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Artist: Doo-Dooettes

Year: 1982
Country: United States
Catalog No: Los Angeles Free Music Society, L.A.F.M.S.#14 The Solid Eye A1
Format: Vinyl Lp

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A1 - this is the music from an Italian film entitled "Zombie", this version is the 'Ettes testimonial to horror.
A2 - recorded live on KCRW, Los Angeles; 3AM, April 4, 1982, on Brent Wilcox's "FRGK" program.
A3 - this is an excerpt from a longer piece, presented here is the first ten minutes; no overdubs or edits.
A4 - no comment.
A5 - environment created live entirely by mouth and limb.
B1 - this piece grew out of an annoying song Dennis used to play incessantly whenever he encountered a piano, by recording it in the studio and making it a big number we hoped we would cure him of the habit. It worked.
B2 - after working on "Zombie" in the studio and dealing with all that structure, we had to flex our improving muscles. Dr. Phibes was the result. If you listen carefully you can hear him speak as he arrives in town.
B3 - a condensation of 20 minute piece down to about three. A random sampling with flavor enhancers by Tom.
B4 - excerpt of a piece used by Doug Henry in his film of the same name. Title courtesy Doug.
B5 - our version of "Nights in the Gardens of Spain"?
B6 - is not listed on the cover or labels, only on the insert. this tracks starts at the end of the side and run into the lock groove.

Recorded at The Sound Chamber in November 1981 except track A2 which was recorded at KCRW Radio, Los Angeles.
Mastered at Kendun. Pressing by KM.
Thanks to Kevin Laffey, Erling and Dagmar Nilsen, Dave Nold, Jan Paulhus, Paul Sanoian, Tom Potts, Mark Takeuchi and LAFMS.

Includes single-sided 11.5" square insert with credits.

All songs except "Zombie" are published by Solid Eye Music through B.M.I.
© & ? 1981/82