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Gender: Male
Country: United Kingdom
Description: Alan Freeman,
Self-taught musical explorer, working in the realms of experimental music, synthesizer, avant-garde, improv. Involved in numerous projects along with his brother Steve Freeman, notably Alto Stratus and the more recent prolific projects: Endgame and Triax (on the Auricle label). Alan is the chief writer of Audion magazine and co-author of the acclaimed Krautrock encyclopedia "The Crack In The Cosmic Egg" and partner in Ultima Thule (established 1989).
In Groups: Alto Stratus, Biomechanoid, Endgame, Escape Route, Extremities, Holy Atheist, Impromptu Electronic, Newt Hounds, The, Polymorph, Quadelectronic, Scanner Game, Shapeshifter, Triax, Vrije, Zircon & The Burning Brains, Zircon Game

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