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Artist: Laxative Souls (LXSS)
Year: 1984
Country: United Kingdom
Label: Recloose Organisation
Catalog No: Recloose Organisation, Loose 003 C
Format: Tape
B Untitled
B Untitled
- Producer – Simon Crabtree*
"Desinfektionsraum" was a re-release on Recloose Organisation in a 3xMC box set, along with Observation Clinique's "The Mental Answer 1" and Pierpaolo Zoppo's (Mauthausen Orchestra) "2nd Movement." The cover was a foldout more neutral in style, in a dreary olive or similat tint. The tapes were given catalog numbers Loose 3 A through C.
The original edition was released on the artist's own label Multiple Configuration and called 'The Definitive'; the Recloose Org. release has the original rough and slightly different mix.
The original edition was released on the artist's own label Multiple Configuration and called 'The Definitive'; the Recloose Org. release has the original rough and slightly different mix.
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Simon CrabRelated Labels-Literature
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