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Gender: Mixed
Country: United Kingdom
Masters of 'space-age bachelor pad music', Stereolab formed in London in 1990 by record collector Tim Gane and the French chanteuse Laetitia Sadier.
The group produces electronica imbued by melody, vintage analogue sounds, political lyrics, and sixties wistfulness. Via their label, Duophonic, they ensure that everything the 'Groop' (as their fans know them) puts out receives a limited vinyl issue.
Stereolab went on an indeterminate hiatus on 2nd April 2009: "We feel that our work is done for the moment and there won't be any new Stereolab product for a while."
The group produces electronica imbued by melody, vintage analogue sounds, political lyrics, and sixties wistfulness. Via their label, Duophonic, they ensure that everything the 'Groop' (as their fans know them) puts out receives a limited vinyl issue.
Stereolab went on an indeterminate hiatus on 2nd April 2009: "We feel that our work is done for the moment and there won't be any new Stereolab product for a while."

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Tim Gane