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Jackson Mac Low
Gender: Male
Country: United States
Description: Jackson was a poet (born in 1922) was a composer, writer of performance pieces, essays, radio works and plays, a painter and multimedia performance artist. He is best known for his poetry however, and had many books published in his life time. He pushed the written and spoken forward in a way that was as radical was what John Cage (who composed music for one of Mac Low's plays) did with music. Much of his later work was done in collaboration with his second wife, Anne Tardos. Among his other collaborators was La Monte Young with whom he published the legendary book An Anthology (which included contributions from George Brecht, Claus Bremer, Earle Brown, Joseph Byrd, John Cage, David Degener, Walter De Maria, Henry Flynt, Yoko Ono, Dick Higgins, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Terry Jennings, Dennis, Ding Dong, Ray Johnson, Jackson Mac Low, Richard Maxfield, Malka Safro, Simone Forti, Nam June Paik, Terry Riley, Diter Rot, James Waring, Emmett Williams, Christian Wolff, and La Monte Young).
To celebrate his 75th birthday, Crayon magazine published a book and CD titled "Festschrift for Jackson Mac Low's 75th Birthday" with pieces from Jackson Mac Low's friends from around the world. Among the contributors to this was Sten Hanson who has stated that Mac Low is his favorite poet [see the track "That Jackson Is My Favourite Poet" on the CD Text-Sounds Gems & Trinkets].

Related Releases
Aspen Magazine No.8 Fall-Winter La Monte Young / Jackson Mac Low
Black Box No. 02 Various
Concert At The Kitchen 1980 Jackson Mac Low
Hommage to Leona Bleiweiss Part 1 (with Pauline Oliveros) Jackson Mac Low
Hommage to Leona Bleiweiss Part 2 (with Pauline Oliveros) Jackson Mac Low Linebreak 10 Jackson Mac Low / Bruce Andrews
Poems For Peace Various
Poetry & Music Jackson Mac Low
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Scribble Music Sampler Franz Kamin
Songs And Simultaneities Jackson Mac Low And Anne Tardos The 8-Voice Stereo-Canon Realization (11/25/73) Jackson Mac Low
The 8-Voice Stereo-Canon Realization (11/25/73) Jackson Mac Low The 8-Voice Stereo-Canon Realization (11/25/73) Jackson Mac Low
The 8-Voice Stereo-Canon Realization 11/25/73 Of The Black Tarantula Crossword Gathas S/Sided, C90 Jackson Mac Low
Totally Corrupt (The Dial-A-Poem Poets) Various
Voice Tracks Carles Santos
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August Light Poems (Caterpillar 9) 1967 Jackson Mac Low
Light Poem for Larry Eigner (Tetrad Press) 1969 Jackson Mac Low
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The Pronouns (Station Hill) Jackson Mac Low
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The Tiwn Plays (Great Baer Pamphlet) Jackson Mac Low
the Virginia Woolf Poems (Burning Deck) Jackson Mac Low
Related Press & Org Literature
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