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Every Electric Part Of You

Artist: Dave Fuglewicz

Year: 1992
Country: United States
Catalog No: Dbar Tapes
Format: Tape
Information from the album page at the Internet Archive:
Every Electric Part Of You was released in February of 1992 on cassette. This was my third release, issued after "Industrial Strength #2".
My equipment at this time: ARP 2600, ARP Odyssey, ARP Sequencer, modified Casio keyboard, Digitech 7.6 Delay, several effects "stomp" boxes, some home made synthesizer modules.
All tracks recorded to my trusty four track Vesta-Fire MR-10B cassette deck, unless noted..
The cassette was also released through Dancing Bear Audio Research while it was in existence, it was DBAR #16 in their catalog.
Individual track notes:
1) "The Dance Of Wendy": completed November, 1991, made with a mad synthesizer dervish dance in mind.
2) "Vortex Generator": completed November, 1991, analog synth goodness.
3) "UFO's In Onionland": completed March, 1991. This was inspired by a recent newspaper article (1991) that reported on some UFO sightings in the area of Vidalia, south Georgia, home of the sweet onion.
4) "Stray Gravity Waves": completed May, 1988, Sound On Sound recording.
5) "The Tale": completed January, 1991.
6) "Coffee In The Fourth Dimension": completed September, 1991.
7) "Not On This Planet You Don't": completed April, 1988 Sound On Sound recording. One of the first of my "they're going to destroy our planet" compositions.
8) "Floating Pyramids": completed April, 1991. Sometimes those peer amids fly low, watch out!
9) "Metallic Whirlpool": completed December, 1990. A whirlpool of molten metal. swirling, ever swirling.
10) "The Tower": completed: completed August, 1991. All along the Tower.
11) "Every Electric Part Of You": completed December, 1990. By far, this was the most complex composition I'd attempted at that time, I worked on it for two months.