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Artist: Miscast
Year: 1984
Country: Germany
Label: Stechapfel
Catalog No: Stechapfel
Format: Tape

A2 Swiss N Pigs
A3 Say No
A4 Norm
A5 Maedchen
A6 John Wayne
A7 Untitled
A8 Untitled
B1 Skins
B2 117
B3 Hass
B4 Z Friede
B5 Miri's Song
B6 Olten
A2 Swiss N Pigs
A3 Say No
A4 Norm
A5 Maedchen
A6 John Wayne
A7 Untitled
A8 Untitled
B1 Skins
B2 117
B3 Hass
B4 Z Friede
B5 Miri's Song
B6 Olten
Companies, etc.
- Distributed By – Stechapfel Produktion
- Distributed By – Jamming
- Bass [B] – Lothar M.*
- Cover – Deedee G.*
- Drums [Dr] – Stefan M.*
- Guitar [G] – Tommy M.*
- Vocals [Voc] – Deedee G.*
Produced by Stechapfel-Verlag, Postfach 449, 8026 Zürich.
Tracks A7 and A8 are not listed on the release.
Tracks A7 and A8 are not listed on the release.
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