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Culture - Post Mortem
Press/Orga: Culture
Format: Mag/Lit
Das Synthetische Mischgewebe, Survival Reseach L, La Fua dels Baus, Einstuerzende Neubauten, Foetus...

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8 Aspects of Vice Versa
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Adrenalin / Distant Dreams (Part Two) Throbbing Gristle
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All 5 Industrial Records Lp's (pictures with Second Annual) Throbbing Gristle
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Assume Power Focus Throbbing Gristle
At Ajanta Cinema, Derby Throbbing Gristle
At Ajanta Cinema, Derby Throbbing Gristle
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At Centro Iberico, London Throbbing Gristle At Final Academy William S. Burroughs
At Goldsmith's College, London Throbbing Gristle
At Goldsmiths College, London 13th March 1980 Throbbing Gristle
At Leeds Fan Club / Scala, London / Oundle School Monte Cazazza
At Leeds Fan Club / Scala, London / Oundle School Monte Cazazza
At Leeds Fan Club 24th February 1980 Throbbing Gristle
At Now Society, Sheffield University Throbbing Gristle
At Nuffield Theatre, Southampton Throbbing Gristle
At Oundle Public School 16th March 1980 Throbbing Gristle
At Sheffield University 10th June 1980 Throbbing Gristle
At The Air Gallery Winchester Throbbing Gristle
At The Architectural Association, London Throbbing Gristle
At The Architectural Association, London Throbbing Gristle
At The Art School Winchester Throbbing Gristle
At the Art School Winchester Throbbing Gristle
At The Brighton Polytechnic Throbbing Gristle
At The Brighton Polytechnic Throbbing Gristle
At The Brighton Polytechnic Throbbing Gristle
At The Crypt Club, London Throbbing Gristle
At The Factory, Manchester Throbbing Gristle
At The Guild Hall, Northampton Throbbing Gristle
At The Highbury Roundhouse, London Throbbing Gristle
At The Highbury Roundhouse, London Throbbing Gristle
At The ICA London Throbbing Gristle
At The ICA London Throbbing Gristle
At The Industrial Training College, Wakefield Throbbing Gristle
At The London Film Makers Co-Op Throbbing Gristle
At The Nag's Head, High Wycombe Throbbing Gristle
At The Rat Club The Valentino Rooms Throbbing Gristle
At The Rat Club, London Throbbing Gristle
At The Rat Club, London Throbbing Gristle
At The YMCA, London Throbbing Gristle
Audio Arts Magazine Volume 2 Number 2 Carl Andre
Aural Demimonde Allegory Chapel Ltd.
Aural Domimende Allegory Chapel Ltd.
Austrian Radio Special Throbbing Gristle
Avondland Zombies Under Stress
Back To The Basics Lord Litter Back To The Basics - Special Edition Lord Litter Bad Alchemy 23 Various Bad Alchemy 24 Various
Band-It 11 Cassette Magazine Various
Befehlsnotstand Nocturnal Emissions
Berlin 2 Throbbing Gristle
Best of Volume... I Throbbing Gristle
Best of Volume... I Throbbing Gristle
Best of Volume... I / The Best of Volume I Throbbing Gristle
Best of Volume... I / The Best of Volume I Throbbing Gristle
Best of Volume... II Throbbing Gristle
Best of Volume... II Throbbing Gristle
Best Of... Volume II Throbbing Gristle
Beyond Jazz Funk TG Psychic Rally In Heaven - 23rd December 1980 London Throbbing Gristle
Blut und Blüte Various Body W/O Organs Amor Fati Body W/O Organs Amor Fati Bonn Rheinterassen 22-07-83 Nocturnal Emissions
Bonn Rheinterrassen 1983 Nocturnal Emissions
Bonn Rheinterrassen 22-07-83 Nocturnal Emissions
Break Through In Grey Room William S. Burroughs
Brief Exclamations and Outbursts Various
Broken Sounds Of A Dying Culture Frozen Faces
Burn, Berlin, Burn! Atari Teenage Riot
C14LTD Allegory Chapel Ltd. Call me Burroughs William S. Burroughs Call me Burroughs William S. Burroughs
Call me Burroughs William S. Burroughs Call me Burroughs William S. Burroughs
Call Me Burroughs William S. Burroughs
cantate des mots cames (1977) François Dufrêne
Cassingle Larry Mondello Band Cellarful Of Noise J.D.M.
Chaos Nocturnal Emissions Christmas Candlelight Don Slepian Cobwebs Various
Coeurs A Prendre Various
Commisioner of Sewer William S. Burroughs Commisssioner of Sewer William S. Burroughs
Compilation Various
Compuspeak June 21 1986 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Computer don't Breakdown Don Slepian
Confession Lord Litter
confirmation Allegory Chapel Ltd.
Consider Museums As Concentration Camps/Another Miracle Culturcide Copenhagen 29 10 1983 William S. Burroughs
Crystal Maggi Payne
Culture Shock Culture Shock
CV for Rod Vittore Baroni
D.o.A. The Third And Final Report Throbbing Gristle
D.o.A. The Third And Final Report Throbbing Gristle
Dada For Ever Vittore Baroni
Dave Oz Zack October 84 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra) De Natura Sonorum Bernard Parmegiani
De Natura Sonorum Bernard Parmegiani Death Of The Giant Killer Ant Lord Litter
Deathday Nocturnal Emissions Deathday Nocturnal Emissions
Dedans Dehors Bernard Parmegiani
Dedans Dehors Bernard Parmegiani
Dedicated to Kantor Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra) Demimonde Voices Allegory Chapel Ltd.
Descended Trash Vol. 1 Lord Litter
Descended Trash Vol.2 Lord Litter
Destiny Throbbing Gristle
Digilogue Zoviet France
Digitaria The Anti Group (T.A.G.C.)
Discipline Throbbing Gristle
Display Propaganda Absolute Value Of Noise Double-Sided Two Track Promo Die Werkpiloten
Dreams Must Be Made By Muscle - Running for Cover is No Solution Metropolie Trans
Dromgoole Larry Mondello Band
Drowning In A Sea Of Bliss Nocturnal Emissions
Drowning In A Sea Of Bliss (Anthems Of The Meat Generation) Nocturnal Emissions
Duty Experiment (1982-1984 Years) Nocturnal Emissions
Duty Experiment (1982-1984 Years) original Master-Reel Nocturnal Emissions
Dyskinesia Nocturnal Emissions
Editions Frankfurt-Berlin Throbbing Gristle
Ein Gespräch Joseph Beuys
Electronic Music from the Rainbow Isle Don Slepian
Embryo & Yoruba Dun Dun Orchester Feat. Muraina Oyelami Embryo Embryo Presents Sadja, Feat: Kenneth Wells (Sarod) Sadja
Energy Beings Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Energy Exchange Nocturnal Emissions Enkele Gemotiveerde Produktiemedewerkers Various
Eostre Zoviet France
Er ist tief und dein Wasser ist dunkler Various
Escape from Noise Negativland
Escape from Noise Negativland
Extreme Abuse Gay Animal Women
Face Value Noise Culture
Fake Feelings Institute And Audio Leter Present... ? Fake Feeling Institute
FFM 11-10-80 Throbbing Gristle
Five Albums Throbbing Gristle
Foreign Matter Exists/Six Is Ten Larry Mondello Band
Foreplay - live Vets Auditorium Throbbing Gristle
Four Star Mondello Larry Mondello Band
French Gigs Lol Coxhill & Fred Frith From Science To Ritual S.P.K.
From Science To Ritual S.P.K.
Fruiting Body Nocturnal Emissions
Führer Der Menschheit Throbbing Gristle
Führer der Menschheit Throbbing Gristle
Fun With Static Larry Mondello Band
Funeral in Berlin Throbbing Gristle Gargoyle Mechanique Nocturnal Emissions
Germany Various
Germany - A Bain Total Sampler Various Gesture Signal Threat Zoviet France
Gethsemane Allegory Chapel Ltd.
Ghosts at Nr.9 William S. Burroughs
Global Network Neo-global network (K.Harrison & Peter Every)
Granulations-Sillages / Franges Du Signe Guy Reibel
Greatest Hits - Entertainment Through Pain Throbbing Gristle
Gris Zoviet France
Guns Negativland
Half Alive Die Werkpiloten
Hamburg / Berlin 1983 Nocturnal Emissions
Hamburg Live 31-7-83 / Berlin 5.8.83 Nocturnal Emissions Heathen Earth Throbbing Gristle
Heathen Earth Throbbing Gristle
Heathen Earth Throbbing Gristle
Heathen Earth Throbbing Gristle
Heaven 23-12-1980 Throbbing Gristle
Helter Stupid Negativland
Herzlichen Glückwunsch: The Sampler Various
Hollywood Songs & other Pieces Vittore Baroni
Hundred Points Album Plastic People
Hurra, Hurra, Titanic Ulrich Bogislav Hyper Hour (1984-1988) Lord Litter
Hypnotischer Existenzialismus Gerechtigkeits Liga
I Like Noise Vittore Baroni
ICA London 9th August 1985 Nocturnal Emissions
Ich Weiss Nichts / Ich Weiss Null Monoton (Konrad Becker)
Imaginary Time Nocturnal Emissions
in Art Vivant 14 Joseph Beuys
In Stahlgewittern Various In The Afterglow Lord Litter
In The Shadow Of The Sun Throbbing Gristle In Vitro / 6 Live Bands Album, C90 Various
International Hymns Vittore Baroni
Interview A & B Throbbing Gristle
Interviews With Wiliam Furlong And Michael Newman At The Victoria & Albert Museum Joseph Beuys
Invocation Of The Beast Gods original Master-Reel Nocturnal Emissions
IRCA / IRC B Interview Tapes from 24 hour Box Throbbing Gristle
Islands In-Between Various
Jam Con '84 Negativland Jamcon '84 Negativland
January 1983 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra) January 24 1985 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Jeder Mensch ist ein Künstler 23 März 1978 Joseph Beuys
JJJ Interview Throbbing Gristle
Journey Through A Body Throbbing Gristle Journey to Harpistan Rüdiger Oppermann
July 29 1984 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra) July 84 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Kassandra François-Bernard Mâche
Kezar Pavillon Throbbing Gristle
Koitlaransk Kranioklast
Komm Mutter
L'Arbre Et Caetera Alain Savouret La Vie En Nevrose DZ Lectric
Langages Imaginaires Guy Reibel
Largos (for Learning, Loving & Living) Don Slepian Largos Album Don Slepian
Lectures 95 Joseph Beuys
Lectures 96 Joseph Beuys
Lectures 97 Joseph Beuys
Letter to Rod Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Lipstick Traces Various
Live Allegory Chapel Ltd.
Live At Death Factory, May 79 Throbbing Gristle
Live at Factory Manchester 19-05-1979 (Assume Power Focus) Throbbing Gristle
Live at Kezar Palace San Francisco (Mission Of Dead Souls – The Last Live Performance Of TG) Throbbing Gristle
Live At Leeds Throbbing Gristle
Live at Mater Hall Larry Mondello Band
Live at Oundle School Throbbing Gristle
Live at Rafters Manchester Throbbing Gristle
Live at Rafters Manchester 1981 Throbbing Gristle Live At Ritzy Brixton 9 June 1983 Nocturnal Emissions
Live At Ritzy Brixton 9 June 1983 Nocturnal Emissions
Live at SO36 and Frankfurt Kunsthofschule Throbbing Gristle
Live Berlin Number 2 Throbbing Gristle
Live Bonn Rheinterrassen 22-7-83 Nocturnal Emissions
Live Corsham 29.05.1981 Nocturnal Emissions
Live Death Factory Manchester 18 May 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Live FFM Throbbing Gristle
Live Frankfurt Kunsthofschule 11-10-1980 Throbbing Gristle
Live From Death Factory Throbbing Gristle
Live From The Death Factory Throbbing Gristle
Live in Berlin 1 and 2 Throbbing Gristle
Live in Heaven Throbbing Gristle
Live In New York City, November 1983 Psychic TV
Live In Rome Nocturnal Emissions
Live Manchester Throbbing Gristle
Live Sciences 1979 Young Scientist
Live Sciences 1979 Young Scientist
Live C60 Pitfall & Six Minute War
Loh Land Zoviet France
Long String Installations 1982-1985 (with Johan Goedhart) Paul Panhuysen
Look Another View
Look Into Me Zoviet France
Low-life New Order
Low-Life New Order
Magnetizdat One: Three Ambient Music Pieces Nocturnal Emissions Magnetizdat One: Three Ambient Music Pieces Nocturnal Emissions
Mainspring Ben Neill
Making of Heathern Earth and Oundle School Throbbing Gristle
Mayfield Mornings Larry Mondello Band
Militaria Madness Lord Litter
Misfits, Loony Tunes And Squalid Criminals Zoviet France Mission Is Terminated / Nice Tracks (with Various Artists) Throbbing Gristle Mission of Dead Souls Throbbing Gristle
Mohnomishe Zoviet France
Monotonprodukt MCMLXXXIX Monoton (Konrad Becker)
Mouth of Babes Nocturnal Emissions Music and Movement The Door and The Window Music For Butoh Nocturnal Emissions
Music from the Death Factory Throbbing Gristle
Music from the Death Factory 12 and 18.June 1976 Throbbing Gristle
My New Life #6 Eugene Chadbourne
N Vittore Baroni
Native Dystopean Antonym
Near the Edge Editions - Ethnico Vittore Baroni
Negative Reaction Negative Reaction
Negative Reaction Negative Reaction
Negativland Negativland
Nemesis 3 Various
Neoist Life Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra) Neujahrskonferenz 8081 (as Wissenschaftliche Sensation) Monoton (Konrad Becker)
New Dawn Don Slepian
New Forecasts From The Third Ear Almanac Third Ear Band
New T.G. - live 76 Throbbing Gristle
New T.G. 1 and 2 Throbbing Gristle
Nine//Underground Various
No More Rock N Roll Lord Litter
No Odd Mass In The Void No Odd Mass in the Void
No Other Possibility Negativland
No Sacrifice / Uprising Nocturnal Emissions
Non Plus Ultra Kaiser Nietzsche
Normal Tape 2 Various
Norsch Zoviet France
Nostalgia die Forte Dei Marmi Vittore Baroni
Nothing Here Now But The Recordings William S. Burroughs Nothing Short Of A Total War Throbbing Gristle
Nothing Short Of A Total War Throbbing Gristle
Nothing Short Of A Total War Throbbing Gristle
November 21 1983 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Omnia Vincit Amor Metropolie Trans
On the Other Hand Lord Litter
Once a Renegade always a renegade Vittore Baroni
Once Upon A Time Throbbing Gristle
One World Poetry Various
Open Spaces Don Slepian
P.T.M. Works Ilitch
Pacal (The Shield) Philip Perkins
Parables From The Garden Allegory Chapel Ltd.
Pastimes / Industrial Muzac Throbbing Gristle
Performance At The ICA London Joseph Beuys
Permanent Transience The Door and The Window
plays Squeakybop Jugband The Door and The Window
plays two cellos March 14 86 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Points Negativland
Popular Soviet Songs And Youth Music Zoviet France
Prat Culture Scattered Order
Presents Music From The Undergound vol.1 Lord Litter
Presents Over The Edge Vol. 2: Pastor Dick Negativland
presents Over The Edge Vol.3 - The Weatherman Negativland
presents Over The Edge Vol.4 Negativland
Production Line The Door and The Window Psicofonie Tracksound 7 Vittore Baroni
Punky Meadows Meets Mr. Las Vegas Dan Fioretti
Quiet Naturally Lord Litter Radio Energia Ben Vautier / Luca Patella
Radio Special - Alien Soundtracks Throbbing Gristle
Rafters Throbbing Gristle
reads live Copenhagen 28-10-83 William S. Burroughs
Recording Heathen Earth / Live At Oundle School Throbbing Gristle
Reel All Itty Lord Litter
Reflections Don Slepian
Reflections Don Slepian
Rhythm Of Life Don Slepian
Rough Cuts 85 Lord Litter
Rub Oot The World Various
Rub Out The Word Various
Rubberstampin Vittore Baroni
Sacrifice Throbbing Gristle
same Yeast Culture
Satanic Verses Allegory Chapel Ltd.
Scala Cinema, London 29th February 1980 Throbbing Gristle Sea Channel transmission one Nocturnal Emissions
Sea Of Bliss Don Slepian
Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle
Sensationnel No. 2 Various
Sexorama Vol.2 Various
Shake Those Chains Rattle Those Cages Nocturnal Emissions
Shouting At The Ground Zoviet France
Slaving For The Great Dictator Various
Sleepwalkers Steven Smith & Richard Truhlar
Smiling with you April 18 1986 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
So Sad / New Arrangements Die Werkpiloten
SO36 Throbbing Gristle
Some more TG Tapes not on Industrial Records (1982-1984) Throbbing Gristle
some more Throbbing Gristle Releases 1979-1982 not on Industrial Records Throbbing Gristle
Something Different Lord Litter
Something For Nobody Monte Cazazza
Songs of Love and Revolution Nocturnal Emissions Sonic Perfume Don Slepian
Sonic Perfume Don Slepian
Sonne Statt Reagan Joseph Beuys
Space Age Lord Litter Space Age Lord Litter
Spare Ass Annie And Other Tales William S. Burroughs
Spiritflesh Nocturnal Emissions
Spiritflesh Nocturnal Emissions
Stairway To Hell / Sex Is No Emergency Monte Cazazza
Stockholms Elektronmusikfestival 1982 Various
Stoneface Nocturnal Emissions
Subhuman / Something Came Over Me Throbbing Gristle
Take the Trash Lord Litter
Tales About Death, Destruction And Everyday Fascism Lord Litter
Tarts Negative Reaction
Tentatives DZ Lectric
The "Priest" They Called Him (with Kurt Cobain) William S. Burroughs The 3 Track Demo Lord Litter
The Beating Of Wings Andrew Poppy Andrew Poppy The Best Of The Rest 17/18 Various
The Birmingham Basher Lord Litter
The Doctor Is On The Market William S. Burroughs
The Elvis Of Letters (with Gus Van Sant ) William S. Burroughs
The Fight Goes On Nocturnal Emissions
The Fighting Filipinos Various The Final Taboo Timothy Leary
The Final Taboo Timothy Leary
The Flavor of Lord Litter The Foetal Grave of Progress Nocturnal Emissions
The Future of War Atari Teenage Riot
The G-Far-I Geisterfahrer
The Grover is Walkin' on the Right Side Lord Litter
The Heterodox Conclusion Various
The Image And Its Ghost Lord Litter
The Impossible Humane Mixed Band Philanthropist
The Last LP: Unique Last Recordings Of The Music Of Ancient Cultures Michael Snow
The Nazi Suicides Throbbing Gristle The Nutty Songs Once Again Lord Litter
The Pleasure Culture Dier The Quickening Nocturnal Emissions
The Rhythm of Life Don Slepian
The Sea of Bliss Don Slepian
The Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle
The Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle The Sensual Art Of Wading (C60 Verboten And Tabu
The Tunes of Two Cities the Residents
The Warbler Larry Mondello Band
The Wonderful World Of Die Werkpiloten The World Is My Womb Nocturnal Emissions The World is my Womb Nocturnal Emissions
The World Is My Womb Nocturnal Emissions
Thee Psychick Sacrifice Throbbing Gristle
Themes 3 Psychic TV
Thinks The World Is Going Down Lord Litter
Three Allusive Tracks From Break Through In Grey Room William S. Burroughs
Three in One Video Throbbing Gristle
Tissue of Lies Nocturnal Emissions
TIssue of Lies Nocturnal Emissions
Tissue of Lies (Stamped Cover) Nocturnal Emissions
Tits, Zombies n'Assholes Lord Litter
To Mom On Mother's Day Monte Cazazza Torn Between Temptations Lord Litter Transearth Nocturnal Emissions
Traum:2 Blumfeld
Tremblement De Terre Très Doux François Bayle
Trip Allegory Chapel Ltd.
Tuba Lesson Larry Mondello Band
Twilight Marc Barreca Uncommon Quotes William S. Burroughs
Une Saison En Enfer Gilbert Amy
United (Master-Tape) Throbbing Gristle
United / Zyklon B Zombie Throbbing Gristle
Untitled Gay Animal Women
Utilities (An Album Of Collaborations) Kapotte Muziek Utrecht 1991 Nocturnal Emissions
Variations En Étoile / Deux Études Aux Modulations / Suite Pour Edgar Poe Guy Reibel
VECous Madley Vittore Baroni
Very Friendly Throbbing Gristle
Victims Of Circumstance / Speechless The Third State
Viral Shedding Nocturnal Emissions
Viva Los Angeles Various Walters Weekly BBC Interview William S. Burroughs
Warpilots Master Die Werkpiloten
Wat? Sanitär! Tom Dokoupil
Waterland Dan Söderqvist & Karl Gasleben
Wave Various
We Hate You (Little Girls) / Five Knuckle Shuffle Throbbing Gristle
when nature fails, art steps in Ice Cream Blisters
Whisky 23.5.82 Nocturnal Emissions
Who Told You, You Were Naked? Pink Industry
Wipe Out! Z'ev (Stefan Weisser)
Woosh Lord Litter
Woosh Lord Litter
Words Of Advice For Young People William S. Burroughs World Turning Nocturnal Emissions
World Wo? Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Year Of The Horse / L'Enfance De Vladimir Kobalt Jean Schwarz
You And What Army? Various
You Can Be Anyone This Time Around Timothy Leary You Greedy Little Devils C60 Various
Related Artists & Bands
Alain SavouretAllegory Chapel Ltd.Andrew PoppyBen NeillBernard ParmegianiCulture ShockDave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)Die WerkpilotenDon SlepianGay Animal WomenGuy ReibelIlitchJoseph BeuysLarry Mondello BandLord LitterMaggi PayneMetropolie TransMonoton (Konrad Becker)Monte CazazzaNegativlandNocturnal EmissionsNoise CulturePaul Buckprivate culture Rüdiger OppermannSadjaSperm CultureThe Door and The WindowThird Ear BandThrobbing GristleTimothy LearyTom DokoupilUlrich BogislavVice VersaVittore BaroniWilliam S. BurroughsYeast CultureZoviet FranceRelated Artists & Bands Literature
"Forgive us our Synth" article in Sounds 1981 Throbbing Gristle
"So Who Owns Death TV?" William S. Burroughs, Claude Pelieu, and Carl Weissner. William S. Burroughs
16 Photos by Peter Bargh Throbbing Gristle live at Rafters 4 December 1980 Throbbing Gristle
20 Jazz Funk Center Label Proof Sheet Throbbing Gristle
28p Booklet to Fetish 5Lp-Set Throbbing Gristle
44 Live and Studio Photos taken by Kevin Thorne of We Be Echo Throbbing Gristle
7 colour photocopies all signed and with two pages of notes explaining context and significance Throbbing Gristle
7 x TG Pins Throbbing Gristle
A Skullpture Vittore Baroni
A4 flyer TG and Bauhaus at The Guildhall Northampton, 26 May 1979 Throbbing Gristle
add for Nazi Suicide Tape Throbbing Gristle
Al Ackermans Arthur Turner Booklet Throbbing Gristle
Ali's Smile (Expanded Media Editions E.M.C.12) William S. Burroughs
Apocalypse A Gogo Nocturnal Emissions
Apocalypse A Gogo Throbbing Gristle
Archive Index by David Minshall (Scans by Simon Dell) Throbbing Gristle
Article by Walter ROvere in Contatto William S. Burroughs
Article in Sounds 26 November 1977 Throbbing Gristle
at Ajanta Cinema, Flyer, designed by Val Denham Throbbing Gristle
at Centro Iberico Throbbing Gristle
at Rafters Poster Throbbing Gristle
at Sheffield Poster April 1979 Throbbing Gristle at Sheffield Poster June 1980 (with Cabaret Voltaire) Throbbing Gristle
Autographs Book incl. S.P.K, Current 93, Maurizio Bianchi, Bourbonese Qualk, Pascal Comelade, Front de L'est, Daniele Ciulini, Nocturnal Emissions, Cabaret Voltaire... Vittore Baroni
AutopsiA Thanatopolis Book - Century is dead Autopsia
Bandphoto Throbbing Gristle
Bericht aus dem Bunker. Interviews, Gespräche, Gedanken. Bockris, Victor William S. Burroughs
Berlin SO36 Concert Poster Throbbing Gristle
Best wishes for X-Mas 1980 Postcard Throbbing Gristle
Can you fix us up with a gig postcard Throbbing Gristle
Cazazza in Vittore Mag Monte Cazazza
Chris Carter in front of TG Symbol Throbbing Gristle
Christmas Card Throbbing Gristle
Colour photocopy of original TG flash by Cosey Fanni Tutti signed by G-PO and blind stamped ‘P-Orridge with Everything Limited’. Ca. 1995. 207 x 279 mm Throbbing Gristle
Colour photograph of GP-O recording ‘Journey Through a Body’ in Rome. Inscribed on verso by GP-O. 131 x 88 mm Throbbing Gristle
Compliments slip 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Contribution to Tiegel und Tumult Vittore Baroni
Correspondence and xerox material sent to Vittore Baroni Monte Cazazza
Cosey COllage and letter Throbbing Gristle
Cosey Fanni Tutti Personality Card 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Cosey Funni Tutti Card/Poster Throbbing Gristle
D.O.A. the Third and Final Report Poster Throbbing Gristle
Dave Zack CV Nut Art Show 1974 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)
Dead City Radio William S. Burroughs
Die Katastrophe 11 Gerd Neuman about Tapes and Cassette culture Non Toxique Lost
Dokumente zu Ausstellungen Kleve 1961 und Kranenburg 1963 Joseph Beuys
Don Slepian "Electronic Music from the Rainbow Isle Tape Program Info Don Slepian
Entertaining the World Booklet Throbbing Gristle
Erotic Reversal (Tapocketa Press) Paul Buck
essential related Literature Throbbing Gristle
Fanzine Articles selected Throbbing Gristle
Final Solution Present a night with Industrial Records ... Monte Cazazza, The Leather Nun and Throbbing Gristle. 29 February 1980. Throbbing Gristle
Final Solution Present a Psychic Youth Rally Throbbing Gristle, A Certain Ratio & S.P.K. (Surgical Penis Klinik) in Heaven, 23 December 1980. Throbbing Gristle
Flyer "Victim of the Press" Throbbing Gristle
Flyer 1980.11.10 Frankfurt Städel Throbbing Gristle
flyer announcing a performance by Throbbing Gristle at the London Film-Makers' Co-op, London, 6th July (1978). Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Another Development for Tesco Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Assume Power Focus Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for 10th June 1980 Sheffiedl University (with Cabaret Voltaire) Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for F-Club Concert with Cazazza and Clock DVA Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Final Solution Present ... four nights at the Prince of Wales Conference Centre 1979, including Joy Division, Clock DVA, Cabaret Voltaire and Throbbing Gristle. Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Final Soultion Concert 7. April 1979 / The Institute for Continuing education Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Live Kezar Pavillion May 29th Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for TG at YMCA 3rd August 1979 designed by Val Denham. (see Wreckers 9.7.) Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Throbbing Gristle at Centro Iberico 21st January 1979 designed by Val Denham 297 x 210 mm. Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Throbbing Gristle's "After Cease To Exist" film presentation Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Music from the Death Factory Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Psychic Ralley in Heaven Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Rat Club 17th December 1977 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer The Institute of Continuing Education / Final Solution 7 April 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Union Hall 1978 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Unleash me to Everywhere Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Vets Auditorium Los Angeles, May 22nd, 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer, Mayor, I may resign Throbbing Gristle
Flyer: Hackney Gazette Press Throbbing Gristle
Frankfurt Poster Throbbing Gristle
Frankfurt Poster Throbbing Gristle
FRIGIDAIRE No. 6, April 1981, Primo Carnera publishing, Roma, Italy, Throbbing Gristle
Fruiting Body Promosheets Nocturnal Emissions
Funeral in Berlin Inserts to 10inch release Throbbing Gristle
Gary Gilmore Memorial Society T-Shirt Throbbing Gristle
Gen and Cosey in National Press Porn Mag Throbbing Gristle
Gen at Frankfurt Train Station 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Genesis P-Orridge and Throbbing Gristle in Hayward Annual 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Genetic Fear Flyer Industrial Music for Industrial People Throbbing Gristle
Genetic Fear Xerox original Throbbing Gristle
GGMS in Albrecht D's violent performante Monte Cazazza
Gig-Review in Damn Latin No.7 by Peter Polanyk Throbbing Gristle
Guildhall Northampton Poster Throbbing Gristle
Heathen Earth Poster Throbbing Gristle
Heaven and Lyceum 1980 and 81 Photos by Akiko Hada Throbbing Gristle
Industral Records Newsletters Throbbing Gristle
Industrial Music for Industrial People Poster Throbbing Gristle
Industrial News 4 November 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Industrial News Sept 3rd 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Industrial Records Postcard Throbbing Gristle
Industrial Records Promo Poster Monte Cazazza
Industrial Records Staff Throbbing Gristle
Info-Sticker to Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle
Infosheet Vittore Baroni
Insert to 24 Hour Box (but unsigned) Throbbing Gristle
Interview in The Convent Issue 1 Monte Cazazza
Invitation Card for Heathen Earth Studio Recording Throbbing Gristle
Invitation to the BADGE SHOW Vittore Baroni
IR 005 Promo Sheets Die Werkpiloten
IR Letter from Cosey re bounced cheque Throbbing Gristle
IR Letter from David Brooks re returned cheque 12th March 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Kezar Pavillon Ticket Throbbing Gristle
Klang & Skulptur: Der musikalische Aspekt im Werk von Joseph Beuys Joseph Beuys Kozmik Blues William S. Burroughs
Közmik Blues Burroughs Special William S. Burroughs
Les Musiques électroacoustiques - Couverture souple Chion, Michel; Reibel, Guy; Institut National De L'audiovisuel, Groupe De Recherches Musicales Guy Reibel
letter Culture does change the Residents
Letters by Chris Carter Throbbing Gristle
Letters by Jean Pierre Turmel Monte Cazazza
Life and Works Joseph Beuys
Live at Leeds Fan Club Flyer (with Clock DVA / Monte Cazza) Throbbing Gristle
Live Germany Tour, Photos by Arg/Gee Gleim Throbbing Gristle
Live Guildhall Northampton Flyer Throbbing Gristle
Live Leeds Flyer Throbbing Gristle
Live photos to Rafters Gig by Throbbing Gristle 4.Dec.1980 Throbbing Gristle
Live Posters 7th of April 1979 and 3rd of September 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Live SO36 Poster Throbbing Gristle
Lyric Sheet 'The World Is A War Film' Throbbing Gristle
Mail Art Correspondence Orgon Vittore Baroni
Mail Arts Eternal Network - A Fountain of Youth Vittore Baroni
Mailart 1986 Vittore Baroni
Mailart Postcard Vittore Baroni
Mailart-Postcard Vittore Baroni
Mailgram about Gary Gilmore Monte Cazazza
Matchbox Poem Vittore Baroni
Mayfair Academy Series William S. Burroughs
Mission is Terminated postcard Throbbing Gristle
Monte Cazazza Review SOmething NME 5 July 1980 Monte Cazazza
Monte Cazazza To Mom Proof Sleeve Monte Cazazza
Monte Cost break down for 7inch on Industrial Records Monte Cazazza
Music from the Death Factory Throbbing Gristle
Neutron Add in Stabmental No 2 Vice Versa
Nigel Ayers letter to Tommy Rinnstein Nocturnal Emissions
Nocturnal Emissions Fruiting Body Sterile Promo Poster Nocturnal Emissions
Nocturnal Emissions Information 1983 Nocturnal Emissions
Nocturnal Emissions printed in colour xerox by TRAX Unit 01 Piermario Ciani, London early Eighties. Nocturnal Emissions
Nothing Short of a total War postcard (supplement to Albrecht D's Violence Permanente Booklet of Reflection Press Throbbing Gristle
OCCULTURE T.O.P.Y. World Network - Volume 1, Number 1 Psychic TV
Oreiginal Telegram Show Offer 1981 for Roma to Peter Christopherson Throbbing Gristle
original photo to postcard Throbbing Gristle
Overview Sperm Culture
Personality card 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Peter Christopherson in front of TG Symbol Throbbing Gristle
Photo of members Throbbing Gristle
Photo Texas 1991 Zoviet France
Pin 1 (Industrial Music) Throbbing Gristle
Pin 2 (TG Logo red) Throbbing Gristle
Pin 3 (TG Logo red with symbol) Throbbing Gristle
Pin 4 (TG with white symbol) Throbbing Gristle
Plastic Logo to San Francisco Gig at KEZAR Throbbing Gristle
Portrait Photo Throbbing Gristle
Postcards Nocturnal Emissions
Poster 1981-05-29 USA-California-San Francisco Kezar Pavilion Throbbing Gristle
Poster Amerikanische Reihe Bayern 2 William S. Burroughs
Poster Butler's Warf 23th December 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Poster by Genesis P Orridge (Assume Power Focus) Throbbing Gristle
Poster Centro Iberico Throbbing Gristle
Poster Centro Iberico Throbbing Gristle
Poster Exhibition of degenerate Art Monte Cazazza
Poster for 19th May 1979 Manchester Factory Throbbing Gristle
Poster for 20 Jazz Funk Greats Throbbing Gristle
Poster for Control Agents to Throbbing Gristle - Brighton Polytech (26 March 1977) Throbbing Gristle
Poster for Kezar Pavillion with SRL, Factrix.. Monte Cazazza
Poster for TG's second Gig at Hat Fare Winchester of August 1976 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Goldsmith College Throbbing Gristle
Poster industrial Records Present a Final Solution for your LEAP YEAR SURPRISE Throbbing Gristle
Poster Kezar Pavillion Golden Gate Park 29th May 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Live 3.March 1978 Architectural Association Throbbing Gristle
Poster Live HEAVEN 23.December 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Poster London Scala Cinema 1980-02-29 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Mayor I may resign Throbbing Gristle
Poster Oundle School 16th March 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Texas 1991 Zoviet France
Poster Throbbing Gristle At the Air Gallery/Winchester 6th July 1976 Throbbing Gristle
Poster with Factrix for Los Angeles Monte Cazazza
Press Clipping to 3rd performance at Nag's Head Wycombe, 11 February 1977 Throbbing Gristle
Press Clippings Throbbing Gristle
Press Clippings to Prostitution Show at ICA Throbbing Gristle
Press Clips 79/80 Throbbing Gristle
Press Release Sub Human Adrenalin Throbbing Gristle
Press-clipping in Sounds 26.Nov 1977 (Sandy Robertson Article) Throbbing Gristle
Promo Info-Sheet to Journey Through a Body Lp Throbbing Gristle
Promo Postcard to Simon Fords "Wreckers of Civilisation Book" Throbbing Gristle
Promo Poster for Apocalyso A Gogo Nocturnal Emissions
Promo Sheets Industrial Records Monte Cazazza
Promo-Poster for three Industrial releases Throbbing Gristle
Proof Print to Monte Cazazzas To Mom on Mothers Day 7inch Monte Cazazza
Psychic TV Godstar postcard by Dorothy Max Prior Monte Cazazza
Publicity Card signed Throbbing Gristle
Rafters Poster and Ticket signed Throbbing Gristle
Rat Club Poster 22 May, 1977 Throbbing Gristle
RE/Research T-Shirt William S. Burroughs
Review of "Tom Mom on Mother's Day" 7inch by Tom Castle in Perfroamnce Magazine 02, 1979 Monte Cazazza
ROCKSTAR N. 12, Sept 1981, Actual media, Roma, Italy, p. 14: Red Ronnie, Throbbing Gristle (re TG end) Throbbing Gristle
Roosevelt after Inauguration William S. Burroughs
Royalty Statement for Industrial Records Release Monte Cazazza
s/t (Studio Brescia Numero 21) Joseph Beuys
Sacred Music from the Death Factory envelope Throbbing Gristle
Second Annual Report Sticker Throbbing Gristle
selected Industrial Records Press Clippings Throbbing Gristle
selected Pins and Badges by TG, PTV, Coum Throbbing Gristle
selected Press Cuttings Poster ICA October 1976 Throbbing Gristle
selected Throbbing Gristle and related Shirts from Jordi Valls Throbbing Gristle
Setlist for Reunion Show Throbbing Gristle
several Concert Flyers Throbbing Gristle
Several Video-Tapes Throbbing Gristle
Shirt for T-Shirt Exhibition at APROPOS Vittore Baroni
Shock Factory – Culture visuelle des musiques industrielles (1969-1995) Nicolas Ballet Various
signed Hotel Room Publicity Card Throbbing Gristle
Signed Inserts to 24 Hour Tape-Box-Set Throbbing Gristle
Signed Sheet for Rafters (never again....) Throbbing Gristle
six black and white photographs of environs of Hackney Throbbing Gristle
Slug Bait Flyer Throbbing Gristle
SO36 Poster Throbbing Gristle Songs Of Love And Revolution Nocturnal Emissions
Songs of Love and Revolution Promo Photo Nocturnal Emissions
Sticker 'Music from the Death factory' to backside of Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle
Sticker Music from the Death Factory and TG Logo Sticker Throbbing Gristle
Sticker TG Throbbing Gristle
Studies towards a Portrait (Lobby Press) Paul Buck
T-Gasm Issue 1 Throbbing Gristle
T-Gasm Issue 3 Throbbing Gristle
T-Gasm No.1-5 Throbbing Gristle
Tape-Overview William S. Burroughs
Text Facts Throbbing Gristle
TG Buttons (each) Throbbing Gristle
TG Christmas Greetings to Monte Throbbing Gristle
TG Enamels (not TG but Townswomen Guild) Throbbing Gristle
TG Heaven Video Bootleg COver Throbbing Gristle
TG in Melodie Maker 23-12-78 Throbbing Gristle
TG in Spät aber Doch Throbbing Gristle
TG Interview (Part 1) with Genesis P Orridge in AURA Issue 1 Throbbing Gristle
TG Patches Throbbing Gristle
TG Questionnaire Throbbing Gristle
TG Sticker Throbbing Gristle
TG with Robert Rental the Normal Cabaret Voltaire and Metabolist at the Crypt 11.11.1980 Throbbing Gristle
The Best of William S. Burroughs (Mouth Almighty Records) Box with Book and with 4CD's William S. Burroughs
The Book of Breeeething (Overdrive Book) 1975 William S. Burroughs
The Dead Star (Nova Broadcast 5) 1969 William S. Burroughs
The Industrial Revolution Sounds 1980 Throbbing Gristle
The Movie (Shirt) William S. Burroughs
The TG Catalogue by Flowmotion Records Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Forgive Us Our Synths Sounds 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Pin Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Promo-Poster (A Riot of Laughter) Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Psychic Youth Rally at Thee Lyceum 8th February 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Publicity Card, hotel room. 302 x 211 mm. Throbbing Gristle
Ticket for Northampton Guildhall Throbbing Gristle
Tide of Availability (Pressed Curtains performance series) Paul Buck
Tourposter "Entertaining the World" Tottenham Throbbing Gristle, Monte Cazzaza, Leather Nun Throbbing Gristle
Tract Volume 1 Nr.1 (May 1982) Nocturnal Emissions
True Gore Poster Monte Cazazza
Two Concert Posters Throbbing Gristle
two original Shirts Throbbing Gristle
Two Stickers (TG Symbol and Assume) Throbbing Gristle
Unforgettable Characters (Xochi Press, 2001) William S. Burroughs
United / Zyklon B Lyric Sheet (came with early versions of United / Zyklon B 7inch) Throbbing Gristle
United / Zyklon B Promo Flyer Throbbing Gristle
United / Zyklon B Promo Poster Throbbing Gristle
V/S USA Address Listing Margaret Freeman
VEC Audio Associated Artists: Directory of adresses VEC Audio Associated Artists
Veterans Auditorium 5-22-1981 Vox Pop Flyer Throbbing Gristle
Vice Versa 1st fifteen mins advert Vice Versa
Vice Versa and Human League Poster Vice Versa
Vice Versa in NME 1980 Vice Versa
Vice Versa in Spex 1980 Vice Versa
Vice Versa in Strange Sounds Number 1 Vice Versa Vice Versa in ZigZag 1978 Vice Versa
Vice Versa Information Jazz Drugs Vice Versa
Vice Versa NT002 Datapack Vice Versa
Vice Versa search for visuals operator Vice Versa
Victims of.. Throbbing Gristle
Vintage Photo in Hotel Room (standing) Throbbing Gristle
Vintage Throbbing Gristle ‘Death Factory’ Black and White photograph by Monte Cazazza. 10 x 8 inches. Circa 1977-78. Throbbing Gristle
Wakefield Poster (designed by Monte Cazazza) Throbbing Gristle
Walter Hartmann Archiv pictures Throbbing Gristle
Werken Joseph Beuys Werken in Het Fluxus-Archief Joseph Beuys
Werkpiloten Postcard-Set of 4 Postcards in clear bag Die Werkpiloten
Wreckers of Civilisation Throbbing Gristle
‘Weeping’ Lyrics by Throbbing Gristle 1978. A4 Vintage photocopy, age related tanning and couple of small rust marks on verso. Throbbing Gristle
´Ticket for Centro Iberico gig 21st January 1979. 110 x 57 mm Throbbing Gristle
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