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Artist: John Duncan
Year: 1981
Country: United States
Label: AQM
Catalog No: AQM - AQM202
Format: Vinyl 7"
Spezification: first edition with real (menstrual) blood drops

A1 Workjob
A2 Goodboy
A3 Babylon
B1 Tango Delta
B2 Happy Homes
A2 Goodboy
A3 Babylon
B1 Tango Delta
B2 Happy Homes
- Performer – John Duncan
- Producer – Helen Jocasta
two towers of babylon have turned into carnivals. i have a booth where i sell relics. by investigation the labyrinth of both towers, layer by layer, the entire structure disintegrates.
c&p All Questions Music (BMI) 1981
produced by Helen Jocasta
30 copies have actual menstrual blood on the cover, the others have fake blood on them.
"Happy Homes" is the recording of an event for live radio talkshow with therapist Dr. Toni Grant, broadcast in Los Angeles over KABC and nationwide in the United States over the ABC Radio Network.
c&p All Questions Music (BMI) 1981
produced by Helen Jocasta
30 copies have actual menstrual blood on the cover, the others have fake blood on them.
"Happy Homes" is the recording of an event for live radio talkshow with therapist Dr. Toni Grant, broadcast in Los Angeles over KABC and nationwide in the United States over the ABC Radio Network.
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Unsound Volume 2 Number 3/4 Unsound