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Offerta Speciale

Years running:
Country: Italy
Offerta Speciale was a Turin-based magazine of poetry and multimedia art published twice a year by sound poets / visual artists Carla Bertola and Alberto Vitacchio, who founded it in 1978 along with the journalist, poet and artist Delfino Maria Rosso. Carla and Alberto are prominent disseminators of Italian experimental literature, both in Italy and worldwide. The first issue of Offerta Speciale appeared in April 1978, and presented only experimental poetry texts (linear and visual) without any editorial or criticism. The magazine has continued to promote underground editorial activities through the years, in the form of little books in limited editions, cassettes and CDs of sound poetry, and mail art. The presentation of Offerta Speciale editions evokes a meal, both through the cover art depicting food, and the release title Pâté De Voix, which speaks of this couple's insatiable appetite for every genre of experimental poetry, including the futuristic "poems to be eaten", presented repeatedly in Turin, recalling Marinetti's culinary interests such as his cookbook "La Cucina Futurista" and a restaurant "Le Taverna del Santopalato". Altogether there were nine Pâté de Voix sound poetry audio cassettes which were released between 1985 and 1999.