promo photos, Xerox Art, Collages Merzbow
Solonoise 2 Promoletter Merzbow to Tommy Rinnstein (Modern Products) Merzbow Solonoise Poster (A3) xeroxed Merzbow
Related Labels
Berliner VertriebsbundBizarr ProduktionDer Diskrete CharmeEigenproduktionGraf Haufen TapesHinterhofproduktionHör Weg ProduktionIndividuale Unterentwickelte UrwaldproduktionOktron ProduktionsPiranha ProduktionPlutonium ProduktionProduktionVoice Versa ProduktionWallenberg ProduktionÄZNT-EigenproduktionenRelated Labels Persons
Jens BentrupPaul HurstRoss CanonRelated Labels-Literature
Anne Gillis at Divergences Divisions 5 DMA2 AQM Products Catalogue AQM
Business Card Produktion
Catalogue February 1989 Extreme
Catalogue Overview 1982 Graf Haufen Tapes
Crash Produktion
Crash No.2 Produktion
Distro-Catalogues Graf Haufen Tapes
Divergences/Divisions III Infosheet DMA2
DZ Lectric & Anthon Shield Confessions D'Un Masque Promo DMA2
Extreme Catalogue 1988 Extreme
Extreme Early Catalogue Extreme
Extreme Music Catalogue Extreme
Graf Haufen Vertriebsliste Graf Haufen Tapes
Infosheet ÄZNT-Eigenproduktionen
John Di Stefano / Klang Da Promo Oktron Produktions
Kassettenkatalog April 1983 Der Diskrete Charme
List of Tapes Lowest Music and Arts
Lowest Music and Arts Overview Lowest Music and Arts
Prodition 3 Produktion
Prodition April 83 Produktion
Prodition August 83 Produktion
Prodition July 83 Produktion
Prodition June 83 Produktion
Prodition October 83 Produktion
Prodition Olympia Produktion
Prodition September 83 Produktion
Prodition: Dachau - the Black Book Produktion
Prodition: Man as God Produktion
Produkt 1 Produktion
Produktion/Hair at Club Moral Produktion
Promo sheets Der Diskrete Charme
Unikum Poster Berliner Vertriebsbund
V2 V2_Archief
V2 konzert booklet odal kapotte musiek thu 20 V2_Archief
ZSF Product and Distro Overviews ZSF Produkt / ZSF Product
ZSF Produkt Mail Order Catalogue 1983 ZSF Produkt
Related Press & Organisations
DMA Festival BordeauxDonald PunkRelated Press & Org Literature
Porgramm to Le Projet Houchardien FWWWTJCSFCW Atelier De Creation Radiophonique
Group Photo DMA DMA Festival Bordeaux
DMA Festival 1984 and 85 DMA Festival Bordeaux
Donald Punk 1111 Donald Punk
Donald Punk Nr.2 (Strenght through Oi) Donald Punk
Donald Punk Nr.1 Donald Punk
Donald Punk Nr.3 Donald Punk
Donald Als Hausbesetzer Donald Punk
Donald Punk Nr.1 (second edition) Donald Punk DOnald Punk Nr.11 Donald Punk
Donald Punk Nr.4 Donald Punk
Illuminated 666 - Map 1 and 2 Illuminated 666
Metro Riquet 8 plus Art Supplement (Duvivier Special) Metro Riquet
Primordial 2 Primordial
Technology Works No.10 Technology Works