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Performance 13. Oct. 1985
Artist: Andrzej Dudek-Dürer
Year: 1985
Country: Germany
Label: Artcore Editions
Catalog No: Artcore Editions, ACE, 04
Format: Tape
Spezification: deluxe box with small booklet, C, 42 cassette, numbered, signed, edition of 25 copies.

A Untitled
B Untitled
B Untitled
Released in a 12x12 x 5 cm jewelry box with synthetic cloth covering. Real photo from the performance glued on the top of the box. The box contained a little round mirror, the tape in a regular snapcase and two colour photocopied cover, as well as a booklet with photos, explanations and further info. Rubberstamped, signed and dated by Andrzej Dudek-Dürer.
Released in a limited edition of 25 hand-numbered copied only.
Released in a limited edition of 25 hand-numbered copied only.
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