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Neoism Now
Artist: White Colours (featuring Monty Cantsin)
Year: 1987
Country: Germany
Label: Artcore Editions
Catalog No: Artcore Editions, ACE, 15
Format: Tape
Spezification: limited 108 C90

A Untitled
B Untitled
B Untitled
- Compiled By – Monty Cantsin
Side 1:
"Monty Cantsin sent out rhythm-basic-tracks to different Monty Cantsins in Europe and America. They worked over it and returned the tapes."
Side 2:
"Different Monty Cantsins sent in their musically products. They were then mixed together by Monty Cantsin."
Limited edition of 100 copies, hand-numbered in gold in the inside flip of the j-card cover. The tapes are signed in gold by Monty Cantsin.
"Monty Cantsin sent out rhythm-basic-tracks to different Monty Cantsins in Europe and America. They worked over it and returned the tapes."
Side 2:
"Different Monty Cantsins sent in their musically products. They were then mixed together by Monty Cantsin."
Limited edition of 100 copies, hand-numbered in gold in the inside flip of the j-card cover. The tapes are signed in gold by Monty Cantsin.
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