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Artcore Editions
Years running:
Country: Germany
Description: After Graf Haufen Tapes was laid to rest, Graf Haufen focused on other things, among them using his whole 2 room apartment in Berlin-Neukölln as an underground gallery for artists to have exhibitions, performances, installations and such. The flat stayed in the condition it was rented first (with really terrible wall paper in most rooms).
This project, the Artcore Gallery officially began on 5th of April 1985 and focused on mail art, neoism, copy art, and later installations, that worked with the idea of putting art into a regular living room environment. Most exhibitions were supplemented with a limited edition catalogue, multiple or other media that fitted the expo.

Related Releases
Antimuzick FâLX çèrêbRi & Graf Haufen
BLOOD AND GOLD - Theme Propaganda Graf Haufen & Monty Cantsin & Das Synthetische Mischgewebe Neoism Now White Colours (featuring Monty Cantsin)
Performance 13. Oct. 1985 Andrzej Dudek-Dürer
RTCKB (Running The Chaologic Kinetic Backspace) Chazev Wilp
Space Shuttle and Roll Vol. 1/1 Various
Space Shuttle and Roll Vol. 1/2 Various
Space Shuttle and Roll Vol. 1/3 Various
Related Artists & Bands
Andrzej Dudek-DürerChazev WilpFâLX çèrêbRi & Graf HaufenGraf Haufen & Monty Cantsin & Das Synthetische MischgewebeVariousWhite Colours (featuring Monty Cantsin)Related Artists & Bands Literature
concert poster with Hapunkt Fliegenstrumpf Graf Haufen
Overview Tapelabels in Germany from 1982 Graf Haufen
Neoism Now Graf Haufen
very early Graf Haufen Label-Overview Graf Haufen
Graf Haufen Booklet For Didier Moulinier Graf Haufen
Neoism Now Poster Graf Haufen Ritus 64 Graf Haufen
You Suck Graf Haufen Advocatus Diaboli Graf Haufen
Booklet ter Graf Haufen
Graf with parents Graf Haufen
Related Labels
Graf Haufen TapesRelated Labels-Literature
Catalogue Overview 1982 Graf Haufen Tapes
Distro-Catalogues Graf Haufen Tapes
Graf Haufen Vertriebsliste Graf Haufen Tapes
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