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Was ist Schlimm?
Artist: 894
Year: 1981
Country: Germany
Label: Kommt noch Schlimmer Tapes
Catalog No: Kommt noch Schlimmer Tapes; KNST06
Format: Tape
Spezification: C20

A1 E-r-o-t-a-c
A2 Niemals
B1 Industriestadt
B2 Wer Ist Der Nächste
B3 Ende Offen
A2 Niemals
B1 Industriestadt
B2 Wer Ist Der Nächste
B3 Ende Offen
Released in a black plastic cremation bag with affixed b/w photocopy. The bag contains the tape and a bunch of partially scrambled papers incl. a cover for the cassette.
The title "Was Ist Schlimm?" does not appear as such on the cover. It was retrieved from various catalogs of the label.
Also sometimes referred to as "Kommt auch Zu Ihnen" or "Tonbandprotokolle" due to different stickers and/or inserts.
The title "Was Ist Schlimm?" does not appear as such on the cover. It was retrieved from various catalogs of the label.
Also sometimes referred to as "Kommt auch Zu Ihnen" or "Tonbandprotokolle" due to different stickers and/or inserts.
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