T-42 | | Male |
T. Diezanoise | United States | Male |
T. Isotani | Japan | Male |
T. Isotani / K. Yoshimatsu | Japan | Male |
T. Isotani, J. Nishiwaki, K. Yoshimatu | Japan | Male |
T. Kamada | Japan | Male |
T. Kamada & Koshi | Japan | Male |
T. Kamada & Koshi & Nakamura | Japan | Male |
T. Kamada & Kuramoto | Japan | Male |
T. Kamada & Usami | Japan | Male |
T. Kamada & Y. Ohi | Japan | Male |
T. Kamada & Yoshimatsu | Japan | Male |
T. Korgo ' S. Ootake ' Yximalloo | Japan | Male |
T. Kuramoto | Japan | Male |
T. Kuramoto / T. Isotani | Japan | Male |
T. Nakamura | Japan | Male |
T. Oldrat | France | Male |
T. Scholz | | Male |
T. Toeloeze | | |
T. Tukimoto | Japan | Male |
T. Tukimoto / T. Kamada | Japan | Male |
T.E. Musik | Germany | Male |
T.G.U. | | Male |
T.O.L.L. | Germany | Male |
T.S. Eliot | | Male |
T42 | | |
Tabea Blumenschein, Frieder Butzmann, Gudrun Gut & Bettina Köster | Germany | Mixed |
tac | | |
Tada Masami | | |
Tadeusz Kantor | | Male |
Täglich | Germany | Male |
TAG | | Male |
Taint | | |
Takami | Japan | Mixed |
Takashi Kako | | |
Takashi Kazamaki | | |
Take It | | |
Takehisa Kosugi | Germany | Male |
Takehisa Kosugi & David Tudor | | Male |
Takuya Sakaguchi | Japan | Male |
Talat Mahmood | | |
Taliesin | United Kingdom | |
Talk About Noise | | Male |
Talk Talk | United Kingdom | Male |
Talking Band | United States | Male |
Talking Heads | | |
Tam Quam Tabula Rasa | Italy | Male |
Tamarix | | |
Tana Emmolo-Smith / Joseph T. Jacobs | United States | Mixed |
Tangent | | Male |
Tangerine Dream | | Male |
Tangle Edge | | Male |
Tango Djoboko | Netherlands | Male |
Tango Luger | France | |
Tango Pervers | | Male |
Tank of Danzig | Germany | Male |
Tanks | | |
Tanz der Gartenzwerge | Germany | Male |
Tape | | Male |
Tape Heads Attack | | Male |
Tapehead | Denmark | Male |
Tapes & Intolerance | Italy | Male |
Tapeworm | United Kingdom | Male |
Tapis | | Male |
Tara Cross | United States | Female |
Tara Cross / Unovidual | | Male |
Taramantia / Azrael | | |
Tardos, Anne | | Male |
Tarkatak | | Male |
Tart | | |
Tasaday | Italy | Male |
Tasaday Die Form & Nulla Iperreale | Italy | Male |
TASS 2 | Germany | Male |
Taste of Stool | Canada | Male |
Tatsuya Nakamura Quartet | | |
Tav Falco | | Male |
Taxi | | |
TBC | | |
Tchimay | Japan | Male |
Tchimay & Airyfarm | Japan | Male |
Tea For Two | | Male |
Tear Ceremony | United States | Male |
Teatro Satanico | | |
Technique | | Male |
Techno Menses | Japan | Male |
Technological Aquiver | Netherlands | Male |
Technoprimitives | United Kingdom | Male |
Technostria / Telepherique | | |
Technova | | |
Tecnica Material | | Male |
Tecnica Material / Ventral Metaphor | Spain | |
Tecnoville | Netherlands | Male |
Ted Bundy & Ed Kemper | United Kingdom | Male |
Ted Hickey | | Male |
Ted Hughes | United Kingdom | Male |
Ted Joans | Germany | Male |
Teddy Charles, Hall Overton, Ed Shaughnessy | | |
Teddy Edwards With Les McCann Ltd. | | |
Tee Vees | | |
Tee-Vees | United Kingdom | Male |
Teen Lesbians & Androids/Kustom Kar Kommanndos | United States | Male |
Teen Lesbians & Animals | United States | Male |
Teen Lesbians & Animals | United States | Male |
Teen Lesbians & Anvils/Teen Lesbians & Aliens | | Male |
Teen Lesbians & Anvils/Teen Lesbians & Animal | | Male |
Teenage Idol | Germany | |
Teenage Jesus & the Jerks | United States | Mixed |
Teja Schmitz | Germany | Male |
Tejo Bolten | France | Male |
Tekachi | | |
Tekst | Canada | Male |
Telecorps | | |
Telepherique | | |
Telepherique / Cruel Science In Babylon | | |
Telepherique / Seg | | |
Telepherique / Thirdorga | | |
Television | United States | Male |
Television Personalities | United Kingdom | Male |
Telex | | |
Tem Oph Ab | | |
Tem Oph Ab / No | | |
Tem Oph Ab / Psychologische Abwehrfront | | |
Temenos | | Male |
Tempest | | |
Tempesta Noire | Germany | Male |
Tempo | Germany | |
Tempo / Trashers | Germany | Male |
Ten Mad Mongers | | |
Ten Years After | | |
tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE | United States | Male |
tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Booed Usicians | United States | Male |
Terje Rypdal | | |
Terminus | Netherlands | Male |
Terre Blanche | United Kingdom | Male |
Terrence Dixon | | |
Terror Plan | | Male |
Terror World | Germany | Male |
Terrorplan | | Male |
Terrorplan / Acidity | | Male |
Terrorzone | Netherlands | Male |
Terry Allen | United States | Male |
Terry Atkinson | United Kingdom | Male |
Terry Day | United Kingdom | Male |
Terry Fox | Germany | Male |
Terry J Ward | United States | Male |
Terry Oldfield | United States | Male |
Terry Oldfield With Sally Oldfield | United States | Male |
Terry Riley | United States | Male |
Terumasa Hino | | |
Terumasa Hino, Heinz Sauer, Peter Warren, Pierre Favre | | |
Terveet Kadet | | Male |
Tesendalo | Germany | Male |
Tesendalo & Telepherique | | |
Tesendalo / Kopfschmerztablette | Germany | Male |
Test Department | United Kingdom | Male |
Test Department /NON (Boyd Rice) | | Male |
Testkard 225 | Israel | Male |
Tetsuya Fukui | Japan | Male |
Teurer Denn Je | | Male |
Tex and the Happy MME Theatre | | Male |
Tex Morton | | Male |
Tex Sound | | Male |
Texte & Zeichen Kobinat | Germany | Male |
Texture Sextet | | |
Thae Collective | | Male |
Thanateros | | |
That Backdoor Man | Germany | Male |
Thatcher on Acid | | Male |
The 012 | | Male |
The 012 / Sellouts | United Kingdom | |
The 101'ers | United Kingdom | Male |
the 12th st. Academy Band | | |
the 49th Parallel | Germany | Male |
The A | | Male |
The Actor | Netherlands | Male |
The Adventures of Twizzle | United Kingdom | Male |
The Advocate | United Kingdom | |
The Agitators | United Kingdom | |
The Algy Krebbs Quartet | | Male |
The Amazing Fuckedtones | | Male |
the Amboy Dukes | | |
The Anatomical Theater | | Male |
The Ancestry | United Kingdom | |
the Animated Egg | | |
The Answer | | Male |
The Anti Group (T.A.G.C.) | United Kingdom | Male |
The Apostles | United Kingdom | Male |
The Arnold Incorporated | United Kingdom | Male |
The Art Effects | Canada | |
The Art Effects / Zeitgeist | Canada | |
The Art of Love | Germany | Male |
The Art of Noise | | |
The Aryan Aquarians | United Kingdom | |
The Ascent | | Male |
The Astronauts | | |
The Awakening | | |
The B-52's | United States | Mixed |
The Bad Examples | | Male |
The Barking Boys and The Yes Girls | | Male |
The Barnies | | Male |