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Drawing for Deep Floor
Artist: Adi Newton
Country: United Kingdom
Format: Mag/Lit

Related Releases
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30 original Reels recorded 1977-1980 Clock DVA
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Fragment Clock DVA Frequencies / Ambient Psychophysicist Grenoble 1989 The Anti Group (T.A.G.C.)
Group Fragments Clock DVA
Ha - Zulu The Anti Group (T.A.G.C.) Heaven Clock DVA
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Live 16-10-83 Clock DVA
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Live Heaven 30-3-1981 Clock DVA
Live Leeds 7-5-81 / Heaven 30-3-81 Clock DVA
Live Leeds F-Club Clock DVA
Live Sheffield Summer 1977 The Studs
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Meontological Research Recording Record 1 The Anti Group (T.A.G.C.)
Meontological Research Recording Record 2 Teste Tones The Anti Group (T.A.G.C.)
Passions Still Aflame Clock DVA
Promo-Tape 78-80 Clock DVA
same The Future
Sex Beyond Entanglement Clock DVA
Tape 1 (Alien Tape) Clock DVA
Tape 4 Clock DVA The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Clock DVA
Thirst Clock DVA
Transition / The Final Circle in Motion Clock DVA
Unpleasant Off Clock DVA
Untitled (Demo Tape) Clock DVA
We Cast Tall Shadows Demo 1981 Clock DVA
White Souls In Black Suits Clock DVA
White Souls In Black Suits Clock DVA
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1979 Band Photo at Telephone Clock DVA
23 Art-Collages from late 70's Adi Newton
Adi Newton in front of TG Symbol Adi Newton
Adi Newton of Clock DVA at The Limit 1978-07-25 Clock DVA
Advantage Poster b/w Clock DVA
Advantage Poster coloured Clock DVA
Advantage Promo Poster Clock DVA
assorted early Posters Clock DVA
Black Words Clock DVA
Chris Carter Postcard to Adi Newton Clock DVA
Clock DVA in Grey Matter 3 Clock DVA
Clock DVA Live at the Moonlight West Hampstead 17th July 1980 Clock DVA
Clock DVA Review of Limit Concert Clock DVA
Clock DVA, Vice Versa and more playing at Stevo's Electronic Party 26th/27th June 1980 Clock DVA
Collages Clock DVA
Concert Reviews 1979 Clock DVA
Discography 78-80 Clock DVA
Drawing for Deep Floor Adi Newton
DVA Line-Up 1980 Clock DVA
DVA-HQ 1978 and Now Clock DVA
early art/collages by Judd and Adi Clock DVA
Early DVA-Syth / Instruments Clock DVA
early Info Sheet in Unkown Press Clock DVA
early Live-and Bandphotos Clock DVA
early Pressclips Clock DVA
early Tapes related Promo Info photos collages etc Clock DVA
Fetish Records Press-Map Clock DVA Flyer for LYCEUM 9th of May, 1980 with Cabaret Voltaire, Fad Gadget, Truth Club Clock DVA
Info 1980 SHeet Clock DVA
Interview in Music from the Empty Quarter Clock DVA
Interview in So What? - There is a kid....Mag; 1979 Clock DVA
Judd selfies Clock DVA
Judd Turner and Adi Newton of ClockDVA in Committee Room 1979-02-02 Clock DVA
letter and Collage to Adi Newton Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Letter by Andrew Rodgers Adi Newton
Letter by AURA magazine Adi Newton
Letter to Adi Newton Counterdance
Letter to Adi Newton Konstruktivists & G.M.Wallis
letter to Adi Newton Lemon Kittens
Letter to Adi Newton les Chats
Letter to Adi Newton Missing Persons
Letter to Adi Newton Pete Lawrence
Letter to Adi Newton Stan Bingo
Letter to Adi Newton Trevor Heaton
Letter to Adi Newton Yann Farci
Letter to Andrew Rodgers Clock DVA
Live Atmosphere Poster Clock DVA
Live in Heaven 1981 (with Bauhaus) Clock DVA
Lyrics to Sleep/Girl/Walk (Sonambulist), Female Mirror, Don't Listen to Mother Clock DVA
Martin Fry on Clock DVA Clock DVA
Marylin Collage Clock DVA
Moments of Terror. A Story to the early days of DVA (76-83) by Steven O'Connor Clock DVA
Moments of Terror. A Story to the early days of DVA (76-83) by Steven O'Connor (early versions unpublished and unedited) Clock DVA
Overview of Live-Concerts 1978-1981 and early Clock DVA discography-attempt (by Steven O'Connor) Clock DVA
Postcard 1979 Clock DVA
postcard by Geoff Rushton of Coil Adi Newton
Postcard from 1979 Clock DVA
Poster Clock DVA Live Sheffield University, Bar 2, 13th November 1979 Clock DVA
Poster Live Atmosphere March 18th Clock DVA
Poster University London 1980 Clock DVA
Poster with Metabolist and Religious Overdose Clock DVA
PTI Infosheet and Photo Clock DVA
Simon, Judd and Adi Clock DVA at The Limit 1978-07-25 Clock DVA
The New Product Info 1981 Clock DVA
The Shadow & Its Reflection (with Andrew Darlington) Adi Newton
Thirst Studio-Lyric-Sheets Clock DVA
University of london Poster Clock DVA
We Cast Tall Shows (unreleased Lp-Prototype) Clock DVA
White Souls 78/79 Promo Clock DVA
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