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Gender: Male
Country: Germany
Description: "In January 1980 i founded with 2 friends my first group ever. the secret name of the group was Progressive Disco, abbreviated PD. Influences came from free music, punk, experimental and psychedelic rock as well as from new classical music, industrial and disco, which were melted into an own style, using tapes as well as conventional rock instrumentation.
PD suffered from permanent personnel changes. At the end of 1980 it was clear that i was the only member who was to stay continuously. So i decided to change the name of the group in a way that showed continuation as well as discontinuity. Therefore the name was "doubled" by adding the number of the letters (P being the 16th, D the fourth letter of the alphabet).
One of the members that time was Achim Szepanski, who left after a few months because he had to follow his studies. Meanwhile he has founded the succesful technolabel Mille Plateaux." (Ralf Wehowsky) Less
Aliases: Messehalle, P16.D4, Permutative Distorsion, Skartrack
Members: Achim Szepanski, Joachim Pense, Joachim Stender, Ralf Wehowsky
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ElektrozangeKurzschlussLLLMessehalleP.D.P16.D4Permutative DistorsionSchatten Unter EisSkartracktödliches Schweigen