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Anthony Phillips

Gender: Male
Country: United States
Description: British multinstrumentalist Anthony Phillips (born 23 December 1951 in Chiswick, West London, England) is probably best known as the original guitarist for the group Genesis, appearing on their first two albums "From Genesis to Revelation" (1969) and "Trespass" (1970). He later briefly played keyboards and guitar for Camel, appearing on their 11th studio album, "The Single Factor" (1982). Phillips left Genesis in 1970 after experiencing increasing stage fright. He began recording solo demos later that year including material that would eventually appear on his first solo album, "The Geese and the Ghost" (1977). He began studying music formally and took up the piano in 1971. Since 1977 Phillips has had a long and relatively successful solo career. He has recorded numerous soundtracks, solo albums and collaborations. He has also worked as a producer and recording engineer.