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L.A. Free Music Society Live At The Brand
Artist: Le Forte Four / Doo-Dooettes
Year: 1976
Country: United States
Catalog No: Los Angeles Free Music Society LAFMS#03/4
Format: Vinyl Lp-2

A1 | –Le Forte Four | Birth Of Largie Schrapnel | |
A2 | –Le Forte Four | The Very First Song I Ever Wrote | |
A3 | –Le Forte Four | M-M-M | |
A4 | –Le Forte Four | Keep That Point Up | |
A5 | –Le Forte Four | 4,000 Holes In Blackburn, Lancashire | |
A6 | –Le Forte Four | Telethon Returns | |
A7 | –Le Forte Four | From The 12 Pages | |
A8 | –Le Forte Four | Tree Shredding Blues | |
A9 | –Le Forte Four | Do The Crow | |
A10 | –Le Forte Four | Balanced Comfort | |
A11 | –Le Forte Four | Telethon Returns | |
A12 | –Le Forte Four | Internal C.B. Breakage | |
A13 | –Le Forte Four | Good Friday Tape Dumb Session #1 | |
B1 | –Le Forte Four | Reel World | |
B2 | –Le Forte Four | Columbia-Princeton Low Priority Soybean Meal | |
B3 | –Le Forte Four | Telethon Returns | |
B4 | –Le Forte Four | Down The Congo In A Backward Canoe | |
B5 | –Le Forte Four | Telethon Returns Continues | |
B6 | –Le Forte Four | Welcome To 35 South Raymond | |
B7 | –Le Forte Four | Darker Scratcher | |
B8 | –Le Forte Four | Diaramma I | |
B9 | –Le Forte Four | Diaramma II | |
B10 | –Le Forte Four | HHHMMM | |
B11 | –Le Forte Four | Telethon Returns | |
B12 | –Le Forte Four | Good Friday Tape Dumb Session II | |
B13 | –Le Forte Four | Shoe Spot | |
B14 | –Le Forte Four | Meet The Detectives | |
B15 | –Le Forte Four | Simple Circus | |
C1 | –Doo-Dooettes | Mojave | |
C2 | –Doo-Dooettes | Silver Hours | |
C3 | –Doo-Dooettes | Twenty-Four (24) | |
C4 | –Doo-Dooettes | Children Undressing Animals (Part One) | |
D1 | –Doo-Dooettes | Children Undressing Animals (Part Two) | |
D2 | –Fredrik Nilsen | Green |
- Drums [Cyanide], Performer [Fire Cracker, Ground Bloom Flower, Melody Mikes, Hummers, Keymonica, Vocal Tube, Something, Reeded Hummer, Headphones, Jet Airplane, Billiard Table, Carol Lawrence], Vocals, Whistle [Slide], Piano [Acoustically Altered Finger], Tapes, Synthesizer [Steiner-parker], Voice [Vocal Tube Breathing] – Tom Potts (tracks: A1, A6, A7, A10, A11, B1, B3 to B6, B8, B9, B11 to B14)
- Performer [Spring Reverb Shorts, Hummers, Bats, Electric Music Box, Viala-sound Boppers, Downstairs Refrigerator, Window Sash, Telephone], Vocals, Xylophone, Tape, Whistle [Slide], Guitar [Budget Rent-a-guitar], Clarinet, Tabla, Voice [Aside Comment, More Introductions] – Chip Chapman (tracks: A1, A4, A6, A7, A9, A10, A12, B2, B3, B5 to B8, B11, B13 to B15)
- Performer [Switch, Obone, Book On Head, Marks-a-lot On Paper Towel, Crutch, Table, Shoecaster, Nurges, Sandpaper, Pencil], Violin, Vocals [Cassette], Guitar [Gift], Voice [Impersonations, Dialect From Hamburger Land, Introductions, Oil Can Directives], Zither [Whipped], Synthesizer [Steiner-parker], Drums [Cyanide], Accordion, Harp – Joe Potts (tracks: A5, A7, A9, A13, B5, B6, B12 to B14)
- Recorded By, Mixed By – Jan Paulshus (tracks: C1 to C4, D1 to D2)
- Tape, Performer [Tv, Thunder Sheet With King Kong Mallet, Congolies, Toybox, Applause, Slide Bamboozler, Alfredo Slax, Oil Can, Coffee, Luxo-lamp Springs, Film Cartridge Cranker, Squeakless Plastic Hamburger, Burnt-out Lightbulb In A Paper Sack, Table, Vocal Tube, Keymonica, Pachinko Ball In A Pot, Hummer, Double Hummer, Headphones, Madge], Effects [Doctored], Piano, Turntable [Record Manipulations], Tabla [Popcorn-can], Percussion [Hand, Largie Schrapnel Percussion Machine], Vocals, Xylophone, Trumpet [Record Player], Saw [Musical], Harp, Guitar, Voice [Dialogue, Laughs, Background Talking, Mr. Announcer, Introductions, Throaty Belch] – Rick Potts (tracks: A1 to A3, A6 to A11, A13, B1, B3, B5, B6, B8 to B14)
On July 8th, 1976, the Doo-Dooettes and Le Forte Four as representatives of the L.A. Free Music Society gave a performance at the Brand Art Center in Glendale, California. For their portion of the event, Le Forte Four tried to play back prerecorded tapes through 44 pyramid shaped headphones. Both the tapes and the headphones were specifically designed for the concert. The Doo-Dooettes played live.
L-44 wishes to thank: Steve Jackson, John Payne, Sean Phillips and Bob Wallace. L.A.F.M.S. wishes to thank: Cunningham Press, (mastering by) Mister Ed, Marilyn at the Brand, Jan Paulshus, the Bikini Fan Club, Ettes-cetera. Doo-Dooettes give special thanks to Ace for saxaphone [sic] on "Children", Smegma for spiritual and financial support, to Jan Paulshus for the recording and mixing and to Thomas Foon MacFarlane for help on "Mojave".
L-44 wishes to thank: Steve Jackson, John Payne, Sean Phillips and Bob Wallace. L.A.F.M.S. wishes to thank: Cunningham Press, (mastering by) Mister Ed, Marilyn at the Brand, Jan Paulshus, the Bikini Fan Club, Ettes-cetera. Doo-Dooettes give special thanks to Ace for saxaphone [sic] on "Children", Smegma for spiritual and financial support, to Jan Paulshus for the recording and mixing and to Thomas Foon MacFarlane for help on "Mojave".
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