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Country: Germany
German rock band who went though many styles during their history. Formed in Mönchengladbach by classically trained art student Jürgen Dollase in autumn 1971 as Blitzkrieg, with an international cast of: American Bill Barone, Dutchman Jerry Berkers, and local friend Harald Grosskopf. After only a couple of concerts, they were quickly spotted and eagerly signed up by Pilz. But, there proved to be a problem, also touring Germany at the time was a British band called Blitzkrieg, so a change of name was needed. They decided on Wallenstein, a notorious character of the Thirty Years War.
Wallenstein's debut LP was classical rock with the accent on power, totally befitting the title Blitzkrieg. Further records saw a shift in focus, folkier and more diverse on Mother Universe, which was more Jerry Berkers show (after which he left and went solo), and then the definitive "Symphonic Rock Orchestra Wallenstein" sound of their Kosmische Musik LP's. After Jürgen and Harald collaborated with Ash Ra Tempel members on the Cosmic Jokers' albums, Harald departed and there was then a gradual all-change except for Jürgen, reincarnated with the not bad No More Love before moving into pop music.