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Guy Reibel
Gender: Male
Country: France
Guy Reibel (1936, Strasbourg, France) is a conductor, a composer, a teacher and a promoter of electroacoustic music. Reibel studied music at the Conservatoire de Paris (now CNSM). He has been a member of the Groupe de recherches musicales (GRM) from 1963 to 1983. He's also responsible for the realization of the sonic version of the Traité des objets musicaux from Pierre Schaeffer.
Producer from 1977 to 1986 for public radio stations France Culture & France Musique. Founder of the choir workshop of Radio France focused on premiering challenging contemporary works. Conductor of Groupe Vocal de France from 1986 to 1990 with which he recorded the complete Ligeti works for voice. Now conductor of Radio France Choir on a regularly basis from 1991.
First assistant of Pierre Schaeffer during his electroacoustic composition courses at CNSM before fully establishing himself as a teacher from 1976.
Producer from 1977 to 1986 for public radio stations France Culture & France Musique. Founder of the choir workshop of Radio France focused on premiering challenging contemporary works. Conductor of Groupe Vocal de France from 1986 to 1990 with which he recorded the complete Ligeti works for voice. Now conductor of Radio France Choir on a regularly basis from 1991.
First assistant of Pierre Schaeffer during his electroacoustic composition courses at CNSM before fully establishing himself as a teacher from 1976.

Related Releases
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Electronic Panorama: Paris, Tokyo, Utrecht, Warszawa Various
Granulations-Sillages / Franges Du Signe Guy Reibel
L'Image Éconduite Philippe Mion
Langages Imaginaires Guy Reibel
Musique Concrète - Elektroakustische Musik Various
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Variations En Étoile / Deux Études Aux Modulations / Suite Pour Edgar Poe Guy Reibel
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Les Musiques électroacoustiques - Couverture souple Chion, Michel; Reibel, Guy; Institut National De L'audiovisuel, Groupe De Recherches Musicales Guy Reibel