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Velvet Curtains
Press/Orga: Curtains
Velvet Curtains (1974) 76pp
Colette Deblé: cover drawing
Bernard Noël: (essay) Poetry and experience
Georges Bataille: (poems) Pain / Mademoiselle my sweet / Piss / Roman style / Laughing / O skull anus… / my folly and my fear / almanac of the washing of ink / I lose you in the wind / I’ve nothing to do in this world / my heart is cold I tremble / star stabs the sky / blindfold me / the feast will start / you are the horror of the night / you lead me right to the end
Jeff Nuttall: drawings
Georges Bataille: (poem) The undifferentiated Being is nothing
Jack Hirschman: poem on Bataille
Georges Bataille: The Orestia
Bernard Noël: (review): The unfinished/infinite of Bataille
Bernard Noël: (review) A voice and person… (Maurice Blanchot)
Maurice Blanchot: (récit) The Madness of the Day
Maurice Blanchot: (prose) Waiting
Jean Frémon (review) reading Maurice Blanchot
Jean Frémon: (review) To disengage the vertebrae (Bernard Noël)
Bernard Noël: (poem) the game of you I us
Bernard Noël: (prose) Memories of the pale
Claude Bonnefoy: (review) The movement of words (Bernard Noël)
Paul Buck: (essay) or wholeness (Bataille, Blanchot & Noël)
Maurice Blanchot: Translation

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