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The Rosetta Stone

Artist: Philip Perkins

Year: 1986
Country: United States
Label: Fun Music
Catalog No: Fun 15
Format: Tape
 The Rosetta Stone   side A

The Rosetta Stone is a piece about translation, and the mental processes that contribute to it; about simultaneity -- the way multiple minds can hold the same idea at the same time but express this idea in very different ways; and about how very young children perceive sound and language as essentially the same phenomena-- with occasional windows of understanding.

Also heard are the music and voices of:

Zachary Perkins; Nancy Buddock; Zoe Orcutt; Linda Stouch; Guy Orcutt; San Francisco State Chorale (1979) singing “What Wondrous Love” (Trad.), Fred Goff, Conductor; Musicians and Cast Members of the Canton Opera Co. production of “Choosing a Wife” (Trad.), San Francisco, 1986

Special thanks to:

68 Films, Inc.,

The Residents.

Horizontal   side B

Horizontal was commissioned as intermission music for the theatre/performance piece show, “A Language Landscape,” in 1985. In it I was interested in “thinning out” the usually dense sound of my work by making a piece that was “horizontal’ in structure, spacious in texture, and which  would develop over a comparatively long period of time.

Special thanks to;

Lynette Taylor,

Group One Productions.

©(P) 1986 Philip Perkins

Prose electro-acoustics, location recordings, interactive processing

Cover art and design -- Your Mom’s Unlimited

FUN MUSIC 171 South park, San Francisco, CA 94107 (Fun 15)

Write for catalog of music by Philip Perkins, Scott Fraser, david Ocker, and “Blue” Gene Tyranny.